Men vs the world


The most misunderstood man in here.
everyday I log on social media all I see is bitter women talking smack on men.

Men are under attack from media, social media, women and Hollywood.
Dont internalise it, dont take it personal.
Its the "Eve in Eden" strategy. In Christianity, the serpent approached Eve first and did not dare to approach Adam. Through Eve, paradise was lost.

You see this strategy being the preferred method, when one group of men want to dominate another group. Women as a group are highly susceptible to propaganda.

Edward Bernays (Freud's nephew) proved as much with his Torches of Freedom campaign. The American Tobacco industry through Bernays expanded their market by Convincing women to smoke. They aligned this behaviour with feminism and the "If a man can do it, I can do it better" lot.

This included pregnant mothers, Bernays knew smoking was a carcinogen agent and so did his new bosses.

By the way Edwards Bernays great nephew co- founded Netflix, was its first CEO. Its appalling to say the least, when I walk into Muslim houses and I see Netflix casually on.

God left it to us to guide our family and sisters. Its easy to criticise our sisters but a lot of us men have dropped the ball long ago.