Massacre done by sections of SNM in Somaliland region remembered in Borama (4 February 1991)

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May the have Janatul Firdowsa
This day will never be forgotten


There's no evidence of this massacre happening. Here is what really happened.'

Abdirahman Aw Ali a Gadabursi man and another guy from HA were the ones who lead the peace talks in Awdal region.

This is what happened because so much lies are being spread around here.

1. Ethiopia did not participate in this war because Mengetsu was deposed in 1991 and Ethiopia had their own little civil war going on so how could they possibly interfere with Somalia's civil war?

2. Gadabursi aligned themselves with Siad Barre when Jibril Abakor offered them to join SNM. They made themselves a clear enemy.

3. Gadabursi militia heavily armed by Siad Barre massacred Jibril Abokor people first in Gabiley district and tried to take our land.

4. General Jidhif who led the 99 SNM division did not massacre Gadabursi. This is all false. His mother who was Gadabursi actually stopped him. All he did was erase SNA presence in Awdal region and karbashed the evil Gadabursi militia that committed horrendous crimes against Jibril Abokor civilians.

5. Muuse Biixi had nothing to do this. He was part of another SNM division that were liberating Hargeisa and Fararweyne against Afweyne.

6. Peace talks were made after general Jidhif accomplished his mission. After that Gadabursi pledge loyalty to Somaliland.
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Mengistu's destruction of the Gadabursi was the biggest problem. Constant attacks and bombings and barrage of mortar from Ethiopia was a reality in 1991.


Combined SNM-Ethiopian attack on Borama:


African Review: World of Information, 1992.

The 1984, bombing of Borama
My Memory of February 4 In 1991 And Borama’s Genocide.
Part 2: By Cabdale Faarah Sigad

Few minutes later the SNM killers smashed our door and came into the house. While their accompanies ;(Mengistu’s troops) were guarding them outside. Helplessly my young cousin Abdi and I could hear the screams and the cries for help coming from our family and there was no damn thing we could do but to lay on our tummies and pray to God to spare our family. We also could hear the men demanding Jewellery and other family savings while they were terrorising them.

My cousin Abdi who was two years younger than me panicked as we were laying down and he tried to get up but I held him down. While we were both frightened to death, shots were fired in the house adding to our fears, and at that split second I remember what my aunty had told us while we were going on the roof, she told us (What ever happen don’t come down). I grabbed my cousin’s shirt and held him down thinking that he may jump, or maybe I was scared that he may give away our cover.

Any way for some strange reasons everything gone quiet in the house after a gun shot approximately half a minute or so. Then the screams and cries started again. I knew my aunt’s voice and believe me even though she was crying I was relieve she was still alive after that gunshots. (Little had I known).

What was roughly about 30 minutes of incursion and massacre felt like a century of a torture, then the gunmen left the house but not far away and while they were outside the house, they fire about five or more shots but we didn’t know why and who the shots were aimed to. Then they went as far as to our next door neighbour and it was not yet safe for us to come down. But we could sense something horrific had happened to our family because my aunty couldn’t stop crying and we couldn’t hear any other voice. So in my wishful thought, or may be my selfishness I had invented a thought and told myself if I could hear my aunt’s voice that meant she was still alive and as I was not hearing the pregnant woman’s voice may be she was her who got shot.( I feel pathetic now about that selfish thought)

The gunmen started to terrorise our next door neighbour and the nightmare which visited our family earlier, this time was slaughtering our neighbour and gun fires were going off inside their house but little we could have done to help them. I remember just before these wicked men came to our neighbourhood eight members of a same family were present in their home our next door neighbour, and I knew that because I was in their house playing Ludo with my friend Hussein who was one of four sons in the family just before we heard the Enemy’s arrival. We also could hear from where we were their mother pleading the gunmen to spare her sons and her husband. Then all of sudden a separate incident of gun fires begun outside and those men in the house went out. Another thirty minutes of genocide was over and it was a time for me and for my cousin to come down and see what happened to our family.

Soon was clear to us the despicable atrocity those evil men committed. My Aunty was sitting in a pool of blood in front of the toilet and a moment or so, I thought that my aunty was wounded but I soon found out my 11years old cousin Nimco had been murdered. They shot Nimco because the men were bit jumpy and she came out from the toilet unexpectedly while they were rampaging in the house and assaulting other members in the house. Apparently Nimco had been shot until their bullet cases were empty and every part of her body had a bullet holes.

She was in my aunt’s lap and my aunty was sitting in a pool of her daughter’s blood and her face and cloth were all painted with a blood. For a moment I didn’t know where I was nor did I know what to do. I didn’t know even whether to comfort my aunty or to run away or to cry. Believe me it felt like doomsday. Then I saw my cousin Abdi who fainted and fell onto the floor when he saw the blood and I tried to help him because he fell on to the floor in a bad way but I couldn’t move. It felt like one of these nightmare dreams, where you try to run away from something scary but you can’t move your legs.

