Wage a full scale war on alshabab.What is your idea to improve security you can’t be critical without having a suggestion lets hear it
Don't give security of the country to Ethiopia.
How does that sound to you?
Wage a full scale war on alshabab.What is your idea to improve security you can’t be critical without having a suggestion lets hear it
Your being vague explain to us because it seems real easy break it down how this full scale war will be foughtWage a full scale war on alshabab.
Don't give security of the country to Ethiopia.
How does that sound to you?
Your being vague explain to us because it seems real easy break it down how this full scale war will be fought
Who will fight? Who will fund it? With what heavy weapons? With what money?
Secondly explain to us if the US government with billions upon billions of dollars is still unable to defeat Taliban and ISIS how do you expect a forth world African country to do it tell us how your strategy would be different than all the other anti-terrorism anti-insurgancy wars fought all over the world![]()
The government in Muqdisho faces different challenges than the maamul goboleeds when it comes to terrorism for example in the gobolada everyone knows everyone if i even come to a big town lets say even Kismayo everyone and their momma will know im new in town or suspicious and question me but if i go to Xamar I promise you i can just blend in and no one would notice me now imagine if 25% of the 3 million people Xamar are friendly towards me and are willing to hide me if necessary do you see the challenge without money and proper intelligence servicesThey haven't made any attempts to even free xamar yet. Are you really this doqon mise you are here to defend your adeer? Be honest.
u dont think this government has neglected the security of the country?
They aren't completely handicapped. Even maamuls like puntland and jubaland engage with shabab and attack them. YOu are telling me the government can't do the same?
You are just rambling now.The government in Muqdisho faces different challenges than the maamul goboleeds when it comes to terrorism for example in the gobolada everyone knows everyone if i even come to a big town lets say even Kismayo everyone and their momma will know im new in town or suspicious and question me but if i go to Xamar I promise you i can just blend in and no one would notice me now imagine if 25% of the 3 million people Xamar are friendly towards me and are willing to hide me if necessary do you see the challenge without money and proper intelligence services
Wtf you talking about? Ethiopia has been in Somalia since 1995/1996 especially Bay Bakool Gedo and Hiiraan when they came under the pretext of fighting Al Itihad Al Islamiyaa and OLF/ONLF what security did Farmaajo give to Ethiopia that you speak of bal noo sheeg whats the difference between AMISOM Madow who’ve been there for 11 years and Ethiopia isn’t an occupier an occupier come with tangible facts and a strategy instead talking nonsenseYou are just rambling now.
Explain why farmaajo literally gave security of the country to Ethiopia?
Do u really believe Ethiopia, of all people, will work to secure OUR security?
My sentiments. The people don't need positivity, they need real results. And all leaders should be held to a high standard. By cheering every time people get together once and plant a tree or pick up some debris, people have tricked themselves into thinking it's a new era. I can't tell you the amount or articles I've been seeing since 2011 saying "Somalia rising from the ashes"Doowladu dhan waxay ku koobeen nin xabsi laga soo saaray.
what's being done about security? Two years in, and qaraxs are almost daily now. inay somalidu cawaan tahay bal qof yidhaahda mudan madaxwayne amaanku sow kan faraha ka baxay? inoo shaaci waxaad ka qabanayso? miyaa la waayay?
This facebook government and its bots like the ones you see here will celebrate if the government moves a thorn from the streets, but won't bother to ask the big questions.
Being a patriot isn't to cheer lead for the government no matter what. Asking questions means you are negative person or qaran dumis.
How the hell can we say the 68 IQ is false.![]()