More oromos getting deported from Hargeisa

This is so inhumane, and not sure how the government is still getting away with this type of shit.

Pure Fascism, What wrong are those people doing in the city that causes all of them to be deported, as the person who posted this, you are also an immigrant to another country, you should have a place for those people who fled their homes to search for an opportunity just like your parent did.

for those scary of oromos taking over the city, just know they can't because its far from their homes and the place is already populated by enough somalis. no need to be afraid, yall inbred as much as they do.
Yh but theres nothing there for them in hargiesa, i swear ethiopia is doing better than somaliland and somalia? Plus ethiopia is larger than Somaliland so it makes 0 sense for them to migrate to somaliland and settle there.