Military strategy revealed: Al khawarij will be besieged from North, South and East before Moving to Ceelbuur so they wont escape to a new area.

I am dead 💀. Wallahi I have no idea because no one is aware of each other like that because everyone is caught up with this busy life here in the UK especially the new generation under 35. They became too western to get involved with random Somali peoples lives. When we see another Somali we are lucky to give and receive salaam 🤣. Unless he or she is your friend and relative you won’t really bother getting to know them. You will see Somali sisters sometimes with foreign men here and there but no one bothers to know their qabiil 🤣 🤣
I see u point as long as it does not strike my family i am fine walhi nothing more cringy than having ajnabi brother in law i will just feel disguisting 🤮🤮🤮.
Only geeljire should be brought home.
I dont think something like that will hapen to our family🤣🤣.
But if it happened i will just distance and avoid contact man i cant imagine how cringy it will be. Some people are okey with it but for me is no no no !!!.
Shabeelada dhexe wax laga qaban kara maleh 🤣🤣

Al shabaab Wararkii ugu dambeeyay kooxda AS oo Caawa dib ula wareegay Degmada Ruun-Nirgood, Hilowle Gaab, Cadcaddeey ilaa Deegaanka Ceelbacad.
Shaahmacabe oo baneeyay Hilowlwgaab iyo Ruunirgood why? War waxay leeyihiin Al Shabaabtii dhimatey ayaa soo baxsatey oo weerar ku soo aheed war kalane daauud macawisey uu uga tagay waa soo carareen. Sidee ku dhici kartaa in ayadoo cosweyn la joogo loo daba maro shabeelada dhexe? Macquul maaha in shabaab khaalid bin waliid ka cararaan ee waxaan u malayn inay budbud u socdeen.
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Looks like Abgaal mooryaans abandoned Middle Shabelle front giving besieged AS fighters enough distance to counter strike


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Are their heridiid in uk i know most of people in uk are isaaq. But heridid live in norway sweden germany finland do u sizeble heriid in uk
My area in London has a lot of Murusade.
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Your from north London I assume. Hella HG around Haringey and Enfield as well as Whaltham forest-Leyton part 🤣
All the Somalis in Tottenham are either HG or Marehan. Very weird love hate relationship between those 2


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Looks like Abgaal mooryaans abandoned Middle Shabelle front giving besieged AS fighters enough distance to counter strike
Shabaab are just making noise before the final sweep. We aren’t like Dhoqonki Ogadeen with their famous 10 minutes of freedom for a quick Igu Sawir in Xagar then back to Kismaayo
Gudoomiyaha Ruunirgood ee khawaarijta Dahir Calasaw ayaa soo galay gudaheeda asagoo wata 2 Cabdibile iyo hal gaari waa nin Daauud ah. Waaba nin beeshiisa qariso 🤣🤣
Something fishy is going on with runirgood town itself. I’m hearing there isn’t even 20 AS in the area laakin Dadka meesha aren’t co- operating. Nur dhugle below, darunicma and Al kowthar to the west are all doing good with pro goverment milita taking control of the area. Not a single SNA. People coming out for Cali guudlawe when he visited nuur dhugle yesterday which is few km south of runirgood. Reer runirgood are letting us down but I blame Dahir Alasow not them. Only town or deegan that Shabaab recaptured in middle Shabelle at least once since November

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Something fishy is going on with runirgood town itself. I’m hearing there isn’t even 20 AS in the area laakin Dadka meesha aren’t co- operating. Nur dhugle below, darunicma and Al kowthar to the west are all doing good with pro goverment milita taking control of the area. Not a single SNA. People coming out for Cali guudlawe when he visited nuur dhugle yesterday. Reer runirgood are shaming us

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Do the Dauud who live in ruunirgood support khawarij because this is hella weird if it's TRUE
Do the Dauud who live in ruunirgood support khawarij because this is hella weird if it's TRUE
It wouldn’t be fair to say that as deeganka darunicma which comes under runirgood have dauud Macawiisley who consistently defend the place without sna help. Why would two groups of the same juffo have different ideologies? I think it’s because Dahir Alasow hails from the town itself so unless he is killed or leaves the area, problems like this will remain.

Look at neighbouring Maxaa saacid. People there hate shabaab and have their own Macawiisley

Darunicma macawiisley

Without Ciidanka All Daauud towns Al Shabaab will be in

Daarunicma has khalid bin waliid with them.

I thought Gumac cleaned their hawd from Ceelbacad to Gadgaduud that why i said its ok now but they are hiding them.

Here is Taliya speaking with them saying this ciidan is 5anta Somalia but Daauud have to cooperate with them.

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the other towns would face problems minus SNA but not darunicma. You have to give them credit. Only northern daud clan who were actually defending their town from December until only recently when troops were sent there. It isn’t the clan is incapable of fighting Shabaab. Because if that was the case, kabaale and cabdulle galmaax in nur dhugle and maxaa saacid would be suffering from the same problem. But the people and their Macawiisley are fine. Clearly something else going on and has to do with Dahir Alasow. There is no more than 20 Shabaab there but they seem to be dauud lol
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I agree the other towns would face problems minus SNA but not darunicma. You have to give them credit. Only northern daud clan who were actually defending their town from December until only recently when troops were sent there. It isn’t the clan is incapable of fighting Shabaab. Because if that was the case, kabaale and cabdulle galmaax in nur dhugle and maxaa saacid would be suffering from the same problem. But the people and their Macawiisley are fine. Clearly something else going on and has to do with Dahir Alasow. There is no more than 20 Shabaab there but they seem to be dauud lol
Daarunicma Daauud is better but they were backed with one khalid bin waliid urur but atleast they r resisting them well done to them.

I told you before askartii ka fakatay khalid bin waliid darunicma, ninkii loo dhiibay. Hadana waa kuwan geel lagu wareejinayo.

Taakow waa taliyaha mavawisleyda darunicma



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Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
The FGS is even weaker militarily than I had expected. I thought that Galmudug would have been cleared by now if you had asked me in Jan. Very incompetent leadership from Culusow.

Given the scale of their resistance, Alshabab in Galmudug must be receiving fighters and ammunition from further south. They are not as isolated from groups in western Hiiraan and KGS as the FGS would have us believe.
Its non if u busin
The FGS is even weaker militarily than I had expected. I thought that Galmudug would have been cleared by now if you had asked me in Jan. Very incompetent leadership from Culusow.

Given the scale of their resistance, Alshabab in Galmudug must be receiving fighters and ammunition from further south. They are not as isolated from groups in western Hiiraan and KGS as the FGS would have us believe.
Dude go and worry about goojacade😂😂😂...
Isaaq are sheling harti into pieces worry about that.
Leave galmudug and hawiye issue to us
@Step a side @convincation .
Come shut this guy up.
@Mr steal your naag 2 where are u inform us about u karbaash on harti on lascanood . Come on bro

