The funny thing is most Israelis/Jews are aware of the Palestinians being genetically Jewish, but many Jewish extremists still consider them traitors for converting to Islam a thousand years ago and adopting some Arab customs/culture...
On the flip side, the extreme Palestinians are ashamed of their ethnic Jewish roots & will deny it in a heartbeat lmao.
I haven't looked deeply into Palestinian genetics, from what I recall they are slightly, but noticeably, different from the Samaritans (who are the true benchmark for Ancient Israel). Palestinians probably have (Arabized) Egyptian, some recent SSA, and Peninsular Arabian blood making them slightly different.
PS. Did you know that the ethnonym ''Palestinians'' comes from ''Philistines'' is based on a Greek Indo-European group, lol, it makes no sense to call themselves that, unless they simply want to stick to something that stuck for whatever reason.