Media narratives on attack

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Media fucked up. I feel like there really isn't a dark and grim underlying ulterior motive behind this one. I think sometimes we all forget that media outlets are businesses trying to turn a profit. Headlines with buzzwords like "terrorist" or "extremist", the stuff @ghost was talking about, sells. If a terrorist really did attack and kill people today, the executives at BBC and CNN would have massive hard ons for the rest of the week because of how high their ratings would be. These type of buzzwords fuel their rhetoric and make it easy to get high ratings. Anyways that how i see it. Maybe there is a darker agenda? I'm not denying it, especially when you consider 90% of all American media is owned by 6 different corporations. But I'm just pointing out the obvious motive...these guys are in it to make money and everything else is secondary. Terror attacks are like the showtime lakers, they've proven to bring in high ratings time and time again.
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