Minister Jamal loses federal MP seat as elections in Bosaso end

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
I went to check out this guys page he has been a Farmaajo dickrider since time and he hasn’t even posted about Jamal being refused a seat Lool.

He has been reduced to saying Farmaajo will come back and Jamal will keep his ministerial seat, the last kicks of a dying horse :dead:




[[Puntland Republic πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡±]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]

Jamaal is not getting his seat, GG.

I have been saying multiple time it’s the federal states that have ultimate power in deciding who becomes an MP.

@Manafesto Sxb Deni caadi ma ahan kkkk

Mashallah, Deni is the father of Puntland democracy and the best President we had so far, he is ultimate decision maker in this part of the federal republic of Puntland.

No Laangaab from a lama oyaan tribe serving another Laangaab can make calls here in PL.

What did this Duli Xarmaajo puppet did for the Dubeys community horta? Did he even dig a well in Dhahar? We put in Xayir out of work even though he built a whole community center in Carmo unlike the Jamaal(Tuug), Majeerteen intersts come before subclan or Harti interests.

Ina adeer, it is our turn for the throne and it's Deni's to shine so we ain't gonna let this short sighted fools get in the way,lol,case closed boowe.

I went to check out this guys page he has been a Farmaajo dickrider since time and he hasn’t even posted about Jamal being refused a seat Lool.

He has been reduced to saying Farmaajo will come back and Jamal will keep his ministerial seat, the last kicks of a dying horse :dead:


That dude blocked me Twitter befor after I called him a tuna .
Hes lives in a creation of his own imagination
Mashallah, Deni is the father of Puntland democracy and the best President we had so far, he is ultimate decision maker in this part of the federal republic of Puntland.

No Laangaab from a lama oyaan tribe serving another Laangaab can make calls here in PL.

What did this Duli Xarmaajo puppet did for the Dubeys community horta? Did he even dig a well in Dhahar? We put in Xayir out of work even though he built a whole community center in Carmo unlike the Jamaal(Tuug), Majeerteen intersts come before subclan or Harti interests.

Ina adeer, it is our turn for the throne and it's Deni's to shine so we ain't gonna let this short sighted fools get in the way,lol,case closed boowe.

Deni looks like a legit future president , I like what hes done in the mp seats my only problem with him is that hes against a banadir state other then that Deni >>> cheeseman
I heard langaabka Jamal already started his new job post his political MP career, and thats tending Camals as Geeljire.

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A Habar-Kintir who is at the mercy of Omar Mohamud in South Mudug, under the mercy of Al-Shabaab in Hobyo and Wisil districts, and under Gorgor and haramcad in Guriceel and Dhuusamareeb after President Farmaajo freed them from Suufi fighters have the audacity to look Minister Jamaal and beesha Dubays/Warsangeli laangaab. The irony! This focker doesn't know that Jamaal didn't lose the seat because of Deni interference alone but because subclan rivalries.
Mother of federalism puntland came through . Thank you president Deni for getting this corrupt asshole out of the parliament.
Fsrmajo die hards are getting cut right ,left and center
If the khaniis jeeso gets cut will be the icing on top .

People don't know this but N&N didn't financially commit to Amb Jamaal this time. Something happened between him and N&N leadership during the Heritage conference. I don't have real info other than observing from outside. He was the only minister who went there. We'll see if Ptresident Farmaajo and Fahad Yassin bring huge money behind Minister Jamaal. This is all about money and how much money you can shower to the elders.

He also didn't spend any of his money in this seat. To give you an example, Minister Bidhaan (the Fisheries and Maritime Resources Minister) spent back in 2021 about $7,000 to each delegate for about 20 clan elders for his seat. That is $140,000 USD. They nominated him to be representing them. Recently, just before he was elected, he spent a similar amount of money. That is roughly quarter million USD for the seat. His challengers quit in the initial discussion when they saw the amount of money he was paying for his seat.

It seems Jamaal didn't commit any significant money to challenge the Deni camp. That is because if UAE money is the one that is deployed against him and he doesn't have the Qatari resources to fight them, I think he decided to keep his money.
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I'm not happy to say this as I am strongly against him, however I would not be surprised at all if a HAG opposition candidate who defeats and replaces Farmajo soon still (in)directly chooses Jamal to be a minister of his new government
Boosaaso elections selections complete


Hop-190 Maxamed Cabdulqaadir Maxamed

Hop-142 Ismaaciil Shire Jaamac

Hop-228 Cabdulaahi Faarax Mire

Hop-222 Caynaanshe Yusuf Xuseen

Hop-036. Maxamed Aadan Diini

Siciid Cali Muuse ayaa ku guulaystay Kursiga Hop-027.

Sadam Maxamud Cabdi ayaa ku guulaystay Kursiga Hop-158.

Faysal Axmed Maxamuud ayaa ku guulaystay Kursiga Hop-149.

Hop-220 Cali Xaaji Daahir

Hop-083 Maxamed Bashiir Cali ayaa ku guulaystay Kursiga

Hop-169 Waziir Jamaal of Badhan Cali Mahdi Maxamed

Hop-076 Muuse Axmed Ismaaciil

Hop-234 Marwo Cabdirishiid Xaaji

Hop-273 S/gaas Bashiir Cabdi Ameeriko

Hop-227 Cabdicasiis Maxamed Qambi

Hop-157 Maxamud Axmed Geesood

With 100% of precincts tribal princelings reporting I declare AaranJaan the winnersof at least a few of those seats that I know of but I havent confirmed others

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