Middle Shabelle/Hirshabelle will be the first region in Southern Somalia to be ATMIS free


“us” Ajuuran stop lying Sheegad. An Ajuran woman gave birth to Cali Cismaan btw
He's a confirmed boon. They like to claim tribes that people can't easily verify wherever they go. They claim isaaq, mj and ajuuraan in the south💀
He's a confirmed boon. They like to claim tribes that people can't easily verify wherever they go. They claim isaaq, mj and ajuuraan in the south💀
Dumb apegaal use the use the search engine and see what I said about boons.

Abkoow Dhiblaawe go back to somnet before I whip you again you dameer


You are just coping that you are my former slave that I used to whip.
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He's a confirmed boon. They like to claim tribes that people can't easily verify wherever they go. They claim isaaq, mj and ajuuraan in the south💀
He’s stupid it’s so obvious he’s not Ajuuran he thinks he can lie like that.Fadumo Sarjeele gave birth to Cali Cismaan Darandolle he’s got some loose screws that’s for sure


Dumb apegaal use the use the search engine and see what I said about boons
We know you aren’t Ajuuran.Your cuqdad for Abgaal is weird imagine complaining about the fact that “peacekeepers” who take advantage g women are leaving a region also btw Abgaal aren’t the only ones in Hirshabelle shut up


Dumb apegaal use the use the search engine and see what I said about boons.

Abkoow Dhiblaawe go back to somnet before I whip you again you dameer

View attachment 331697

You are just coping that you are my former slave that I used to whip.
Stop denying your heritage and go slaughter the eid qurbani for me on time otherwise tan aa ku sugeysa boonyahow:
Kunta Kinte GIFs | Tenor


Stop denying your heritage and go slaughter the eid qurbani for me on time otherwise tan aa ku sugeysa boonyahow:
Kunta Kinte GIFs | Tenor
Nobody is a boon.What r boons idk what that is :).

.People like to say “you have Atmis in your lands” and now atmis are leaving and now look at this guy what is his problem :faysalwtf:


Howsha weey socotaa😎 No more atmis in jowhar tonight
Jowhar (Caasimada Online) – Ciidanka ATMIS ayaa maanta ka baxay magaalada Jowhar ee gobolka Shabeellada Dhexe, kadib muddo 12 sano ah oo goobaha muhiimka ah ee magaaladaas ay deganaayeen, si ay u sugaan amniga.

Jowhar ma joogo caawa hal askari oo ka tirsan ciidamada ATMIS, waxaana amniga la wareegay ciidamada booliska, nabad sugidda iyo xoogga dalka.

Qorshaha ay ciidankaan maanta uga baxeen magaalada Jowhar ayaa qeyb ka ah istiraatiijiyadda ciidamada ATMIS ay uga baxayaan Soomaaliya, kaas oo mar hore soo bilowday.

Taliyaha guutada 3-aad, qeybta 27-aad ee ciidanka xoogga dalka Jeneraal Ibraahim Yuusuf oo ka mid ahaa saraakiisha ciidanka xoogga dalka ee maanta Jowhar ka sagootisay ciidanka ATMIS ayaa ciidanka qaranka kula dardaarmay inay gutaan masuuliyadda amni ee saran.

Sidoo kale Taliye Ibraahim Yuusuf ayaa saraakiisha ciidanka ATMIS u sheegay in masuuliyadda ay ku wareejiyeen ciidamada qaranka Soomaaliya aysan dayacmi doonin, sidoo kale wuxuu uag mahadceliyey sidii ay ula soo shaqeeyeen 12-kii sano ee lasoo dhaafay.

Wasiirka Maaliyadda HirShabeelle Cabdiraxiin Ciise Cadow ayaa ka mid ahaa masuuliyiintii sagootisay ciidanka ATMIS, isagoo halkaas ka sheegay in ciidanka qaranka ay gaareen waqtigii lagu wareeji lahaa amniga qaranka.

Wasiir Cabdiraxiin ayaa sheegay in HirShabeelle ay ku kalsioontahay ciidamada qaranka ee la wareegay amniga magaalada Jowhar, isagoo u mahadceliyey ciidanka ATMIS ee 12-sano kadib maanta ka guuray Jowhar.

Dhamaadka sanadkaan waxaa lasoo gabagabeynayaa qorshaha joogintaanka dalka ee howlgalka ATMIS, waxayna ciidamada ATMIS bilo ka hor sidaan oo kale uga soo baxeen magaalooyin kale oo ka tirsan Shabeellada Dhexe, sida Ceelbaraf.



The un is doing all the logistical work. Where is the AU and western donors mainly the eu? Burundi was always the weakest link politically & militarily.

The others have income streams. Kenya with its charcoal and Ugandas import & export business. Ethiopia is a different case

For reer Middle shabelle this is good news along with the promised 100m dam investment and the ongoing roadworks


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