Mogadishu: Massive protests&Anti trump slogans

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That will only make things worse and give israel a higher negotiating position that they already have. it gives Israel no motivating reason to meaningfully negotiate with Palestinians if they start getting recognized as all of Jerusalems owners
The palestines lost two war with them it's not the end of the world living in a non-Muslim government plus they have plenty of autonomy
So many Muslims live in majority non Muslim countries
Its time for palestinians to stop resisting an accept their government
Also Israel has literally been managing the land
In the background for years
What difference does it make now that they’re coming out to the world

Also Jerusalem is a holy city to all abrahamic religions
No one has a claim on it :)

Instead of being worried about serious things such as the rohingya genocide in Myanmar
Were actual Muslims are being mass murdered
We’re freaking out about Jerusalem


So many Muslims live in majority non Muslim countries
Its time for palestinians to stop resisting an accept their government
Also Israel has literally been managing the land
In the background for years
What difference does it make now that they’re coming out to the world

Also Jerusalem is a holy city to all abrahamic religions
No one has a claim on it :)

Instead of being worried about serious things such as the rohingya genocide in Myanmar
Were actual Muslims are being mass murdered
We’re freaking out about Jerusalem
Jerusalem is a contested city and this could spark a serious problem there. Palestinians have been refugees in their own land and in countries like Lebanon where they are unable to work or go to school. I think Jordan might be the only country to treat them with dignity but Jordan is overwhelmed with Syrian refugees. They are stuck in camps and it’s been happening for three generations. South Africa under apartheid supported Israel and the west supports apartheid Israel as well. Wrong is wrong. You can say what’s happening to Rohingya and Somalis is wrong too while acknowledging Palestinian apartheid. May Allah ease all of our affairs inshallah.
Let me remind the people that are mocking this are really mocking the deen of Allah which not only nullifies all the good deeds that you have done but also takes you out the fold of Islam by unanimous consensus

Slogans like "muh Ummah" are mocking the words of Allah and the Prophet clearly, because the Quran in several verses describes the Muslims as an Ummah as well as countless hadiths, my advice to those people is to make Tawbah before they are taken to account

If your the type of person that doesn't care about Baitul Maqdis your either a hypocrite, an infidel or a person with extremely low iman not far away from apostasy.

I am very proud what the people of Xamar have done, those who have protested will have a case in the hereafter when we are all asked about this, they have demonstrated their iman, now imagine the xoolo's on this thread who not only mock this but totally dismisses it like it's some joke? what would be their case ?

On the authority of Abu Sa’eed al-Khudree (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say, “Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.” [Muslim]

Those hypocrites which these verses came down upon, were mocking certain companions for their love of food and cowardice during the brutal 30 day Journey to Tabuk in intense summer heat which they accompanied the prophet with, now imagine they just mocked them for these things and those verses came down, what would be the case of much of the posters on this thread?

Somalis are a failed ethnic group from Djibouti to Garissa, forget about failed country. There is no people on Earth that care about another people more than their own. They will bootyclap for the Ethiopians or Kenyans invading the enemy Somali clan's town a mile away from their own town (they can even see the tanks from their homes invading their clan enemies).

When there are more Somalis than Palestinians at the anti-Israel marches, you have a big problem on your hands. You have your own invaders and occupiers you dont even care about. I was at an anti Ethiopian protest many years ago with just a random bunch of demoralized Reer Cabdalle men.

You people are nuts
When your closest neighbours are falling you have to stand by the
Let me remind the people that are mocking this are really mocking the deen of Allah which not only nullifies all the good deeds that you have done but also takes you out the fold of Islam by unanimous consensus

Slogans like "muh Ummah" are mocking the words of Allah and the Prophet clearly, because the Quran in several verses describes the Muslims as an Ummah as well as countless hadiths, my advice to those people is to make Tawbah before they are taken to account

If your the type of person that doesn't care about Baitul Maqdis your either a hypocrite, an infidel or a person with extremely low iman not far away from apostasy.

