Mohammed Hijab vs Ayaan Hirsi Ali


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Is this disgusting old hag still on her tirades against God's last true religion? Islamphobic era is over, no more shekels from her Jewish masters. Russians are the new boogyman now.


"I don’t live in darkness, darkness lives in me."

Beautiful and Brilliant ❤️ ❤️ 😘


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She’s from a good family. I don’t want to speak ill of her. May Allah guide her to the right path.


We finally beat Medicare 🎊 🎉
I don’t know why this woman decided to make a living attacking her own ethnicity and culture. So sad
I don’t know why this woman decided to make a living attacking her own ethnicity and culture. So sad
I believe a lot of non whites do this but they have put white society, and whiteness on a pedestal instead of standing back and seeing why things are the way they are today when they were barbarians fighting each other societies like the Arabs, somalis, china etc had flourishing cities.
She’s from a good family. I don’t want to speak ill of her. May Allah guide her to the right path.
I’m almost certain that her family disowned her and want nothing to do with her, they couldn’t care less. Moreover, a dirty murtad who made a career out of defaming Islam and waging a propaganda war against its adherents deserves no respect, she deserves the full wrath and hostility of Muslims.
i don’t like Ayaan but she’s very sharp and intelligent, that’s what makes her well known. She appeals to logic while Hijab appeals to a religious text to proof his points.

