Queen Carawelo
How am I supposed to know? And why do you ask? You're one disturbed perv.What do they use as a pad?
How am I supposed to know? And why do you ask? You're one disturbed perv.What do they use as a pad?
How am I supposed to know? And why do you ask? You're one disturbed perv.
I said deodorant not pads, that's two different things.You brought it up and I wondered waa lagu soo hayaasiilaanyolaugh
I said deodorant not pads, that's two different things.
Why would me suggesting to give her deodorant take you to wonder about what she uses for pads? You're disgusting menace.This took my mind to the huge if field so I am justified
Why would me suggesting to give her deodorant take you to wonder about what she uses for pads? You're disgusting menace.
Btw how're you?
Why would you wonder what she uses as a pad in the first place. She's in badiyo. Use your common sense!My mind likes to wonder and apparently you and I don't have the answer ...it's very bizarre that we just don't know what they use
Btw I am good alxamdulilah. Great things are happening in my life.
They use unwanted clothes during this time.What do they use as a pad?
They use unwanted clothes during this time.
Congratulations, hambalyo, mabruuk. Promoted to what position?I will like to reiterate that I didn't ask first
I got promoted
Congratulations, hambalyo, mabruuk. Promoted to what position?
They use unwanted clothes during this time.
I was back home few years ago so I saw girls using clothes for arintaan. They said pads were too expensive plus way ka xishoonayaan inay soo gataan.Yaa ku baray arintan?