MN cagdheers tell farmaajo u are laangaab kaalay kismaayo qabsao hadaad awoodo

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I know what you are saying which is why I kind of blame farmaajo for making it worse, when as the president he should've been the one coming up with a solution/peace treaty, instead of going around making enemies with the biggest somali clan
farmaajo is a mx man, he doesn't wanna seem weak since mx built their entire clout on msb, a strongman. They were beneath xaar before him. Farmaajo wants to continue that legacy, talking and compromising iyo waxaa wuxuu u arkaa jiljileec.

it'll backfire on him though. We are are not elaay.

bal xamar muu xoraysto waa isagaa dhul uusan lahayn u indha cade?
farmaajo is a mx man, he doesn't wanna seem weak since mx built their entire clout on msb, a strongman. They were beneath xaar before him. Farmaajo wants to continue that legacy, talking and compromising iyo waxaa wuxuu u arkaa jiljileec.

it'll backfire on him though. We are are not elaay.

bal xamar muu xoraysto waa isagaa dhul uusan lahayn u indha cade?
Its hard to tell if he wants to be like msb or distance himself from him. If he wants to be like him than alienating a large clan like ogaden doesn't make sense because barre was much smarter and had the mod alliance, at least.

I don't think is is trying to be barre. I think he was just cornered didn't think anything through and just panicked


Seeker of knowledge and truth
one day yuo insult reer cabdulle, next reer isaaq, then say reer isaaq dont live in jubaland,

make your mined up ******,

somalis first defence minister in 1960 was a reer isaaaq dude born in kismayo,

he is the grandfather of the Maatono twins who have their own fashion label, you know those hcicks from america who look indian but are making waves desinging fashion clothes for gucci and versaci and cahnnel,

reer isaaw do live in jubaland, i can count theier degaans and number of mps they have in the federal, but no point, spliting mohamed zubeeer is like spliting hair,

by the way if Ogaden is great gre agreat 10 times rmeoved newphew of marehan what do tyou think is mohamed zubeer when mohamed zubeer is about 15 times removed from Ogaden himself, abdirahman ibn absame aka Ogaden nick nme,

yet Mohamed zubeer alone outnumbers marehan and easily throw in all the hawiyes inc entral somalia, in terms of land and people and historical figures who contributed to somali history in terms of war, warriors and poets,

car name me a fmaous man fro amrehan before siad barre

yet i can name

Raage Ugaas, famous poet/bard from 1730s,

Ugaas Nuur Cabudye who forced marehan sultana dn his race to kneel and beg Ogaden sin 1840s,

Sultan Ahmed Magan

Qaman BUlxaan, bard and sayidkas minister of defence fro the darwish state reognsied even by germnay empire and turkish otooman in 1905

Garad maqtal dahir, founder of wslf and architect of ONLF and fighting ethiopians as early as 1930 being called a terorist by Ney York times in 1942 because he refused british rule,

mataan cideed, muxumud waal, all from 1800s, not even mentioning after 1960s dudes,

just some names, conquerors, warriors, kings, peots, just from Mohamed Zubeer not even Ogaden,

langaab b0000n waxid ah

so name me a marehan who made somali history before siad barre

If you are so great and powerful why have you been under slavery for 200 years in Ethiopia and Kenya why didn’t you liberate yourselves honest question :kanyeshrug:
Ilkodheer oromo hybrid axmaq madoobe baa uu nooqdey meseehii kkkk mesha muu sii jooge doono blackie wakhtigiisa wuu damastay caghdeer wuxu kunooqanaya gumeysigi uu kujray Mx aa ku xukumi doono hadana kismayo. Dagal hada rabtiin sida adkeerkeen umar jees iyo spm lo galay aa kunoqoneysiin uhuru quurmoon SNA iyo amisom aa hadeer joogo oo meesha ka celin doono. Doqonki cagdheer did you forget who controlled kismayo before your uncle axmaq was escorted there by kenyan bantu tanks and the state you were in? Go ask your adeers and you will return to that very soon forever inaguumeed kkkk
If you are so great and powerful why have you been under slavery for 200 years in Ethiopia and Kenya why didn’t you liberate yourselves honest question :kanyeshrug:

