Guiding is a code word for forcing people into choices which they can develop themselves.Men are supposed to be responsible over women as well as provide for them. So yes, if you have a daughter, wife or sister you are responsible for guiding them on the right path so they dont live a life of regret. We are Muslim men; not nihilistic atheists.
Feminism is not a choice anymore for women. It's now the default. In the eyes of society you are either a staunch feminist career women who doesn't need a man or a lowly housewife slave working for the patriarchy. Do you see how they've taken over the narrative and pushed this satanic propaganda? Thanks to feminism women are literally brainwashed to go against their God given biological nature of having kids and being a homemaker. Dont believe me? Look at what the Prophet (pbuh) said with the hadith @TekNiKo posted below:
Biologically men often f*ck everything that moves regardless of consent on both sides. Biologically men don't wear clothes, live in cars or build planes yet we do. Feminism is the choice between being able to choose your life or let some random stranger deem you unfit for anything but cleaning and cooking.