Media narratives on attack

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
When they find out its a white man and nor a Muslim man then the excuses come in.



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
'Extremist' and 'Terrorist' are two words that seem to be reserved for Muslims nowadays. How they use word the 'Islamist' is interesting though, an Islamist is a person who strongly believes in the faith but it's meaning is slowly changing into 'Terrorist'.

Chances of media reporting a Muslim as someone with psychological problems is 1 in 1.6 billion.
Anyone can say "Allahu Akbar" , it's not exclusively for Muslims.

But why would a Christian say it if he wasn't medically ill? Or Buddhist? Or a Scientologist? Or Atheist?

A real terrorist (not a mentally ill man) would kill in the name of Jesus, Buddha, Xenu or Darwin. They would not kill in the name of "Allah" if they were sane terrorists.

This German was clearly ill


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
But why would a Christian say it if he wasn't medically ill? Or Buddhist? Or a Scientologist? Or Atheist?

A real terrorist (not a mentally ill man) would kill in the name of Jesus, Buddha, Xenu or Darwin. They would not kill in the name of "Allah" if they were sane terrorists.

This German was clearly ill
Its literal meaning in Arabic is "God is Great", Christians in the West might not use it but the ones in/or from the middle east do.

They might've had an ulterior motive to create a shift between the people as tensions are rising? You'll have to ask them.
Its literal meaning in Arabic is "God is Great", Christians in the West might not use it but the ones in/or from the middle east do.

They might've had an ulterior motive to create a shift between the people as tensions are rising? You'll have to ask them.

This is a German man. Not an Arab Christian.

There are no ulterior motives. It's on you to prove it.

He was mentally ill


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
This is a German man. Not an Arab Christian.

There are no ulterior motives. It's on you to prove it.

He was mentally ill
I know he's Deutsch I was just saiyan.
It's very easy to brush off every non-muslim incident as a mental illness.

Nothing I can prove, it was just an idea.
It would be in the police's interest to say he was a Muslim so they can ask for more funding and scare the public. They are itching to say a white European has become a IS terrorist to highlight how serious of a problem terrorism is in Europe. But of course Western police departments and the government will not lie about him having links to IS or extremism because the truth eventually will come out and they will lose credibility.
@ghost it makes Western police and governments very upset when they realize he was just a mentally ill man. They are disappointed when they have to give an update to the media that he wasn't involved in terrorism.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Even though he might have been mentally ill just the "Allahu Akbar" will have people associating him with Islam regardless of the psychological state he's in.
^Well then all the muslim attackers and extremism are mentally ill.

No because they all do it for political and religious reasons. There was one rare case here in Canada where a half Libyan/French guy who shot up Parliament in 2014 and was mentally ill. He was taking prescription drugs for his illness. He claimed to have links with IS but it was a lie.

The rest are not mentally ill.
Even though he might have been mentally ill just the "Allahu Akbar" will have people associating him with Islam regardless of the psychological state he's in.

No one associated this as a terrorist attack. Everyone knows he was mentally ill.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Some of these youths who join terrorist organizations are fine but some of them are mentally ill and then get brainwashed

The notion that all Muslim terrorists have zero mental issues is laughable.
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