marehan tribes in babile have been asmilited to the point where they only speak ahmaric and afan oromo, atleast my tribe fought back and lad 43 somali tribes as president, you been assimilated,

you will always sit behind me in somali region, i wil always lead you, reer osman claim reer cabdulle maalinguur as protection, reer nuradiin farax have been eaten in babile,

oh and get your hisotry right, brtiish handed over ogadneiya in 1958,

and in kenya we share ministers, look at how marehan has been eaten by kenyans taking parts of gedo into kenya,

all are slaves too liek the other 43 tribes in ethiopia but do not have have balls to fight back, you are oromo slaves today in babile and hararege :chrisfreshhah:
marehan tribes in babile have been asmilited to the point where they only speak ahmaric and afan oromo, atleast my tribe fought back and lad 43 somali tribes as president, you been assimilated,

you will always sit behind me in somali region, i wil always lead you, reer osman claim reer cabdulle maalinguur as protection, reer nuradiin farax have been eaten in babile,

oh and get your hisotry right, brtiish handed over ogadneiya in 1958,

and in kenya we share ministers, look at how marehan has been eaten by kenyans taking parts of gedo into kenya,

all are slaves too liek the other 43 tribes in ethiopia but do not have have balls to fight back, you are oromo slaves today in babile and hararege :chrisfreshhah:
Ogaden have been under gumeysi by the habeshis and kikuyus for a hundred years kkkkk you are nothing but bastardized oromo race we have nothing to do with you we are native to our nation Somalia not ethiopia and kenya lol you are shiisheeye forever inaguumeed go free your cousins from eternal bondage under occupation all cagdheers belong in jail ogaden
Its hard to tell if he wants to be like msb or distance himself from him. If he wants to be like him than alienating a large clan like ogaden doesn't make sense because barre was much smarter and had the mod alliance, at least.

I don't think is is trying to be barre. I think he was just cornered didn't think anything through and just panicked
no that's the trick. He looks clueless, but he knows what he's doing.

MX are known to use a government to get the upper hand. They successfully did under msb. If he wasn't there, they would be like murursade and other small clans today.

whatever his goal is, we are waiting for him with rasaas.
marehan tribes in babile have been asmilited to the point where they only speak ahmaric and afan oromo, atleast my tribe fought back and lad 43 somali tribes as president, you been assimilated,

you will always sit behind me in somali region, i wil always lead you, reer osman claim reer cabdulle maalinguur as protection, reer nuradiin farax have been eaten in babile,

oh and get your hisotry right, brtiish handed over ogadneiya in 1958,

and in kenya we share ministers, look at how marehan has been eaten by kenyans taking parts of gedo into kenya,

all are slaves too liek the other 43 tribes in ethiopia but do not have have balls to fight back, you are oromo slaves today in babile and hararege :chrisfreshhah:

look at barre hiiraale saying cumar jees kicked me out of kismaayo.

here he is again saying ogaden kicked me out in 2008.
war boonta dhib badan haysta. MZ baa ilaahy ku saliday.
one day yuo insult reer cabdulle, next reer isaaq, then say reer isaaq dont live in jubaland,

make your mined up ******,

somalis first defence minister in 1960 was a reer isaaaq dude born in kismayo,

he is the grandfather of the Maatono twins who have their own fashion label, you know those hcicks from america who look indian but are making waves desinging fashion clothes for gucci and versaci and cahnnel,

reer isaaw do live in jubaland, i can count theier degaans and number of mps they have in the federal, but no point, spliting mohamed zubeeer is like spliting hair,

by the way if Ogaden is great gre agreat 10 times rmeoved newphew of marehan what do tyou think is mohamed zubeer when mohamed zubeer is about 15 times removed from Ogaden himself, abdirahman ibn absame aka Ogaden nick nme,

yet Mohamed zubeer alone outnumbers marehan and easily throw in all the hawiyes inc entral somalia, in terms of land and people and historical figures who contributed to somali history in terms of war, warriors and poets,

car name me a fmaous man fro amrehan before siad barre

yet i can name

Raage Ugaas, famous poet/bard from 1730s,

Ugaas Nuur Cabudye who forced marehan sultana dn his race to kneel and beg Ogaden sin 1840s,

Sultan Ahmed Magan

Qaman BUlxaan, bard and sayidkas minister of defence fro the darwish state reognsied even by germnay empire and turkish otooman in 1905