I am very proud what the people of Xamar have done, those who have protested will have a case in the hereafter when we are all asked about this, they have demonstrated their iman, now imagine the xoolo's on this thread who not only mock this but totally dismisses it like it's some joke? what would be their case ?

On the authority of Abu Sa’eed al-Khudree (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say, “Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.” [Muslim]

Those hypocrites which these verses came down upon, were mocking certain companions for their love of food and cowardice during the brutal 30 day Journey to Tabuk in intense summer heat which they accompanied the prophet with, now imagine they just mocked them for these things and those verses came down, what would be the case of much of the posters on this thread?

Well said..I have been seeing that "muhh stuff" quit often lately..When people loose value and their principles they tend to forget about that which is most dearest to them..

How long before some are going to feel like saying "muhh hooyo and aabo?"

The bare minimum that we can do about whole lot of affairs is to make dua and feel guilty about our lack of options..a war on Palestine is not just a war on Palestinians but on the heart of Islam.

Some very high ranking dubious western politicians are on a mission to humiliate and exterminate islam pocket by pocket..

It's weird how Muslims in western world are welcomed looked after and even celebrated while fire created by some top officials in the said countries are being created in the country of their origins..I honestly don't understand who benefits from setting the world alight by purposefully instigating endless wars..

It's definitely not Muslims or even your average Joe in the west. His main concern is how to leave his current job without giving the bank the excuse to reposses his mortgage loaded 1 bedroom flat..
How does a great nation like America go from Barack to Bizar in such a short time..

The average American must have some serious academical faults.


Qram Qram Jaw
So many Muslims live in majority non Muslim countries
Its time for palestinians to stop resisting an accept their government
Also Israel has literally been managing the land
In the background for years
What difference does it make now that they’re coming out to the world

Also Jerusalem is a holy city to all abrahamic religions
No one has a claim on it :)

Instead of being worried about serious things such as the rohingya genocide in Myanmar
Were actual Muslims are being mass murdered
We’re freaking out about Jerusalem

Sis The Yahuuds are the ones against one state solution, they know the will be the minority under one govenrment. They don't want two state solution either. They don't want E Qudus to be a Palestinian capital, while the Palestinians are ok for Yahuuds to have W Qudus as their capital. They occupy and still building new settlements on Palestinian land. The Yahuud are also denying the Palestinians right of return. As Muslims the least we can do is feel bad same as any other Muslims who are suffering around the world. The yahuuds agenda is basically to contain The Palestinian's in a giant prison camp.


Why are we even discussing Palestine? I really admire and hate Jews at the same time. I don't like their attitude there is no question at all but what I do admire is they are very united people and have strong values that isn't corruptible or buyable. Those guys even if they were poor as dogs, would be happy to sit around a tree in jerusalem and still be united, they were singing jerusalem for the past 2000 years in exile, that's strong will sxb and strong culture. Those sorts of people last forever because even if the conditions around the world change, their spirit doesn't.

Where-as everyone else we are susceptible to be impacted by changes in the environment. If jobs disappear in the west for example, I doubt it will remain a united place since their whole culture is based around 'materialism', so what happens if those materials disappear? You can work out the end result. Asia is even worse in this regard as their whole value system is around 'financial' matters. Arabs are also to an extent, but they have those bedouins still roaming about so they can be adapt back in a way. The more u study science the more u realise relying on 'changeable' factors like materials is long-term suicide!!!


Palestine has never historically existed, even geographically it was created by the British. The whole region of Syria, Jordan, Israel/Palestine and parts of Iraq is the Levant/Sham. Supporting Palestine as a free and independent state is nationalism, and that’s haram.

The Middle East should be re-annexed by Turkey who were betrayed by the bedouin Arabs. In fact, there wouldn’t have been an Israel had Arabs not betrayed the Turks so therefore they deserve all the blame.
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