Marrying South Asian girls is the new wave for somali men in the UK.

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You're an ignoramus. You inherit your religion, lineage/ancestry from your Father's side in Islam.

According to Shari‘ah, a person should be attributed to his ancestral lineage through his Father. Allah Ta‘āla mentions in the Qur’ān:

ادْعُوهُمْ لِآبائِهِمْ هُوَ أَقْسَطُ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ

Call them by [the names of] their Fathers; it is more just in the sight of Allah.[33:5]

Have you tested your y-lineage (paternal)?

What if you have Highland Ethiopian Y-DNA, but 95% Somali autosomal ancestry. Should we reject you as Somali?

It can lead to such weird scenarios.


You're an ignoramus. You inherit your religion, lineage/ancestry from your Father's side in Islam.

According to Shari‘ah, a person should be attributed to his ancestral lineage through his Father. Allah Ta‘āla mentions in the Qur’ān:

ادْعُوهُمْ لِآبائِهِمْ هُوَ أَقْسَطُ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ

Call them by [the names of] their Fathers; it is more just in the sight of Allah.[33:5]
No, the ignorant person is you. Where in this verse does it say anything about ancestry or ethnicity? NO WHERE! Stop lying on the Qur’an and Islam, it does not encourage race mixing nor does it say that you take after your fathers ethnicity or ancestry. Your ancestry is made up of both your fathers and your mothers background.
Have you tested your Y-DNA (paternal lineage)?

What if you have Highland Ethiopian Y-DNA, but 95% Somali autosomal ancestry. Should we reject you as Somali?
No i haven't taken a DNA test myself yet.

As far as I'm aware, i don't have any non-Somalis down the line.
No, the ignorant person is you. Where in this verse does it say anything about ancestry or ethnicity? NO WHERE! Stop lying on the Qur’an and Islam, it does not encourage race mixing nor does it say that you take after your fathers ethnicity or ancestry. Your ancestry is made up of both your fathers and your mothers background.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Whoever claims to belong to anyone other than his father on him will be the curse of Allaah and the angels and all the people.

(Reported by Ibn Maajah, 2599; Saheeh al-Jaami, 6104).
No, the ignorant person is you. Where in this verse does it say anything about ancestry or ethnicity? NO WHERE! Stop lying on the Qur’an and Islam, it does not encourage race mixing nor does it say that you take after your fathers ethnicity or ancestry. Your ancestry is made up of both your fathers and your mothers background.
Stupid nationalist.

You lack knowledge on the deen, since your mind is clouded by nationalist nonsense. Nigga is trying so hard to deny Islam's position on race-mixing.


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Whoever claims to belong to anyone other than his father on him will be the curse of Allaah and the angels and all the people.

(Reported by Ibn Maajah, 2599; Saheeh al-Jaami, 6104).
It’s haram to claim a different lineage other than your own. Meaning, a Somali adopted child can not claim the lineage of his adopted Somali father for example.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Whoever claims to belong to anyone other than his father on him will be the curse of Allaah and the angels and all the people.

(Reported by Ibn Maajah, 2599; Saheeh al-Jaami, 6104).
Its clear cut verses like this that confirm your Ancestral lineage can only be passed down through the Father.


The Hadith is about ancestry not ethnicity. Are you gonna tell us that the Hadiths only apply to inner marriages now? Bismillaah
No it doesn’t. If you want to marry a non-Somali, then go for it. Just don’t apply your twisted opinions on Islam.
No it doesn’t. If you want to marry a non-Somali, then go for it. Just don’t apply your twisted opinions on Islam.
If I have kids with ajnabi they still take my ancestry according to Shariah and would be Marehan. Are you denying that now?
They would automatically be part of a Somali clan.


If I have kids with ajnabi they still take my ancestry according to Shariah and would be Marehan. Are you denying that now?
They would automatically be part of a Somali clan.
They would belong to a qabiil and would take after your name, but I don’t consider them to be Somalis.



Somalis used to adopt Oromo children and give them give them their lineage, and assimilate them into the Somali clan system.

“The Oromo captives also mostly consisted of young children and women, both of whom were taken into the families of their abductors; men were usually killed during the raids. Oromo boys and girls were adopted by their Somali patrons as their own children. In some cases, entire Oromo clans were assimilated on a client basis into the Somali clan system.”

I don’t consider these Oromo children to be Somali just because they have a qabiil, but their great grandchildren? Of course.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
No, the ignorant person is you. Where in this verse does it say anything about ancestry or ethnicity? NO WHERE! Stop lying on the Qur’an and Islam, it does not encourage race mixing nor does it say that you take after your fathers ethnicity or ancestry. Your ancestry is made up of both your fathers and your mothers background.

Shut up you ignorant f*ck. You're just debating for the sake of debating now. They brought you an ayah and a hadeeth and you're still talking.


Shut up you ignorant f*ck. You're just debating for the sake of debating now. They brought you an ayah and a hadeeth and you're still talking.
Aren’t you the guy that said that Islam allows a father to kill their children and even brought so called “evidence” when debating with @HalimaJ ?

Lol, you have zero credibility to me.



Somalis used to adopt Oromo children and give them give them their lineage, and assimilate them into the Somali clan system.

“The Oromo captives also mostly consisted of young children and women, both of whom were taken into the families of their abductors; men were usually killed during the raids. Oromo boys and girls were adopted by their Somali patrons as their own children. In some cases, entire Oromo clans were assimilated on a client basis into the Somali clan system.”

I don’t consider these Oromo children to be Somali just because they have a qabiil, but their grandchildren and great grandchildren would be Somali.

Most Marehan aren't heavily Oromo admixed. Some of them joined analyses done by PuntDNAL's study and they cluster mostly with Somalia Somalis.

Also, they score low Ethiopian on 23andMe (high Eri-Ethio scores are indicative of Oromo admixture). It may have been isolated to a few Marehan villages rather than their entire tribe.


Most Marehan aren't heavily Oromo admixed. Some of them joined analyses done by PuntDNAL's study and they cluster mostly with Somalia Somalis.

Also, they score low Ethiopian on 23andMe (high Eri-Ethio scores are indicative of Oromo admixture). It may have been isolated to a few Marehan villages rather than their entire tribe.
Imgine if all Cushitic and Ethio-Semitic people had the same DNA. Would be pretty great.
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