Garad maqtal dahir, founder of wslf and architect of ONLF and fighting ethiopians as early as 1930 being called a terorist by Ney York times in 1942 because he refused british rule,

mataan cideed, muxumud waal, all from 1800s, not even mentioning after 1960s dudes,

just some names, conquerors, warriors, kings, peots, just from Mohamed Zubeer not even Ogaden,

langaab b0000n waxid ah

so name me a marehan who made somali history before siad barre

Boqor Maxamed
1969 kulahaa :wtfdis:

You a nigga who supports ONLF and Abdi Iley at the same time :wtf::wtf::wtf:

look at barre hiiraale saying cumar jees kicked me out of kismaayo.

here he is again saying ogaden kicked me out in 2008.
war ****ta dhib badan haysta. MZ baa ilaahy ku saliday.
Jees sat down and laughed at the shir. Having a heshiis is good and he ended up JVA head:siilaanyosmile:

You went from ICU to AS to Federalist

Are you gonna join Taliban next to get back at us Ferrari HAYAAY war ninka qabta:ileycry::russ:
Boqor Maxamed
1969 kulahaa :wtfdis:

You a nigga who supports ONLF and Abdi Iley at the same time :wtf::wtf::wtf:

Jees sat down and laughed at the shir. Having a heshiis is good and he ended up JVA head:siilaanyosmile:

You went from ICU to AS to Federalist

Are you gonna join Taliban next to get back at us Ferrari HAYAAY war ninka qabta:ileycry::russ:
why does barre hiiraale embarrass himself like that? that's twice he is on vidoe and audio admitting to being kicked out of kismaayo by Ogaden.

meanwhile madoobe got shot, arrested and lost 300 boys in one day to AS, and you hear no calacal.
Siyad barre bought ogadeen to somalia now it's time to take them back to kenya and Ethiopia.

We will correct the mistakes of jaale siyad.
Siyad barre bought ogadeen to somalia now it's time to take them back to kenya and Ethiopia.

We will correct the mistakes of jaale siyad.

An account of Ogaden Domination in Jubaland and Nfd

An account of Ogaden Domination in Jubaland and Nfd

"As a result of this manifest weakening of the Wardei they were attacked on
all fronts and it is no surprise that they could not defend themselves but had to flee for their lives. According Turnbull, 'the main contlict was in the east; and the actions fought at Afmadu, on the Deshek Wama, and at EI Lein are still- spoken of by the tribe

Ogaden were at this point led by the grand old man of the Abd Wak, Abdi Ibrahim , the Sultan, while there were a number of ' invasion commanders under him: Abdi Ibrahim was noted for his bravery and skill in war strategy which eventually led to the Ogaden dominance in the Jubaland. His remarkable leadership qualities are still remembered to this day by the Ogaden. Notable among his commanders were Magan Yussuf, the Sultan of the Mohamed Zubeer Ogaden, and Hassan Bejan of the Abdalla/Ogaden

Having displaced the Wardei from the Juba region between 1820 -1840, the Ogaden were not
content to settle down but continued their southward expansion since the loot from the Wardei was an appetizing reason to continue their raids.

The Ogaden migration towards the Tana in the 1 860s and 1870s, was one of struggle to wrestle control of the land from the Wardei .The Ogaden were firmly established along the banks of the Tana River by the 1870' s, having virtually conquered and suhordinated the Galla to
Somali domination. According to Turnbull the attack lof 1865 by the Somali when the Wardei were weakened by plague was so unexpected and so violent that the Wardei were utterly broken by it.
Scattered through the fighting was, hundreds were killed; those who survived either fled to neighbouring tribes or became serfs to the Mohamed Zuheir, the Telemuggeh, or the Magabul. Many were sold as slaves in the markets of Lamu, and Zanzibar.

Had it not been for the arrival of Imperial British East African Company rule in 1885, the Wardei would have ceased to exist as a community with a separate cultural and political identity."

