Mosques and tribalism: How some mosques are denying burials because of clan

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I've heard there is a growing number of Somali mosques in North America that are starting to refuse to bury some Somalis. If you died as a gang member, if they haven't seen you during Friday prayer, if you had a boyfriend or girlfriend from the same faith, if you drink alcohol or go to night clubs, they will flat out refuse. They are starting to do very detailed background checks into your life and if you don't pass their very strict test, you will not get an Islamic burial.

However I heard if you are part of the clan of the mosque board, you will get a pass.

One example from Toronto, was a Somali woman who had a white boyfriend and with kids with him. She was murdered by her white boyfriend. She wasn't Muslim so the mosques refused. However, her qabiil made aware of her clan to the mosque and they buried her.

Another case in Ohio where a Somali man died and the mosque said we won't bury him because we didn't see him at Friday prayers. When the daughters told the mosque he prayed, the mosque demanded that they bring someone other than a family member to confirm. They had to bury him out of state. He wasn't part of the clan of the mosque's board.

I've also heard of a gang member not being buried.

Mosques are using clan now to decide who they decide to bury.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I didn't even know mosques were qabilist. Imagine tricking a place of worship between genetically identical people solely based on clan lines. Shit isn't even acceptable if it's different ethnic groups but truly try to comprehend the futility that goes into Somali prioritization.

It's comical wallahi
I didn't even know mosques were qabilist. Imagine tricking a place of worship between genetically identical people solely based on clan lines. Shit isn't even acceptable if it's different ethnic groups but truly try to comprehend the futility that goes into Somali prioritization.

It's comical wallahi

Somalis pray at mosques where the mosque boards belong to their clan. This is nothing new. It's been like that since the early 1990s.


Not your typical Farah
I didn't even know mosques were qabilist. Imagine tricking a place of worship between genetically identical people solely based on clan lines. Shit isn't even acceptable if it's different ethnic groups but truly try to comprehend the futility that goes into Somali prioritization.

It's comical wallahi
Yeah they were in Minnesota, not that I know of here in Seattle. But, when I live in Minnesota for a brief time, I remember seeing majsids within half mile within each other. Then, I was told it was due tribalism. Also, some clans would vandalize masjids due to "competition" - one masjid was on news about this situation, if I find the news clip on YouTube, I will share. It's crazy at some places man. That's how the drug of tribalism is - it sometimes trumps their religion.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
The mosques here don't really beef over qabiil like that, it's mostly ideological.

The Sufi mosque dedicated Friday khutbahs to shit talking the akhwaan mosque kkkkkkk


Gaalkacyo Gangster
I didn't even know mosques were qabilist. Imagine tricking a place of worship between genetically identical people solely based on clan lines. Shit isn't even acceptable if it's different ethnic groups but truly try to comprehend the futility that goes into Somali prioritization.

It's comical wallahi
Dar-ul-Hijra was established because of a clan dispute between board members at KBW. From what I've seen, that's how it usually starts. At the beginning people of many different qabils share a masjid until there's an argument between the board members. s being s this evolves into a clan dispute because when one board member leaves, he takes all his clan members with him.

Lil Resse

I didn't even know mosques were qabilist. Imagine tricking a place of worship between genetically identical people solely based on clan lines. Shit isn't even acceptable if it's different ethnic groups but truly try to comprehend the futility that goes into Somali prioritization.

It's comical wallahi
he lyin that shit aint true...
Yeah they were in Minnesota, not that I know of here in Seattle. But, when I live in Minnesota for a brief time, I remember seeing majsids within half mile within each other. Then, I was told it was due tribalism. Also, some clans would vandalize masjids due to "competition" - one masjid was on news about this situation, if I find the news clip on YouTube, I will share. It's crazy at some places man. That's how the drug of tribalism is - it sometimes trumps their religion.
nigga i live here aint no mosque give a f*ck bout tribe and shit
Some people can't afford to die.

Many Iman's cover the debt for some family members and they cover the cost of the burial overtime. Kinda like a pay-day loan but for death.

It's easier to collect and raise the money on tribal lines.

So many people can't even afford to die and that's why many mosques turn people away.

