Most to least prosperous Countries in 2020

Sorry ass niggas:mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

landlocked boons:mjlaugh:

Every country has its own resources. The question is what are you gonna do with it? I'm pretty sure the land locked Ethiopia will become a middle income country way faster than many with sea outlet. After all, most of the dirt poor countries of Africa have a sea outlet. Not having a sea outlet is no excuse to stay in poverty!
in regards of business sectors to invest in Ethiopia, which one do you believe is the most profitable for a foreign investor in Ethiopia?

Honestly, literary every business in Ethiopia makes profit. The market is untapped almost in every sector. But if I had to chose from, I would say the agro-processing sector. That will be very very big. The government is promoting it with tax breaks, easy loans and what not because it believes agro-processing will replace most of the goods we import. The potential for agro-processing in Ethiopia is huge.

This company for example does the whole chain - from commercial farming to agro-processing and to its super market chain. The super market is unique in that it is very cheap compared to other super market chains (a supermarket for the ordinary people) because most of its products come from its agro-processing factories.

Read this book if you want to understand what's up with Africa, Latin America, and much of Southern Asia.


Just found the pdf here:

Thats an unbelievably low figure. What is it with those habesha career women in Addis ?

I don't have the stats but it is very rare for young women who were born and raised in Addis not to get educated and have their own career whether they have kids or not. They are everywhere including in top government offices and running startups. Private kindergartens/schools and housemaids from rural areas make it possible. 85% of Addis Ababans send their kids to private schools. The kids stay in the school for about 8 hours in a day. This enables women to pursue their career. Only "losers" send their kids to public schools in Addis.


Honestly, literary every business in Ethiopia makes profit. The market is untapped almost in every sector. But if I had to chose from, I would say the agro-processing sector. That will be very very big. The government is promoting it with tax breaks, easy loans and what not because it believes agro-processing will replace most of the goods we import. The potential for agro-processing in Ethiopia is huge.

This company for example does the whole chain - from commercial farming to agro-processing and to its super market chain. The super market is unique in that it is very cheap compared to other super market chains (a supermarket for the ordinary people) because most of its products come from its agro-processing factories.

Thanks for sharing this. I wish it was in English tho looks like a nice documentary.
Lol really, you’re gonna be proud that you’re 2nd to last? 😂

edit: All I wanna know is just in E.Africa what is Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan, Kenya excuse for being almost as poor as Somalia despite no civil conflict?

I'm not proud, it was clearly self deprecation :childplease:
Every country has its own resources. The question is what are you gonna do with it? I'm pretty sure the land locked Ethiopia will become a middle income country way faster than many with sea outlet. After all, most of the dirt poor countries of Africa have a sea outlet. Not having a sea outlet is no excuse to stay in poverty!
We had a civil war what’s your excuse you lot had a head start in becoming a country :mjlol:

sorry ass niggas:heh:
No excuse here but most of the development in Africa was based on colonialism which Ethiopia completely lacks (except the 5 year Italian occupation). Everything in Ethiopia, including the basics of the economy and infrastructure all were mostly done by our Emperors etc. who were themselves not educated. We had also the worst and moronic leaders of all times, Mengistu who destroyed every economic progress Haile Selassie made with his communist nonsense and destroyed the young and private business. We had to start everything from scratch when EPRDF took over and in the last 3 decades could compete with the likes of Kenya who had much longer western civilization and stability.

Actually, most of Haile Selassie economical plans failed, the country was always in state of deficit in balance trade whatever growth achieved was diminished by dependence on imports. He also had technical missions from US & UN to lay down an economical development plan for Ethiopia but his employees & system in general were ineffective. Not to mentions the famines that lead to his fall.

Mengitsu was our version of Siad Barre but than you had TPLF who were much more effective than any government before. Nothing worthy in the first decade of their rule in fact Eritrean border war had detrimental effect on the economy and the 2002 famine that followed made matters worse but from 2004 and after Ethiopia really toke off.

So from Damat 3000 years ago to 2004 99% of Ethiopian history the country was destitute ravaged by internal squabble and famines till TPLF have taken power and brought i to the 21st century.


My point was everyone wants to point out Somalia and SL for being poor and underdeveloped, when Ethiopia is next door with little to no civil conflict and has received 10x(if not more)aid since 1950 compare to Somalia and yet its still as broke as we are. I don’t want to sit here and speculate what the actual $$$ is being used for but the way I see it is if I give one of my friends 30k and I give another the end of the day I don’t expect them both to be broke the same.

The cognitive dissonance in this post is real :mjlol:
We had a civil war what’s your excuse you lot had a head start in becoming a country :mjlol:

sorry ass niggas:heh:

Somalia is a new country was made 60 years ago, these guys have founded a continues form sovereign nation for 3000 years and still have nothing to show for.


Addis Ababa has Singapore level fertility rates, lmao, I was shocked by this.

Low fertility rate = indicates career focused women.
low fertility rates = becoming langaab. May we never be inflicted with such a problem.

This why Kemalist/secularist in Turkey will always be langaab compared to the traditionalist Muslim conservatives that have higher fertility and continue winning in elections.
low fertility rates = becoming langaab. May we never be inflicted with such a problem.

This why Kemalist/secularist in Turkey will always be langaab compared to the traditionalist Muslim conservatives that have higher fertility and continue winning in elections.

It's usually poor people with high fertility rates, not a good look.

Also we already are langaab compared to our neighbours.


It's usually poor people with high fertility rates, not a good look.

Also we already are langaab compared to our neighbours.
Then we need to change that langaabness by maintaining high fertility.

Don't become westernized and ideologically molested that you believe high fertility is not a good look. In Somali culture back home, there's no correlation between socio-economic classes and # of kids a family has. The rich marry 4 wives often.


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