Adheer Warsame
One of the tags literally says triggering
@cantspeak did his job well
We already have people calling for genocide
@cantspeak did his job well
We already have people calling for genocide
I am not from SomaliaBut you won.
Surely you will now return to enjoy the fruits of your labor?
I mean, Somalia is doing so well now after we got rid of big bad Siad, thanks to the heroes of 1991.
I have and the world sees the most effed up regions in Somalia happens to be either all hawiye, hawiye controlled or is predominately hawiye.
Barre wasn't the dictator worst therefore he wasn't badIs that what you're saying
How can you brush of him murdering, torturing, raping, abusing and massacreing Somalis as blah blah blah blah![]()
Murder, torture, and rape are par the course my friend, it's dictator 101. Idi Amin and Bokasa ate human beings and you're talking about vanilla atrocities.
Imagine blaming Idi Amin if Museveni decided to go on a mindless rampage and looting spree after he got rid of him
How long are you gonna use MSB as an excuse, while paradoxically saying Somalia is better off now?
Funny thing is @Bahal and all afwayne supporters would be up in arms if afwayne was from another clan
I thought this nigga was nonqabilist pro somaliweyn and here he's excusing rape, murder and torture from Barre because they're from the same clan
True colours are showing.
@Prince of Hobyo Barres fate in akhira is upto to his maker not a moryaan savage who after MISERABLY failing to bring peace and order to ONE city blames other especially a man who died more 26 yrs ago.
2017 and moryaan are STILL looting
I'd take responsibility for my heroes inability to consolidate control and concede that perhaps in the end it hasn't been worth it.
I certainly wouldn't be talking shit from the UK, Norway, or whatever else country took me in as a qaxooti.
How on earth can you interpret that as an excuse. Siad Barre's regime obviously committed atrocities, there's no disputing that.
What we're discussing is why the victorious rebels could not do what every other successful rebellion in the entirety of human civilization did, and fill the vacuum of power they created?
My heroes consolidated control and left you guys
Because of the interclan tensions Barre created on purpose, and his clan continuing fighting for him well after his death, like shown here View attachment 12283
View attachment 12284
There would never have been anarchy or a power vacuum had Barre stepped down like everyone wanted. And the power vacuum that followed meant clans were on their own moreso than before, and with the heightened qabilism spread by Barre it created a less than fortunate situation.
Barre did his best to try and kill Somalinimo.
If that isn't some shit. Nigga is posting an article about vulnerable IDPs sometimes being exploited and blaming it on Hawiye when Hawiye wasn't mentioned once. And the article is from 2011 I thought you said this was happening in 2017? Clutching at straws to fit your qabilist narrative. Gtfoh
"mooryan looting in 2017" then posts a pic from the 90s of hungry and desperate skinnies carrying food from the UN. Nigga you're fucking pathetic. Where's that 2017 shit you were talking about?
Al Shabaab is a terrorist organization. They're not bound by qabiil. Still you trying to blame this on Hawiye? How? They could be any qabiil, but that doesn't matter. They're terrorists and should be executed even of they're from my clan or not. And don't try to act there weren't and aren't people in AL Shabaab from your clan
Again, you're pathetic.
"Details of abuse are sketchy" Nigga I just gave you them.Details of abuses are sketchy. HA, even if barres solldiers did that does not excuse the entire hawiye clans savagery against even the raxanweyne whom you barbarians starved to death. Quit your constant blame and bring security to Mogadishu, that should be your priority instead of whining like children when you realize your dumb clan cannot govern shit.,
Amal Aden who's habar awal sacad muuse lesbian atheist & a adernt supporter of jaale siad barreMashallah they are Muslim unlike your women folk who all leave Islam after 20![]()