Mogadishu has better mobile phone reception than Manchester

Somalia has one of the worlds most advanced telecommunications and is a global leader in Fintech. It's not news , this has been known for more than a decade and a half.

It's only news because the writer much like the posters on this site have never been to Somalia so they believe things about it solely from news headlines , labels etc. So when they go there they are met with the reality that Somalia is a very innovative, cohesive, organized and commercially active society.

Westerners and neighboring countries underestimate Somalia because they rely on outdated narratives instead of real data.

It actually goes to show you that Somalia is thriving and succeeding in many different ways, in some cases ahead of what you would call 1st world/developed countries like Britain. Which debunks any conceptualization that Somalia is "backward" or "undeveloped." .

The truth is that Somalia is already an economic powerhouse in many sectors.

Contrary what the article try to suggest , it didn't come out of just necessity, various studies show that Somalis unlike others don't engage in business out of purely survival or necessity, it's just part of a entrepreneurial tendency that continues even after their basic needs are met.
Also one other thing to note Somalis don't just engage in business out of survival or necessity. They have a general tendency to start businesses even after all their basic needs are met. Big time oppurtunists

Which runs contrary to most Muslim entrepeneurship it seems which is driven by necessity and they are more negatively associated with business activity.

You can see it other areas that expand beyond telecom and fin tech world, even energy and electricity delivery businesses are far more reliable and sophisticated then what you would find in other parts of Africa, it's driven by Entrepreneurial innovation.

The "failed state" label was pushed by foreign powers to justify military intervention, political interference, and economic exploitation.

Foreign intervention tries to weaken Somalia’s statehood, but they cannot destroy its economic resilience.

Because what it does reveal is that Somalia is mostly self reliant and not dependent. Somalis don't wait for tgovernment aid, NGOs etc to provide services for them, they create businesses and build infrastructure themselves and provide each other with services.

Look at the example he showed. Crowdfunding through WhatsApp groups to build schools, roads, and hospitals shows strong social cohesion and grassroots development.

Foreign powers alongside Ethiopia can work to try and undermine Somali statehood, but they can never fully take down our economic systems.
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