Meaning of the term ' Berber'

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But he called the Mogadishu Sultan "a Berber" and said that he spoke "a Berber language". I don't think he's from Berbera sxb.

But yet again, you people seem to take it as if it means Somalilanders are a different race.
He called the Sultan a Berber because of the similarities between the Berbers of North Africa and Somalis. It has nothing to do with him being from Berbera.
Somaliland might change ot's name back to Bebera anyway. And the worst name in africa is somali... thanks to the 27 year civil war.
:ohhh:Your Somali card has been revoked, you may now identify yourself as a barbarian.
We are Berberis.... somalis are worse than barbarians. They kill each other they rape each other, they are gypsies, when they are invaded they run they are occupied, in both land and sea. etc...


Pepe Trump
They said we couldn't be ruled (by foreigners) That's a good name in my opinion. Btw the name berbera was around before the Arabs called us berbers.

Yes, the term is Greek. The Greeks gave us that name. It denotes barbaric people.


Pepe Trump
Bilad al barbar and the City of Berbera were named after the spices that were sold only in that area. It has nothing to do with barbarians.

There's a difference between بلاد البربر (North Africa) and بلاد الباربار (Somaliland)

I know you love Europeans but even the Greeks used to call Berbera Malao. :mjlol:

Come correct next time you try to come after the holy land. :camby:

First things first, that website doesn't disprove what I actually said. Second, the name was a Greek term that clearly implied barbaric people. I provided the link which directly shows this. Somaliland was an example used in the link, if you bothered to look.

Lastly, this is clearly not some thread that is booty clapping to Europeans, in fact, I was clearly denouncing the term which was used by the Greeks before the Arabs as a derogatory term against Somalis.
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