Misconceptions about Islam

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It's even more absurd when you consider that Muslim wives are cursed by the angels all night when they refuse to have sex with their husbands, yet he wants us to believe the slave girl can do so all fine and dandy! :icon lol:

:faysalwtf: Reer buraaq waan kaa dhaaley round and round we go on that muslamic carousel I want of damn it :faysalwtf:
I'll repeat so that your minds can hopefully grasp it this time.

When the Prophet (SAW) forbade mistreatment of slaves; that was a general rule.

There are 1000s of ways to mistreat someone. It’s not as if the Prophet (SAW) would mention every single one of them one by one. “No hitting”, “no scratching”, “no pushing”, etc.

Even if we put the narrations and rulings of the companions, scholars (and their consensus), etc. aside; you must be cognitively challenged to not understand this simple logic:

Premise: it’s forbidden to mistreat a servant

Rape is a form of mistreatment.

Therefore, rape is not permissible.

Pure deductive reasoning. Like really, you can't go wrong with that. :icon lol:
Please show me where it says that in the hadith you quoted!
ASK YOURSELF: why did he feel guilty if he had consensual sex with his maidservant? It's permissible to do that.

This was during the reign of Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA).

People have been having consensual sex with their maidservants since the time of the Prophet (SAW). It’s permitted in the Qur’an.


Nah you're definitely trolling me

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
In our view the man who rapes a woman, regardless of whether she is a virgin or not, if she is a free woman he must pay a "dowry" like that of her peers, and if she is a slave he must pay whatever has been detracted from her value. The punishment is to be carried out on the rapist and there is no punishment for the woman who has been raped, whatever the case. (Imam Maalik, Al-Muwatta', Volume 2, page 734)

"If a man acquires by force a slave-girl, then has sexual intercourse with her after he acquires her by force, and if he is not excused by ignorance, then the slave-girl will be taken from him, he is required to pay the fine, and he will receive the punishment for illegal sexual intercourse." (Imam Al Shaafi'i, Kitaabul Umm, Volume 3, page 253)
1. The first extract from Imam Malik is not addressing a person who owns a slave and forces himself on his own slave, but rather the quote is regarding a person who rapes a slave that doesn't belong to him.

2. The second extract from Imam Shafici is regarding a person who illegally acquires a slave girl(i.e stole her), and then has sexual intercourse with her. Doesn't have anything to do with forcing yourself on your own slave.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
So what if it mentions wives? Your whole thinking is disordered. You're misusing logic in a way I've seen only one other user misuse it, and you're making stuff up.
Please explain to me how a slave can give consent to sex with her master.
i'll be honest, i cant really say as a.) i'm not a woman and b.) im so far removed from that era and indeed any era of slavery to have any kind of real insight on that

i remember reading that in ancient times women would even dress up during a battle in hopes of attracting the 'heroes' of the opposing side in case their husbands were slain, it was part of life i guess...i'll try to find sources on that for u if u want. but we gotta take off our 21st century glasses when examining these things. i dont think it's a good idea to make blanket assumptions using our modern biases when looking at social situations from ancient times

but what i can do is analyze the various texts and rulings surrounding the issue. for example, a Muslim cannot have sexual relations with a slave while she still holds onto her non-Islamic/polytheistic faith, ie: they have to wait for her to accept Islam first, and there is no literature out there to my knowledge that condones the forceful conversion of captured slaves.

Imam Nawawi

And know that the school of thought of Al Shafi'i and who agreed with him from amongst the scholars have stated that the idol worshipper and those whom have no religious book cannot be approached for sexual intercourse unless they convert to Islam first. As long as they are following their religion they are forbidden to approach. These slave girls (i.e. in the particular narration) are idol worshippers. This hadith and whatever resembles it must be interpreted as implying that the slave girls accepted Islam. There is no other choice but to interpret the hadiths this way and Allah knows best.

also according to the major scholars of Islam, the slave master who rapes his slave is to be punished:

Imam Malik

In our view the man who rapes a woman, regardless of whether she is a virgin or not, if she is a free woman he must pay a "dowry" like that of her peers, and if she is a slave he must pay whatever has been detracted from her value. The punishment is to be carried out on the rapist and there is no punishment for the woman who has been raped, whatever the case.

Imam Shafi'i

If a man acquires by force a slave-girl, then has sexual intercourse with her after he acquires her by force, and if he is not excused by ignorance, then the slave-girl will be taken from him, he is required to pay the fine, and he will receive the punishment for illegal sexual intercourse.

so if u cant force them to convert so u can have sex with them, and even if u do forcefully have sex with them u will likely be stoned...i can deduce that it probably isnt okay to rape your slave. now, i'm not saying my analysis is right here...but its a hell of a lot more nuanced than looking at a verse that doesnt even address consent and conclude that it condones rape on the assumption that there was no way for women in ancient arabia to consent to their captors
Premise: it’s forbidden to mistreat a servant

Rape is a form of mistreatment.

Therefore, rape is not permissible.

