Marital rape is real

Is marital rape real?

  • Yes

    Votes: 58 69.9%
  • No

    Votes: 29 34.9%

  • Total voters
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Yes, you are free to take a self-righteous position and simply see anyone who disagrees with you as scum rather than simply have a respectful discussion.

When did I say anything about slapping the woman? I haven't said anything about slapping women. As I understand it, you use the miswak.

What so you think you can use a miswak just when you are about to have sex?

Scroll up and actually look at the daleels and islamic commentaries I posted on the topic. I even provided the link.
If you can show me where Quran or Sunnah affirm that there is something called "marital rape" and that it's haraam then you're free to show me.

Marital rape is a form of sexual abuse and assault.

Do you even know the difference between normal sex and what sexual abuse is?

Is forced intercourse usually accompanied with violence a normal form of sex for you?

Omar del Sur

Marital rape is a form of sexual abuse and assault.

Do you even know the difference between normal sex and what sexual abuse is?

Is forced intercourse usually accompanied with violence a normal form of sex for you?

I think you learned your concepts about sex from white people.

Intercourse with violence? What violence? I have no idea what you're talking about.

I haven't said anything about violence.
If the wife disobeys the commands of her husband, he should beat her with a miswak/a tree branch toothbrush until she complies with the husband’s demands. Is she a child? You can’t reason about marital rape with someone who believes in such a feudal society philosophy about modern family dynamics. Having you noticed these societies are the most backward, lesser educated and more prone to violence!! To each their own.
Exactly!!!! :noneck:
It’s not far fetched for someone who believes a woman will be cursed by angels if she doesn’t have sex, and that a woman has to obey every command of a man to also believe that marital rape isn’t a thing. I’m not the least bit shocked.
I think you learned your concepts about sex from white people.

Intercourse with violence? What violence? I have no idea what you're talking about.

I haven't said anything about violence.

That is what marital rape entails. The wife says no and then the husband forces it by overpowering her and then hitting and slapping sometimes in order to keep her still. If you think that is normal sex then you are sick. Something that is meant to be loving and bring people closer together cannot be something that is forced.

This isn't a 'white' concept. Abuse in every form has always existed. Whilst early scholars did not refer to it as 'rape' they still thought of it as abuse and reprehensible.

Here is what I have found. The link along with qoutes of Ayah and Quraan is also found on the page and my previous post:

Nevertheless, forced sexual intercourse within marriage falls under another prohibited legal category in Islamic law: harming the wife. The classical scholars upheld the fundamental right of a wife to be free from harm. If a man forces his wife into sexual intercourse against her will, he can only do so by harming her and this makes his action unlawful. Marital rape, then, is more properly understood as an issue of domestic violence, an issue that was well-known to Muslim jurists since the time of the Prophet until today and for which we have ample precedent.

It is clear, that this is not a new concept for the early Muslims and scholars. Whilst they might not have seen it as rape, they still saw it as ABUSE which you ignorantly refuse to even acknowledge.

I really shouldn't have to tell you this or even need to provide articles ect as anyone with an ounce of humanity would not want to coerce another human in that way or even think this is normal sex

Omar del Sur

That is what marital rape entails. The wife says no and then the husband forces it by overpowering her and then hitting and slapping sometimes in order to keep her still. If you think that is normal sex then you are sick.

This isn't a 'white' concept. Abuse in every form has always existed. Whilst early scholars did not refer to it as 'rape' they still thought of it as abuse and reprehensible.

Here is what I have found. The link along with qoutes of Ayah and Quraan is also found on the page and my previous post:

Nevertheless, forced sexual intercourse within marriage falls under another prohibited legal category in Islamic law: harming the wife. The classical scholars upheld the fundamental right of a wife to be free from harm. If a man forces his wife into sexual intercourse against her will, he can only do so by harming her and this makes his action unlawful. Marital rape, then, is more properly understood as an issue of domestic violence, an issue that was well-known to Muslim jurists since the time of the Prophet until today and for which we have ample precedent.

It is clear, that this is not a new concept for the early Muslims and scholars. Whilst they might not have seen it as rape, they still saw it as ABUSE which you ignorantly refuse to even acknowledge.

