Mogadishu named world's second ( not dangerous nor corrupt ..just come in..wnt believe it )

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Great news. Mogadishu started seeing economic growth in the past few years and it's only going to continue to rise. I'm ready to pack up and go back.


The country that my forefathers founded...

the city my forefathers conquered.


Think about what you just said LOL. Are you proud that your forefathers conquered a city that belonged to Muslims? Why would you be proud of stealing another muslim's land?

Lets not start this again sxb, this is the land of the Cushites. What was an Arab doing here in the first place?
You know damn well the city would've been conquered sooner or later. Wixi dhici lahaa wey dhaceen.


Lets not start this again sxb, this is the land of the Cushites. What was an Arab doing here in the first place?
You know damn well the city would've been conquered sooner or later. Wixi dhici lahaa wey dhaceen.
We came for trade, it doesn't matter if it's cushite, if a Semite has founded it then its founders keepers. You cant possibly drive another Muslim out of a land only because he is from a different race. Besides we want just xamar back and you guys can have the rest of the country, including Bardiyo (where you originally inhabited). This is called fairness my nigga :p


We came for trade, it doesn't matter if it's cushite, if a Semite has founded it then its founders keepers. You cant possibly drive another Muslim out of a land only because he is from a different race. Besides we want just xamar back and you guys can have the rest of the country, including Bardiyo (where you originally inhabited). This is called fairness my nigga :p

Lol @ give it back.
Come to me when you're (1) and not, (.5) and perhaps we can have a discussion.
Only 4 years of peace and xamar is making tremendous renaissance Mashallah.

Insha'allah with real peace the possibilities will be endless.


Your superior
population growth of 6.9%

That is too fucking fast. This is the vicious circle that poor third world countries go through. In 20 years, somalia's population will be 30 million all starving and shit
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