Sir Charles Eliot, 1905, the east African protectorate, Cambridge press

when marehan was naked b000n, i was taming jubaland and NFD in 1820, 140 years before fake somalia was created,

where were your ancestors in 1820 warya?

dont blame me for being from men who were warriors when your kind were primitive,

you have no history before siad barre and even him we were his reer abti and was looked after by Ogaden generals until the b000n marehans destroyed the nation as the old man got weaker

car show me what marehan was doing in 1820 as my Ogaden forefathers slayed pagans and took land and spread islam and literally expanded somali lands, car i dare you,


Seeker of knowledge and truth



@Ferrari @diaby@Teeri-Alpha Keep quiet Wardei boys we don’t marry or assimilate dirty Gaalo Madoow gun yahow your blood is heavily tainted with pagan blood no wonder you hate other Daroods so much you have identity issues you guys have unknown origins Its not a joke when i call you Oromo bastards:chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah:
no that's the trick. He looks clueless, but he knows what he's doing.

MX are known to use a government to get the upper hand. They successfully did under msb. If he wasn't there, they would be like murursade and other small clans today.

whatever his goal is, we are waiting for him with rasaas.

I really think he is clueless, you're giving him too much credit. He does whatever ethiopia wants him to do! How can you say someone like that can use the government to his advantage?
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@Ferrari @diaby@Teeri-Alpha Keep quiet Wardei boys we don’t marry or assimilate dirty Gaalo Madoow gun yahow your blood is heavily tainted with pagan blood no wonder you hate other Daroods so much you have identity issues you guys have unknown origins Its not a joke when i call you Oromo bastards:chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah:
I see nothing but ogaden dominance here.

The might cagdheer subjuagating oromo and taking their women as concubines shows nothing but power and dominance. This is before the British showed up.

Ogaden expanded somali territories doing exactly this and you focus on the women part. War wuxu cawaan sanaa ma zebra baa?:gucciwhat:
I really think he is clueless, you're giving him too much credit. He does whatever ethiopia wants him to do! How can you say someone like that can use the government to his advantage?
I dont think so he understands there is no place for his clan in a federal Somalia since they dont make a majority in any two region giving them control of that federal state like hawiye in galmudug and ogaden in jubaland. So by getting rid of federalism, he gives them undue advantage. If he understands this, he knows exactly what he's doing so he will use xabashi to get it because as far as he's concerned, xabashi aren't a threat to his clan.


Seeker of knowledge and truth
I dont think so he understands there is no place for his clan in a federal Somalia since they dont make a majority in any two region giving them control of that federal state like hawiye in galmudug and ogaden in jubaland. So by getting rid of federalism, he gives them undue advantage. If he understands this, he knows exactly what he's doing so he will use xabashi to get it because as far as he's concerned, xabashi aren't a threat to his clan.
Wallahi your not even a majority in Jubbada Hoose let alone Jubbaland you joker Afmadow and Badhadhe is your only districts you make a majority Saakow and Buaale are evenly shared between Cawlyahan and Raxanweyne+minority clans every single other district your a either minority or not even existant real Jubbalanders or reer Waamo know who settles where you filthy land grabbing Itoobiyaan mutt:childplease:
Wallahi your not even a majority in Jubbada Hoose let alone Jubbaland you joker Afmadow and Badhadhe is your only districts you make a majority Saakow and Buaale are evenly shared between Cawlyahan and Raxanweyne+minority clans every single other district your a either minority or not even existant real Jubbalanders or reer Waamo know who settles where you filthy land grabbing Itoobiyaan mutt:childplease:

How does a minority nigga rule over you? war ma dameera foorara baad tihiin waryaa?

reer isaaq make majoriyt in luuq, beledxaawa and baardheere.:trumpsmirk: we even share Gedo with you awoowgaa sida digaagada loo shidyee.:hemad:
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@Ferrari @diaby@Teeri-Alpha Keep quiet Wardei boys we don’t marry or assimilate dirty Gaalo Madoow gun yahow your blood is heavily tainted with pagan blood no wonder you hate other Daroods so much you have identity issues you guys have unknown origins Its not a joke when i call you Oromo bastards:chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah:
Even when our haters want to diss they can only end up proving Ogaden's excellence.

1) You accidently agreed that Ogaden took the Jubbas from Oromo

2) Showed Ogaden's power as they forcefully took their enemy's women just like any victorious conquering army

Only a langaab who doesn't have a history of conquering other people would see taking enemy women as a strange act :francis:
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