Milo destroys Asian SJW who lies about him by calling him a white supremacist

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So you're lying about him too now?
I'm confused. When did I lie about him?
Let him karbash you too like he did to the Asian lol
Really? You think some dumbo who didn't have enough intelligence to get a fucking degree on God knows how many tries would be able to school anyone. He's stupid person's idea of a what a smart person is. The fact that he gets a platform is telling of his audience's education.
I'm confused. When did I lie about him?
Really? You think some dumbo who didn't have enough intelligence to get a fucking degree on God knows how many tries would be able to school anyone. He's stupid person's idea of a what a smart person is. The fact that he gets a platform is telling of his audience's education.

Milo is an incredibly intelligent man. He dropped out to work for Breitbart.

His audience's education is post secondary education. He has only been touring universities


Gaalkacyo Gangster
I don't see the big deal. He didn't really 'destroy' him, and the Asian dude wasn't a really good debater.

We've all see what happens when these alt-right idiots go up against a leftist who knows what they're talking about and can debate. They get BTFO. Like those info-war guys and Van Jones. They went into that thing trying to nail him, and after 30mins he had them saying "wow I agree with him and I actually like Van Jones.":icon lol:
Milo is an incredibly intelligent man. He dropped out to work for Breitbart.

His audience's education is post secondary education. He has only been touring universities
That was recently, mate. He dropped out of universities way before at least twice because he was just too dumb.
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