Even after Afweyne was expelled from Mogadishu, he did not accept defeat, he lauched a massive offensive to recapture the capital. Are you just going to ignore that?
Caydiid(aun) did not call for revenge attacks against other clans: "xumaan haday sameeyaan wanaag ugu badala" is what he ordered his troops.
It was Morgan and Afweyne troops who were recorded threatening to destroy Buulo Mareer, Jilib, Baraawe.
Here is Morgan encouraging his troops to rape innocent Barwani women.
Are you trying to re-write history?

The counterattack was defeated and driven back. Siad Barre fled Somalia, along with almost a million daroods. if anything, it was a greater victory than the original ouster, a decisive victory that effectively ended any chance of a Darood return and guaranteed USC's supremacy.
What happened then?

The Barawanis and Reer Xamar were wiped out by Morgan?
