Mooryanism has come to the footsteps of HSM


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Haa huuno it would never make sense to me why a Marexan would wanna make fun of Habargidir. The mooryaanimo topic scares them perhaps whenever people are discussing mooryaanimada. They’d feel guilty if they didn’t participate in the discussion and express their opinion😅that tells us something.
What mooryanism did Marehan commit during the 21 year egalitarian rule of MSB AUN. Even the word “Jaraar” couldnt be uttered in the military without strict punishment. MSB did not practice any mooryanism infact he died poor and penniless.

If Marehan were truly corrupt and “mooryan” they would have turned Gedo into a golden metropolis. Its why majority of Somalis trust us to lead the nation.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Somalia only has two problems: Mareexaan and Habar Gidir. To be fair, mostly just Cayr and not even all of Habar Gedir even if they all have mooryaan tendencies. If these two clans can be brought to heel, the rest of us can easily get along. Call me a qabiilist all you want but we all know it’s true
Didnt Omar Jees massacre thousands of Hartis when he captured Kismayo? Even doctors werent safe from his purge. Dont let me bring the NY Times article. Abdi Iley atrocities against his own people is also absolutely mooryaan like.

How ironic
Didnt Omar Jees massacre thousands of Hartis when he captured Kismayo? Even doctors werent safe from his purge. Dont let me bring the NY Times article. Abdi Iley atrocities against his own people is also absolutely mooryaan like.

How ironic
Huuno you are mistaken. The prophet peace be upon him said “he is not Muslim who does not want for his brother what he wants for himself” the mooryaan does completely the opposite. A mooryaan is one who would eat other peoples cooked food while standing just because he can. The mooryaan does not sit when eating, he maybe short in appearance wearing only macawiis and shirt, in his right side pocket you will find khad stuffed in there, in his left side pocket you will find fresh cooked spaghetti stolen from a nearby Darood family in the neighbourhood stuffed in there and up in his ear you will see a cigarette stuck in there. The mooryaan does not say agah iyo eega or boowe iyo baayo. This abaq dude that you’re replying, horta do you know what his people did to your people?😅bakhtiyaasha ugaasyada marexan bay dhaanto ku tumteen. Can you believe this?😅I really thought the guumaysi was never this bad honestly and feel stupid that I didn’t find out about it sooner, Makahil guumaysi the shit out of your folks down there in Doolo mr tekniko damn walahi it’s guumaysi caadi ah the wells that belonged to your awoowayaal today your marexan nomads have to pay in order to use these same wells, they even have a famous dhaanto that’s dedicated to your karbaash😅

