Mayor of Clarkson retracts from "recognition" for Somaliland region

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kkkk. Who pressured him. Senator Ilhan Omar?

Mayor Terry released statement at the city council meeting Oct 2nd 2018 to withdraw last month's proclamation for Somaliland recognition as independent country. "It was a premature for the city step in what is clearly a political issue for the Country of is time to seek unity for Somalia", said the Mayor. The city soon to release a new proclamation to undo previous one and to "recognize the United States government position... and it's effort to rebuild Somalia as ONE country after years of destruction.




The mayor was wrong at first he shouldn't have been medelling in the internal affairs of Somalia to begin with. Glad to see he saw the light and apologized.


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
Lol. Dumb of him to get involved especially if landers aren't majority there. No point pandering to a group if it's not politically expident to do so.

It made sense in Sheffield but no clue what demographics are like in this town. The fact he retracted means he realized he'd probably loose votes over a symbolic gesture.


Lol. Dumb of him to get involved especially if landers aren't majority there. No point pandering to a group if it's not politically expident to do so.

It made sense in Sheffield but no clue what demographics are like in this town. The fact he retracted means he realized he'd probably loose votes over a symbolic gesture.

This city had 1 Lander MP few years ago. I don't think it is about votes but he got pressured higher up.


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
This city had 1 Lander MP few years ago. I don't think it is about votes but he got pressured higher up.

Hmmm maybe state department or someone then?

I dunno what would compel him to even bring up SL in the first place though. Like most landers don't care why is some random mayor in Georgia bring it up?


Hmmm maybe state department or someone then?

I dunno what would compel him to even bring up SL in the first place though. Like most landers don't care why is some random mayor in Georgia bring it up?

Indeed it is a puzzle. Maybe he got paid by the lobby group Sland set up few years ago for the USA.


As the city of Clarkston withdraws its recognition for State Of Somaliland; A sister from South Sudan, Explains why Somalia must NOT be divided; "You Americans, never listen african who wants to divide an African country"!! It was the same meeting, the Mayor apologizes and supports One Somalia.

Case for Somali Unity
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