Pure deductive reasoning. Like really, you can't go wrong with that. :icon lol:
Several things wrong with this. You're operating with the assumption that Islam is consistent. No one believes that except Muslims like yourself. So you're already off base, and any conclusions you may draw are inherently invalid. Secondly, the second premise (yes, it's a premise despite you not labelling it as such, mostly because your knowledge of logic obviously lacks foundation) is questionable because whether raping slaves is considered a mistreatment at all in Islam is already under question. Not to mention that the first premise itself is stupid because slavery is itself a mistreatment. Your attempts to use logic are futile, and don't make any sense at all.
Several things wrong with this. You're operating with the assumption that Islam is consistent. No one believes that except Muslims like yourself. So you're already off base, and any conclusions you may draw are inherently invalid. Secondly, the second premise (yes, it's a premise despite you not labelling it as such, mostly because your knowledge of logic obviously lacks foundation) is questionable because whether raping slaves is considered a mistreatment at all in Islam is already under question. Not to mention that the first premise itself is stupid because slavery is itself a mistreatment. Your attempts to use logic are futile, and don't make any sense at all.
If rape wasn't considered mistreatment in Islam, it would be permissible for a husband to rape his wife
ASK YOURSELF: why did he feel guilty if he had consensual sex with his maidservant? It's permissible to do that.

This was during the reign of Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA).

People have been having consensual sex with their maidservants since the time of the Prophet (SAW). It’s permitted in the Qur’an.


Nah you're definitely trolling me
I don't know. I'm not going to try and speculate. But it definitely doesn't say what you expect us to believe it says.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
i'll be honest, i cant really say as a.) i'm not a woman and b.) im so far removed from that era and indeed any era of slavery to have any kind of real insight on that

i remember reading that in ancient times women would even dress up during a battle in hopes of attracting the 'heroes' of the opposing side in case their husbands were slain, it was part of life i guess...i'll try to find sources on that for u if u want. but we gotta take off our 21st century glasses when examining these things. i dont think it's a good idea to make blanket assumptions using our modern biases when looking at social situations from ancient times

but what i can do is analyze the various texts and rulings surrounding the issue. for example, a Muslim cannot have sexual relations with a slave while she still holds onto her non-Islamic/polytheistic faith, ie: they have to wait for her to accept Islam first, and there is no literature out there to my knowledge that condones the forceful conversion of captured slaves.

Imam Nawawi

also according to the major scholars of Islam, the slave master who rapes his slave is to be punished:

Imam Malik

Imam Shafi'i

so if u cant force them to convert so u can have sex with them, and even if u do forcefully have sex with them u will likely be stoned...i can deduce that it probably isnt okay to rape your slave. now, i'm not saying my analysis is right here...but its a hell of a lot more nuanced than looking at a verse that doesnt even address consent and conclude that it condones rape on the assumption that there was no way for women in ancient arabia to consent to their captors
1. The first extract from Imam Malik is not addressing a person who owns a slave and forces himself on his own slave, but rather the quote is regarding a person who rapes a slave that doesn't belong to him.

2. The second extract from Imam Shafici is regarding a person who illegally acquires a slave girl(i.e stole her), and then has sexual intercourse with her. Doesn't have anything to do with forcing yourself on your own slave.
Mistreatment is mistreatment.

You were talking about whether rape is considered mistreatment in Islam.
Nonsense. What I said was that it's: "questionable because whether raping slaves is considered a mistreatment at all in Islam is already under question." Clearly talking about rape when it comes to slaves, not rape in general. Have you lost the plot or something? This is hilarious! :icon lol:


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
i stand corrected on the second one. pretty sure Imam Malik is referring to the rape of any woman there, which is why he includes both free and captured women. the only difference is the amount of money paid, which shows that rape is forbidden no matter who it is
Wakhtigaaga qaaliga ah marnaba ha isaga lumin qof diinta alle ka tagay.

The majority of these so called "Somali atheists", know the diin but they deliberately chose to disbelieve, the most you can say is "allah haku soo hanuuniyo", other than that you're wasting your time.
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Yeah, let's use pseudo-psychological readings to interpret hadiths. You're not very bright, are you?
I've omitted an important part of that hadith; I'll highlight it below:

Abu al-Hussain bin al-Fadhl al-Qatan narrated from Abdullah bin Jaffar bin Darestweh from Yaqub bin Sufyan from al-Hassab bin Rabee from Abdullah bin al-Mubarak from Kahmas from Harun bin Al-Asam who said: Umar bin al-Khatab may Allah be pleased with him sent Khalid bin al-Walid in an army, hence Khalid sent Dharar bin al-Auwzwar in a squadron and they invaded a district belonging to the tribe of Bani Asad. They then captured a pretty bride, Dharar liked her hence he asked his companions to grant her to him and they did so. He then had sexual intercourse with her, when he completed his mission he felt guilty, and went to Khalid and told him about what he did. Khalid said: 'I permit you and made it lawful to you.' He said: 'No not until you write a message to Umar'. (Then they sent a message to Umar) and Umar answered that he (Dharar) should be stoned. By the time Umar's message was delivered, Dharar was dead. (Khalid) said: 'Allah didn't want to disgrace Dharar'

The message that Umar (RA) delivered obviously called for the punishment of Dharar; but he died before the message was delivered. This is self-evident in Khalid (RA) statement that "Allah didn't want to disgrace Dharar".

Why would Umar (RA) call for his punishment if what Dharar (RA) did was permissible?

Edit: it clearly says that Umar answered that Dharar should be stoned. I don't know how I missed that part. :O27GWRK:
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