Intimidated by my success? I'm a open book, please ask
Success where?
Studies: Law, A student with jobs at the Supreme court, the criminal justice court of Haag, and the Justice department. Focus on criminal law, international law and immigrant law statues.
Socital: I'm on the exclusive election board for local election in the capital region and represent a major political party there and get to decide the party-list and I'm removing immigrant bashers from the list. Mostly old ladies and men.
Family: Faithful to them and the first to graduate from uni, but followed by three siblings studying medicin and mechanical engineering.
Volunteer work: Work with immigration cases in spare-time to help advance Somalis stuck with strigent danish immigration law at the Retshjælp kontor, while also educating pre-law Somalis and helping them get connections.
What's your match?
Dnt turn into an ayaan hirsi or amal farah.
Stay truthful to your cause
I don't believe @dhegdheer is a reale dane but a swede trying to pretend to be a dane and insulting danes in the mean time by writing and speaking it poorly.
Also she is probably very conservative as a person and just have this internet persona
Ummm the only sheegato is u, you already outted yourself with ur dodgy Danish and now you're quickly trying to hide ur tracks by throwing me under the bus kulaha Norske influence. Pia Kjærsgaard would have you deported with the quickness for that insult!
My view is the same offline and online... I mean who spends their free time crafting elaborate internet personas just to troll??? I don't have time for that
Doggy, really hunty?
I speak danish so flunt even the fjeldaber forstår mig
I am sure you would like us to believe that but
I know your game is up
Du er en norsk flygtning just admit it
You don't deserve the title of kartofle born
Jeg er den kartoffel-born, døbt i persillesovs og støbt i janteloven
I'm just sad that your danish is so poor that you've had to compare it with Norsk
Bye you're the one who brought up the Norwegian comparison
To be honest, Danish is a pretty useless language lmao most of the folks there understand and speak English anyway plus the language itself is pretty similar to English. Just say whatever u wanna say with a Danish accent and they'll understand u 90% of the time
Du er en norsk flygtning
Jeg er den kartoffel-born, døbt i persillesovs og støbt i janteloven
You can't just smash your keyboards and click post
Det ynder dig ikke at forveksle ædle mig, med en hver anden personen.
Det yderst håbløst at forsætte på en sådan måde, og det krænker på mange led min værdighed.
Jeg håber, at De vil udvise større omhu omkring deres talemåde :siilaanyosmile:
I'm not reer Denmark, so I didn't get a word.Did you understand any of that? Must be hard only knowing three languages