Mohammed Siyad Barre appreciation thread

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I have and the world sees the most effed up regions in Somalia happens to be either all hawiye, hawiye controlled or is predominately hawiye.

:camby: Instead of deflecting you can stay on topic.

This is a Barre thread


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Barre wasn't the dictator worst therefore he wasn't bad :faysalwtf: Is that what you're saying :faysalwtf::faysalwtf:

How can you brush of him murdering, torturing, raping, abusing and massacreing Somalis as blah blah blah blah :faysalwtf:

Murder, torture, and rape are par the course my friend, it's dictator 101. Idi Amin and Bokasa ate human beings and you're talking about vanilla atrocities.

Imagine blaming Idi Amin if Museveni decided to go on a mindless rampage and looting spree after he got rid of him


How long are you gonna use MSB as an excuse, while paradoxically saying Somalia is better off now?
Murder, torture, and rape are par the course my friend, it's dictator 101. Idi Amin and Bokasa ate human beings and you're talking about vanilla atrocities.

Imagine blaming Idi Amin if Museveni decided to go on a mindless rampage and looting spree after he got rid of him


How long are you gonna use MSB as an excuse, while paradoxically saying Somalia is better off now?

I thought this nigga was nonqabilist pro somaliweyn and here he's excusing rape, murder and torture from Barre because they're from the same clan:kodaksmiley:

True colours are showing.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Funny thing is @Bahal and all afwayne supporters would be up in arms if afwayne was from another clan

I'd take responsibility for my heroes inability to consolidate control and concede that perhaps in the end it hasn't been worth it.

I certainly wouldn't be talking shit from the UK, Norway, or whatever else country took me in as a qaxooti.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I thought this nigga was nonqabilist pro somaliweyn and here he's excusing rape, murder and torture from Barre because they're from the same clan:kodaksmiley:

True colours are showing.

How on earth can you interpret that as an excuse. Siad Barre's regime obviously committed atrocities, there's no disputing that.

What we're discussing is why the victorious rebels could not do what every other successful rebellion in the entirety of human civilization did, and fill the vacuum of power they created?
View attachment 12282
:camby: Instead of deflecting you can stay on topic.

This is a Barre thread

Details of abuses are sketchy. HA, even if barres solldiers did that does not excuse the entire hawiye clans savagery against even the raxanweyne whom you barbarians starved to death. Quit your constant blame and bring security to Mogadishu, that should be your priority instead of whining like children when you realize your dumb clan cannot govern shit.,
@Prince of Hobyo Barres fate in akhira is upto to his maker not a moryaan savage who after MISERABLY failing to bring peace and order to ONE city blames other especially a man who died more 26 yrs ago.




2017 and moryaan are STILL looting

If that isn't some shit. Nigga is posting an article about vulnerable IDPs sometimes being exploited and blaming it on Hawiye when Hawiye wasn't mentioned once. And the article is from 2011 I thought you said this was happening in 2017? Clutching at straws to fit your qabilist narrative. Gtfoh

"mooryan looting in 2017" then posts a pic from the 90s of hungry and desperate skinnies carrying food from the UN. Nigga you're fucking pathetic. Where's that 2017 shit you were talking about?

Al Shabaab is a terrorist organization. They're not bound by qabiil. Still you trying to blame this on Hawiye? How? They could be any qabiil, but that doesn't matter. They're terrorists and should be executed even of they're from my clan or not. And don't try to act there weren't and aren't people in AL Shabaab from your clan :ivers:

Again, you're pathetic.


Your superior
I'd take responsibility for my heroes inability to consolidate control and concede that perhaps in the end it hasn't been worth it.

I certainly wouldn't be talking shit from the UK, Norway, or whatever else country took me in as a qaxooti.

My heroes consolidated control and left you guys
How on earth can you interpret that as an excuse. Siad Barre's regime obviously committed atrocities, there's no disputing that.

What we're discussing is why the victorious rebels could not do what every other successful rebellion in the entirety of human civilization did, and fill the vacuum of power they created?

You were literally defending his human rights abuses because he was a dictator, and "not the worst one in history"

Because of the interclan tensions Barre created on purpose, and his clan continuing fighting for him well after his death, like shown here


There would never have been anarchy or a power vacuum had Barre stepped down like everyone wanted. And the power vacuum that followed meant clans were on their own moreso than before, and with the heightened qabilism spread by Barre it created a less than fortunate situation.

Barre did his best to try and kill Somalinimo.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Because of the interclan tensions Barre created on purpose, and his clan continuing fighting for him well after his death, like shown here View attachment 12283
View attachment 12284

There would never have been anarchy or a power vacuum had Barre stepped down like everyone wanted. And the power vacuum that followed meant clans were on their own moreso than before, and with the heightened qabilism spread by Barre it created a less than fortunate situation.