Death is big business
The mosques have become shameless. They ask people to donate during prayers so they can purchase the land for cemeteries but then ask the deceased's family to pay $10K for a plot. Make it more reasonable of an expense.

Why are they doing this?


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
In Australia, you pay for your own cemeteries but the mosque does all the religious stuff. There was a case at my local mosque where notorious bike died in our city and he was culturally muslim (doesn't eat pork, prays, fasts but is atheist), the mosque washed, did janazah and accompanied the grave without a problem. The only problem the have is with suicide, they don't want to touch that shit.

Sheikh: "Baradar you keel yourself you bary yourself".

Idk for Somali mosques but there aren't enough of them for them to be tribalist.


Yeah they were in Minnesota, not that I know of here in Seattle. But, when I live in Minnesota for a brief time, I remember seeing majsids within half mile within each other. Then, I was told it was due tribalism. Also, some clans would vandalize masjids due to "competition" - one masjid was on news about this situation, if I find the news clip on YouTube, I will share. It's crazy at some places man. That's how the drug of tribalism is - it sometimes trumps their religion.
Wtf :faysalwtf:

Qabilist mosques? Vandalizing each others mosques?

Yo that nigga crew Masjid Omar bin Khattab, f*ck them niggas that's where the midgaans pray, Masjid Medina all the way fam brap brap :birdman:

What I don't understand is the value of being buried via a mosque for browny points or the supplications/duca Muslims read because everything happens on Allah's will and it is already written on lo7un ma7fuz. Does he change his opinion?

Most people including Muslims if their organs fail will opt for an organ transplant, is it ok with the Imams and what happens if a Muslim decides to donate all his organs, will the mosque bury of what's remaining of h/her?
The Ottawa Assalam Mosque run by Fiqishini had the same issue. A bunch of Abgals and MJs left after they had an issue with the Fiqishini controlling the board and not sharing with other clans (but it was a family run mosque). This was after Sheikh Mohamed Rashad (RIP) died. There was another exodus when the Saleeban HG had a problem with the mosque not being Salafi. Then another exodus with the non Fiqishini Cayr when they too demanded the board be more diverse. LOL. One of them even stole money from the mosque donation jar before he left.

The mosque now has mostly reer Waqooyi and ajnaabis. Djiboutians don't go to the mosque even though being the majority of Somalis in the city. Djiboutians don't pray.

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
The mosques have become shameless. They ask people to donate during prayers so they can purchase the land for cemeteries but then ask the deceased's family to pay $10K for a plot. Make it more reasonable of an expense.

Why are they doing this?
I wonder why the high price considering the average burial plot in the u.s. costs between 1-5k for non Islamic.
In Australia, you pay for your own cemeteries but the mosque does all the religious stuff. There was a case at my local mosque where notorious bike died in our city and he was culturally muslim (doesn't eat pork, prays, fasts but is atheist), the mosque washed, did janazah and accompanied the grave without a problem. The only problem the have is with suicide, they don't want to touch that shit.

Sheikh: "Baradar you keel yourself you bary yourself".

Idk for Somali mosques but there aren't enough of them for them to be tribalist.

Hi Lib

I bet that Bike bloke was a Lebanese guy, they don't have similar problems like we do in mosques. I know a Lebanese bloke who owned several Bars and partnership with a famous nightclub and dealt with the budada who only saw the mosque on burial days oo janzaada masjidka weeyn ee Preston loogu tukadey.
I wonder why the high price considering the average burial plot in the u.s. costs between 1-5k for non Islamic.

The Jews charge anywhere between $2500-3000 in Ottawa and that includes the whole package with transportation and upkeep as well. If you can't afford it, the fee is waived. Jews don't ask people to donate for land purchases when their cemeteries fill up.

Funerals are a big business for mosques. Mosques are funded by Saudi oil money but they won't hesitate to ask for money at any time.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Hi Lib

I bet that Bike bloke was a Lebanese guy, they don't have similar problems like we do in mosques. I know a Lebanese bloke who owned several Bars and partnership with a famous nightclub and dealt with the budada who only saw the mosque on burial days oo janzaada masjidka weeyn ee Preston loogu tukadey.

Fair enough, but these problems don't usually happen down under.
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