kkkk. Who pressured him. Senator Ilhan Omar?
Mayor Terry released statement at the city council meeting Oct 2nd 2018 to withdraw last month's proclamation for Somaliland recognition as independent country. "It was a premature for the city step in what is clearly a political issue for the Country of is time to seek unity for Somalia", said the Mayor. The city soon to release a new proclamation to undo previous one and to "recognize the United States government position... and it's effort to rebuild Somalia as ONE country after years of destruction.
Mayor Terry released statement at the city council meeting Oct 2nd 2018 to withdraw last month's proclamation for Somaliland recognition as independent country. "It was a premature for the city step in what is clearly a political issue for the Country of is time to seek unity for Somalia", said the Mayor. The city soon to release a new proclamation to undo previous one and to "recognize the United States government position... and it's effort to rebuild Somalia as ONE country after years of destruction.