However Abdi regained his conscious and managed to get up without my help and I decided to move towards my aunty. As I was walking towards her I slipped and fell on to the floor next to my aunt because every where around her was full of blood. She looked at me and said (Mohamed) I still don’t know if she thought if I was her son Mohamed who was not with us at the time or if she was asking me where he was but I knew she was worrying about him.


Source: ... enocide-2/
So the real story is more like:

During the civil war, the Gadabursi were divided into three distinct fighting groups.

1) Those who were fighting in Zeila and the coastal areas against the Ciise. These included clans such as the Maxamed Case.

2) Horyal Democratic party which was fighting against Mengistu inside Ethiopia.

3) Reer Nuur militia which was fighting against the SNM.

SNM started telling the Ethiopian government that there are OLF fighters operating in Borama so the Ethiopians bombed and shelled Borama, civilians were killed. The militia left Borama and then the SNM came in.

That's the real story.

Having said that... The past is the past. Those who died AUN. It was a civil war so it was expected. No point in bringing back the past, let's leave 1991 in 1991. It's time to look to the future now.
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Mengistu's destruction of the Gadabursi was the biggest problem. Constant attacks and bombings and barrage of mortar from Ethiopia was a reality in 1991.


Combined SNM-Ethiopian attack on Borama:


African Review: World of Information, 1992.

The 1984, bombing of Borama
How could mengistu help SNM in 1991 when at that time he was fighting the EPLF. Also in the 1984 Ethopia bombed Baydhabo, so were SNM Baydhabo as well? The only "evidence" you have is some report from radio Halgan.
How could mengistu help SNM in 1991 when at that time he was fighting the EPLF. Also in the 1984 Ethopia bombed Baydhabo, so were SNM Baydhabo as well? The only "evidence" you have is some report from radio Halgan.

My brother we can disagree on the turn of events and how they played out...

Just because he was fighting EPLf doesn't mean he wasn't fighting the OLF too.
The main reason why Mengistu attacked Borama was because he was informed that apparently there were Oromo fighters in Borama.
Reer Borama know this very well. The tanks didn't even enter Borama, they were shelling from Ethiopia.

Two major attacks were reported:

1984 when there was a bombing.

The one where the SNM were accused of collaboration mainly was 1991.


Mengistu's destruction of the Gadabursi was the biggest problem. Constant attacks and bombings and barrage of mortar from Ethiopia was a reality in 1991.


Combined SNM-Ethiopian attack on Borama:


African Review: World of Information, 1992.

The 1984, bombing of Borama

These are false reports made by reer Borama. Mengistu had his own insurgencies going on when Somalia had their own civil war. There are no Ethiopian documents of them invading Somalia. You have to remember Mengistu lost power around 1991 because he was fighting against his own rebels. He was no different to Siad Barre. It's like saying Siad Barre invaded Ethiopia because SNM or SSDF was hiding in Ethiopia. It's ridicolous sxb.

I really don't like talking about this topic especially with you but this is straight up lies.
These are false reports made by reer Borama. Mengistu had his own insurgencies going on when Somalia had their own civil war. There are no Ethiopian documents of them invading Somalia. You have to remember Mengistu lost power around 1991 because he was fighting against his own rebels. He was no different to Siad Barre. It's like saying Siad Barre invaded Ethiopia because SNM or SSDF was hiding in Ethiopia. It's ridicolous sxb.

I really don't like talking about this topic especially with you but this is straight up lies.


Let's look to the future and forget the past, I don't even care about it. Whatever happened it's no big deal. It was a civil war. Somalis all killed eachother. AUN to the dead

We are Somalis and we have bigger enemies in the region. Time to come together.



Let's look to the future and forget the past, I don't even care about it. Whatever happened it's no big deal. It was a civil war. Somalis all killed eachother. AUN to the dead

We are Somalis and we have bigger enemies in the region. Time to come together.

We already did sxb. We made peace treaties and agreed to develop our regions. Now look at the progress Awdal and the rest of Somaliland made after the civil war. We even had a Gadabursi president leading Somaliland. We've truly improved but we still have a lot more room for improvement.

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
Ethiopians were facing two frontal war In 1991 and staring defeat in the face from Eritrean liberation (EPLF) and Ethiopian liberation movement (EPRDF) yet they had the capability to assist the SNM in taking Borama? Not possible

Literally 3 months later Mingustu was ousted from Addis Ababa


Reformation of Somaliland
Ethiopians were facing two frontal war In 1991 and staring defeat in the face from Eritrean liberation (EPLF) and Ethiopian liberation movement (EPRDF) yet they had the capability to assist the SNM in taking Borama? Not possible

Literally 3 months later Mingustu was ousted from Addis Ababa

History Revisionism is what Somalis do best, they cannot take Somaliland on Militarily or Diplomaticly so they're trying to take it out from the cure and de-legitimise it. Not gonna work.

You may plan but Allah is the best of planners

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