They just had to do a Black Rob remake. I'm going to assume Rob is short for Roble. And what a coincidence, Puffy was in it too. Like Woah!
They just had to do a Black Rob remake. I'm going to assume Rob is short for Roble. And what a coincidence, Puffy was in it too. Like Woah!
You misspelled buffy, my newest guardian of fish-tacos
Interesting ebonical choice you have made sister of mine
That's my man, He's my husband we're officially married guys
haha. This goes hard but its not better that whoa fr. Whenever us somali guys grow out our hair it comes out looking like pubes.
Some faraxs do walle. my hair goes from being jelec when it is short to dreads when its long.
Supposedly y’all have jecel hair
My dad had hard ass hair and a sharp ass hairline when I was younger, Now all of a sudden he has timo jileecSome faraxs do walle. my hair goes from being jelec when it is short to dreads when its long.