Modern day politics on social media


Coping through the 1st world


Coping through the 1st world
This year has been beefs between two different political beliefs: Palestine and Israel

I realise the people who supports these groups are either right leaning or left leaning.

The people who supports Palestine are left leaning: most minorities supports Palestines.
They see Palestine as POC who are being oppressed by the white Ashkenazi Jews. Even the LGBTQ supports them as a community. They see them as very oppressed groups being oppressed by white Jewish class. Something that other minorities can relate from their similar issues with the majority class.

The people who are right leaning supports Israel. Now Israel have followers that are conservatively Christian. like evangelicals and Protestants Christians. They believe it’s part of their faiths to supports Israel because of the holy sights that will happen in Israel. They believe protecting Israel and their interests would bring about the end time. Now these are first worlders particularly Americans and other westerns who have no idea about the world around them and its politics.

Hindu right leaning nationalists supports them because they just generally hate Islam and Muslim and still bitter about what happened in the 16th century ago (Mughal empire).
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