Menace's hero Dabcasar congratulates Trump & begs him to start deporting Somalis

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One minute in and he said "i was in the masjid making dua for trump" :mjkkk:
just before standing up for jimcu prayer instead of اللهم اعز الاسلام والمسلمين do you go like اللهم اعز الترامب برحمتك ياارحم الراحمين؟؟؟؟ :mjlol:
"Where do i start with a woman you know she is emotional"
My man voted for trump just not to be ruled by a woman kkkkk regeedi

Whats up with pronouncing all the somali names and places like an cadaan :pachah1:
I know the video is supposed to be a direct message to the new elect but come on he knew it wasnt going to reach him:lolbron:
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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
i think Somalis deep down can't reconcile their innate need to watch dramatic shit with the very grim reality that a Donald Trump Presidency is the worst case scenario for practically every nation except perhaps those melenasians in Papua New Guinea


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Why are all his video so long?? :mjlol:

Why does he stare into the camera for 10 seconds before talking? :mjlol:

What is that accent? :dead:

he doesn't just stare sxb

he smiles to himself for a good 30 seconds for some absurd reason i'm sure only he knows

i actually legit thought HE was menace when I first joined

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot


"Deport them all Mr Trump, I prayed for you while giving a sermon at a mosque ...Mr Trump! I am the king of the Somalis please deport them...(sarcastically says) Mrs Clintonnnnnn, who's Mrs Clinton?..who? "

and y'all wonder why I have total affection for him.

Btw I sat with him twice and I've helped him out technologically. :dead:

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
he doesn't just stare sxb

he smiles to himself for a good 30 seconds for some absurd reason i'm sure only he knows

i actually legit thought HE was menace when I first joined


Just imagine I'm him. I met him and I realized we have a lot in common :salute:


They look big, dry, at the same time slimy and slippery with saliva.

What in between God's heavens and earths kind of creatures have you been kissing to gain such precise descriptions and extensive knowledge on stinking lips my lady
If you dont mind :damn:


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
What in between God's heavens and earths kind of creatures have you been kissing to gain such precise descriptions and extensive knowledge on stinking lips my lady
If you dont mind :damn:
I just have an eye for detail. What makes you think I kiss smelly lips? :vqbuyv0::vqbuyv0:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
you both created alter egos that quite frankly baffle me

i think you have the potential to become more notorious than him tbh

I've known Mr. Dabcasar for well over a decade, I can assure you it is no alter ego :icon lol:
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