Barre did his best to try and kill Somalinimo.

To quote myself:

Regardless of how supposedly repressive or divisive the late government was, the orchestrators of the coup (sorry, the liberation forces) who claimed to be fighting to reinstate "democracy" and "justice" managed to spectacularly fail in their political objectives and instead embarked on cannibalizing themselves the moment MSB was ousted. Once again, every single successful coup in the entirety of human civilization managed to establish at least a semblance of order, save for the 1991 coup that ushered in the world's first and foremost failed state. Every. Single. One.

The coup that overthrew Idi Amin, who literally ate people, managed to result in some sort of viable government. The coup that forced the Hutus from power, the same Hutus that slaughtered 800,000 in a few weeks, resulted in a viable government. The coup that overthrew Mengistu, whose brutality I've already mentioned, resulted in some sort of government.

Blaming "counterrevolutionary" elements for the continual mishaps of the "liberation forces" to consolidate power makes little sense when instead of positioning themselves to fill the power vacuum and establishing at least a provisional form of the democratic government they claimed to be fighting to instate, the "liberation forces" began a campaign of clan cleansing and reprisal attacks that resulted in the USC splintering within weeks of the government's collapse, the SNM declaring secession, Aideed bizarrely deciding to attack his erstwhile allies (Majerteen, Abgaal, Murusade, Xawaadle), and a campaign of rampant looting, pillaging, and mass atrocities committed by his lieutenants' militias which eventually splintered into the infamous Mogadishu gangs that terrorized southern Somalia until the rise of the ICU 15 years later, ushering in an era of warlordism and balkanization that managed to reverse 21 years of military supremacy, relative economic stability, development, and progressive reforms. It's not our fault Aideed and Co. couldn't do what Kagame, Museveni, Zenawi et al. did when they overthrew their respective governments in the late 80s-early 90s.

As I've said before, I've always found it amusing that Mengistu and MSB were overthrown within months of each other by Meles Zenawi and Aideed, respectively, yet one managed to stabilize his country and replace his opponent as the PM for 21 years while the other was killed by one of his child soldiers five years after his ill advised coup. If the popular narrative peddled here on somnet of MSB and his supporters of fleeing to Kenya and "dying on a toilet" has any truth to it, the onus of responsibility fell on those that overthrew a flawed but functioning government and replaced it with lawlessness and bitter internecine conflict that continues to rage on today. No other coup has failed as spectacularly. To quote myself, "you only have yourselves to blame for your catastrophic failure. It's time you face reality and stop blaming MSB, Marehan, Darood, Ethiopia, Uganda, Burundi, Kenya, Al-qaida, and god knows who else for your failure to govern the country."

:icon e smile:
If that isn't some shit. Nigga is posting an article about vulnerable IDPs sometimes being exploited and blaming it on Hawiye when Hawiye wasn't mentioned once. And the article is from 2011 I thought you said this was happening in 2017? Clutching at straws to fit your qabilist narrative. Gtfoh

"mooryan looting in 2017" then posts a pic from the 90s of hungry and desperate skinnies carrying food from the UN. Nigga you're fucking pathetic. Where's that 2017 shit you were talking about?

Al Shabaab is a terrorist organization. They're not bound by qabiil. Still you trying to blame this on Hawiye? How? They could be any qabiil, but that doesn't matter. They're terrorists and should be executed even of they're from my clan or not. And don't try to act there weren't and aren't people in AL Shabaab from your clan :ivers:

Again, you're pathetic.

You are the one who is pathetic and a clannist to boot, rape still happens in Mogadishu not my fault you choose to close your eyes on it. I have been to Xamar, and most of the crime that takes place in that city is hawiye on hawiye when other time its haiwye terrorising other minority clans like cadcad. I will not ask anyone to tell me becuase ive witnessed it. The militia who are called SNA in Mogadishu, shabelle, and central somalia are hawiye. They rape, loot etc. Again, stop Blaming Barre for hawiye failures, he is DEAD and you cannot blame a dead person for not knowing how to govern. This is the PERFECT chance hawiye had to prove that they are better then the man they love to put all your failures on but thus far your dumb clan proved that you are the most violent group in Somalia.
Details of abuses are sketchy. HA, even if barres solldiers did that does not excuse the entire hawiye clans savagery against even the raxanweyne whom you barbarians starved to death. Quit your constant blame and bring security to Mogadishu, that should be your priority instead of whining like children when you realize your dumb clan cannot govern shit.,
"Details of abuse are sketchy" Nigga I just gave you them.

Hawiye starved the Rahanweyn?


I reiterate, you're pathetic. "Your dumb clan can't govern shit" kulaha. Don't lash out at me cuz daddy Barre wasn't everything you thought he was.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Have you ever heard of the Rahanweyn Resistance Army? Do you have any idea why they were formed?
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