Masjid al-Qiblatayn, Oldest Musjid in Somaliweyn

Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement

Early history of Zeila and the Mosque.

"See Masjid al-Qiblatayn Mosque, the city’s oldest Islamic site, dating back to only a few decades after the Hijra of Muhammad. Every year, crowds of devotees flock to see the final resting place of Sheikh Babu Dena, which is inclidued in the site. Although the ancient building is partly in ruins, you can still clearly see the two "mihrabs" (Muslim prayer niches)--one facing Mecca, and the other facing Jerusalem. "

The Tomb of Sheikh Babu Dena is included within the mosque, attracting siyaaro.

Somali Sufis 1

Abdul Wahhab 0

Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement

Early history of Zeila and the Mosque.

"See Masjid al-Qiblatayn Mosque, the city’s oldest Islamic site, dating back to only a few decades after the Hijra of Muhammad. Every year, crowds of devotees flock to see the final resting place of Sheikh Babu Dena, which is inclidued in the site. Although the ancient building is partly in ruins, you can still clearly see the two "mihrabs" (Muslim prayer niches)--one facing Mecca, and the other facing Jerusalem. "

The Tomb of Sheikh Babu Dena is included within the mosque, attracting siyaaro.

Somali Sufis 1

Abdul Wahhab 0
Do you know who Sheikh Babu Dena was?
Do you know who Sheikh Babu Dena was?

I can't find much. He was apparently one of the Sahaba who migrated to what was then Abyssinia from Makkah to avoid persecution before the Hijrah. Given the Siyaaro and the timing, I suspect he was probably one of the very first missionaries, way before Isaaq and Darood..

caption to a photo:

"Whats remaining of the Masjid al Qiblatayn in Zeila, Northern Somalia. It was built in the 7th century by Companions of the prophet who had fled Makkah to Abyssinia before the Hijrah."

This would be a good research project.

Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement
I can't find much. He was apparently one of the Sahaba who migrated to what was then Abyssinia from Makkah to avoid persecution before the Hijrah. Given the Siyaaro and the timing, I suspect he was probably one of the very first missionaries, way before Isaaq and Darood..

caption to a photo:

"Whats remaining of the Masjid al Qiblatayn in Zeila, Northern Somalia. It was built in the 7th century by Companions of the prophet who had fled Makkah to Abyssinia before the Hijrah."

This would be a good research project.
Zelia was apart of Aksum back then? When did it become Somali?


Professional Attention Provider
Pls don’t let them paint over it in a ugly bright color plsplsplsplsplspslpls


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