I really shouldn't have to tell you this or even need to provide articles ect as anyone with an ounce of humanity would not want to coerce another human in that way or even think this is normal sex

Why do you keep making stuff up about my position? I haven't said anything slapping her or hitting her and now you're talking about me slapping her, hitting her and apparently even forcing her at twig-point

What so you think you can use a miswak just when you are about to have sex?

if I was going to start forcing people to do things at miswak-point, I think I'd go into the bank and tell them to give me the cash or I nudge them with the miswak and then hold some hostages at miswak-point.......

also, that is your big evidence? that article? I already saw it...... google does not make you a scholar

"The concept of rape in marriage is a new problem confronting Muslims in modern times.... The concept of marital rape as a legal category did not appear in any law tradition until the year 1949"

that is what the article says.... I respect the author but the author cucks..... maybe his wife was threatening him with a miswak

anyways, Quran and Sunnah is binding.... not what some guy giving in upon being pressured by colonialism says
Why do you keep making stuff up about my position? I haven't said anything slapping her or hitting her and now you're talking about me slapping her, hitting her and apparently even forcing her at twig-point

if I was going to start forcing people to do things at miswak-point, I think I'd go into the bank and tell them to give me the cash or I nudge them with the miswak and then hold some hostages at miswak-point.......

also, that is your big evidence? that article? I already saw it...... google does not make you a scholar

"The concept of rape in marriage is a new problem confronting Muslims in modern times.... The concept of marital rape as a legal category did not appear in any law tradition until the year 1949"

that is what the article says.... I respect the author but the author cucks..... maybe his wife was threatening him with a miswak

anyways, Quran and Sunnah is binding.... not what some guy giving in upon being pressured by colonialism says

I've also provided an article from hadith of the day.

Calling it marital rape is a new concept, but Muslims have always seen it as abuse. I have made that clear, yet you are hellbent in trying to misunderstand me so that you can peddle your disgusting view.

Where is your daleel that a man can force himself on his wife? If Quraan and Sunnah is what you follow show me the daleel that is considered acceptable?

That is what sexual abuse is, forcing also involves physical force. You think a husband can legally do this.


Imagine being raped by your own husband, what happens the next day?

Are you supposed to go on the next day as normal?

“Hey hunny how did you sleep last night?”

This forum makes me so paranoid I wonder if all Somali men are like this...


"The husband cannot be guilty of a rape committed by himself upon his lawful wife, for by their mutual consent and contract the wife hath given up herself in this kind unto her husband, which she cannot retract."

-Sir Matthew Hale

Sir Mathew Hale was born in the early 1600s. It’s nice to know you use the medieval white man to support your claims. Omar you do a better job than any gaal on this forum to make Islam look bad.

Omar del Sur

Sir Mathew Hale was born in the early 1600s. It’s nice to know you use the medieval white man to support your claims. Omar you do a better job than any gaal on this forum to make Islam look bad.

He articulates it well.

Yes, I understand- you are for the elimination of everything that is traditional. So the idea of having respect for traditional values "looks bad" to you. I'm fine with offending the sensibilities of the walk crowd.

Omar del Sur

I've also provided an article from hadith of the day.

Calling it marital rape is a new concept, but Muslims have always seen it as abuse. I have made that clear, yet you are hellbent in trying to misunderstand me so that you can peddle your disgusting view.

Yes, my view is disgusting allegedly. And I'm Adolf Hitler if I believe there are two genders allegedly as well.

You can call me a "deplorable" or such things all you want but people are getting desensitized to the leftist tactics and the left continues to lose, lose and lose some more.


He articulates it well.

Yes, I understand- you are for the elimination of everything that is traditional. So the idea of having respect for traditional values "looks bad" to you. I'm fine with offending the sensibilities of the walk crowd.

If raping your wife with a toothbrush stick is your idea of traditional values then keep it.


the notion had never crossed my mind

You do make Islam look very barbaric and evil. If a Muslim woman was thinking of leaving and she saw you talking about how women should be raped with toothbrushes- do you not think she would leave? I can’t imagine Prophet Muhammad would be carrying out the acts you’ve just described but you preach about these ideas using his teachings. How interesting.

Omar del Sur

You do make Islam look very barbaric and evil. If a Muslim woman was thinking of leaving and she saw you talking about how women should be raped with toothbrushes- do you not think she would leave? I can’t imagine Prophet Muhammad would be carrying out the acts you’ve just described but you preach about these ideas using his teachings. How interesting.

Why does your side need to lie?

I haven't said anything advocating forcing women at twig-point. Now I'm supposedly having had preached a position I'd never even thought of? You have taken a completely fictitious point and ran with it.


Why does your side need to lie?

I haven't said anything advocating forcing women at twig-point. Now I'm supposedly having had preached a position I'd never even thought of? You have taken a completely fictitious point and ran with it.

Sweety you just said when a woman agrees to marry you that is the consent for sex and that there is no such thing as marital sex. As if the woman is your belonging as soon as she marries you. I’m not putting any words in your mouth- the men here have told us how they would implement this, first with the threat of angels cursing her and then the toothbrush stick. Very grim stuff. God help the woman who marries you.

Omar del Sur

Sweety you just said when a woman agrees to marry you that is the consent for sex and that there is no such thing as marital sex. As if the woman is your belonging as soon as she marries you. I’m not putting any words in your mouth- the men here have told us how they would implement this, first with the threat of angels cursing her and then the toothbrush stick. Very grim stuff. God help the woman who marries you.

nudging a woman with a twig: "very grim stuff"

maybe you could make a documentary about twig victims
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