Moment when Somalia Ambassador in London was shown THE SNM

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30 years later...


What a great liberation. :cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley:

That is morbid but true. The carcasses that is the Somali name is being divided among Arabs and Ethiopians :kendrickcry:


Your superior
That can't be true. The frontline was in central somalia and once it broke it was all over for the Kacaan. Things would have gone differently if Siad barre followed his general's warnings to hold strategic areas inside Ogaden instead of being stationary and collecting the withdrawal aid package.
nope his entire army and airforce was in the north trying to fight SNM, he left himself exposed and that gave usc great opportunity
SNM not over drowned Siyad Regime it was USC kuwaasi ayuu ilaahay u bixiyay ee sow tii iyaga oo nool laasi jiray ee ilaa hada maydkoodii la soo faqo
26 years strong! I love it when the afweyne sympathisers hate, we get better by the day
Long live the blessed nation of Somaliland!
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