May Allah forgive us all

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Oh really?:bell:



Are you that purveyor of the Waaq religion guy? The one that used to post profusely about the beauty of the God and spirituality of our Ancestors? What a betrayal towards our ancestors! :lolbron:
Are you that purveyor of the Waaq religion guy? The one that used to post profusely about the beauty of the God and spirituality of our Ancestors? What a betrayal towards our ancestors! :lolbron:

Our ancestors were guided to Islam, those before them only Allah knows but I read that many were Christian and Jewish.
I am a former member of this website who had doubts about the religion of Allah and claimed to worship a fallen, hated religion which was said to have existed in the Horn of Africa. I have gone back to the straight path, Sirat Al Mustaqin and I will never again join others in the worship of Allah cazawajal. I do not believe in any other God but Allah and Mohammed sallahu aleyhi wassallem is the final messenger of Allah. Allah is with us in the Heavens. He created all that is in the universe. May Allah guide us all to the straight path of the One. Amin.

I can't believe you guys are falling for this troll:draketf:


If its on mainstream media, don't believe it
Ma shaa Allah. ilaahay hakuu badiyo imaanka sxb. And may he guide all the confused atheists and homos too. Cadaabku waa kulul yahay wallee :lolbron:
Tror du er kul og edgy du. Voks opp

What did you find cool and edgy about my comment? You're the one believing in fairy tales and YOU tell me to grow up... hmm okay.

You cant prove that He does not exist . :manny:

Can you prove that he does exist? You're the one making the claim, so you should be the one proving to me that he does actually exist. There is no way to prove a negative. Prove to me that waaq doesn't actually exist. You can't even tho we both believe he doesn't. WHY? because there is no proof. Why should we believe in something with no proof.
Are you that purveyor of the Waaq religion guy? The one that used to post profusely about the beauty of the God and spirituality of our Ancestors? What a betrayal towards our ancestors! :lolbron:

Not all of our ancestors were waaq thing, were Christain & Jew like the dhulo were Christain before they converted to Islam
What did you find cool and edgy about my comment? You're the one believing in fairy tales and YOU tell me to grow up... hmm okay.

Can you prove that he does exist? You're the one making the claim, so you should be the one proving to me that he does actually exist. There is no way to prove a negative. Prove to me that waaq doesn't actually exist. You can't even tho we both believe he doesn't. WHY? because there is no proof. Why should we believe in something with no proof.
Gå og sug kuken til Naturfag læreren din og la andre vær i fred. Du oppføre deg som om du er bedre bare fordi du tror du har svarene, derfor fortelle æ deg at du må voks opp. Du er ikke shit.

Du er faen meg Dansk les den derre Janteloven som står opphengt i barneskole klasserommet ditt.
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