Massive Breaking News! Obama Doesn't Believe Kamala Harris Can Beat Trump, Which Is Why He Hasn't Endorsed Her — NY Post!


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Aint gonna lie life under obama was a whole lot more peaceful, that is if you ignore his straight up evil foreign policy


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
There is no contradiction. I am proudly #teamKamala.

Yes I support Kamala Harris and yes I believe a nation that puts a woman as their leader will not succeed. There is no contradiction.

What someone wants for Somalia isn't necessarily the same as what they want for Ethiopia.
emphasis on leaders, I'd thought a person like you would know but these presidents are simply interchangeable figureheads with varying political flavors.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Kamala probably won’t win. It’ll be narrow, and trump will just about clinch it, however has anyone asked themselves what a trump presidency might look like? Might be worse than Kamala for the Muslims imo
I've thought about it a little, I mean its not gonna be good. Name me a good presidency for Muslims? None honestly. We gotta look at the residual impact.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
yes but I would rather the interchangeable figurehead NOT push white nationalism or be a rallying point for it.
True , but trump doesn't really push white nationalism in the way the media portrays it. Yes, a % of his followers definitely support that idea. but still we gotta look at the residual impact. Yeah we might have a rude leader who runs his mouth . But, with trump im more than certain the economic situation will be better. I know the economy is controlled by the fed, but surely he will apply some pressure. Thats his entire slogan, make america great again ie make it the way it was when I was president. and I dont know if you remember but everything economically speaking was better than. and in a country in which both parties essentially support the same thing but different approaches. Choosing the one who has a better economic policy is way more important.

Also even tho a % of his followers are for white nationalism, you what is 100% of his followers? Conservatives people who dont like the degenerate crap pushed by liberals. As a muslim this is a massive plus, seeing how they have been trying to put rainbow stuff in schools in my own community even, have some delay or ban on that would be appreciated and I know mr trump will deliver.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
True , but trump doesn't really push white nationalism in the way the media portrays it. Yes, a % of his followers definitely support that idea. but still we gotta look at the residual impact. Yeah we might have a rude leader who runs his mouth . But, with trump im more than certain the economic situation will be better. I know the economy is controlled by the fed, but surely he will apply some pressure. Thats his entire slogan, make america great again ie make it the way it was when I was president. and I dont know if you remember but everything economically speaking was better than. and in a country in which both parties essentially support the same thing but different approaches. Choosing the one who has a better economic policy is way more important.

Also even tho a % of his followers are for white nationalism, you what is 100% of his followers? Conservatives people who dont like the degenerate crap pushed by liberals. As a muslim this is a massive plus, seeing how they have been trying to put rainbow stuff in schools in my own community even, have some delay or ban on that would be appreciated and I know mr trump will deliver.

he doesn't but he is a rallying point for it. and they would have genuinely different policies (at least in some areas). as I said before, I want Mexicoweyn and Kamala is the Mexicoweyn candidate.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
he doesn't but he is a rallying point for it. and they would have genuinely different policies (at least in some areas). as I said before, I want Mexicoweyn and Kamala is the Mexicoweyn candidate.
Ahh yes gotta respect the mexicoweyn dream, I mean its pretty much successful already tbh