Mudane Deni snubs Culusow meeting again


Let him cook
There’s no point mentioning China, Russia etc. they have little influence on Somalia. Somalia is a western project and anyone who loses the support of America is finished politically. The politicians in the country are completely reliant on America’s aid money. Moment you threaten that, then you lose all support like Farmaajo saw happen to him when we were sanctioned by American donors. America even bullied Qatar into refusing to pay for the Eritrean troops to return. This meant his plan to use these troops to hold his fixed elections failed.

UN, IMF, World Bank, NGOs etc all push US backed reforms on Somalia. Here’s one of the things Deni is against. The FGS taking over the federal courts of the member states. Gets a big endorsement before the NCC meeting in Baydhabo.

HSM has halted 17 World Bank projects in PL according to Fahad’s media. He wouldn’t be able to do this had he not had this support.
You’re right about one thing tho and that is ticking on Deni. As it becomes clear he can’t be re-elected the more support he loses.
Would be shocking if 17 projects were canceled, only one I know was paused was garcaad to galdogob would be curious on full list
There’s no point mentioning China, Russia etc. they have little influence on Somalia. Somalia is a western project and anyone who loses the support of America is finished politically. The politicians in the country are completely reliant on America’s aid money. Moment you threaten that, then you lose all support like Farmaajo saw happen to him when we were sanctioned by American donors. America even bullied Qatar into refusing to pay for the Eritrean troops to return. This meant his plan to use these troops to hold his fixed elections failed.

UN, IMF, World Bank, NGOs etc all push US backed reforms on Somalia. Here’s one of the things Deni is against. The FGS taking over the federal courts of the member states. Gets a big endorsement before the NCC meeting in Baydhabo.

HSM has halted 17 World Bank projects in PL according to Fahad’s media. He wouldn’t be able to do this had he not had this support.
You’re right about one thing tho and that is ticking on Deni. As it becomes clear he can’t be re-elected the more support he loses.

For those brainwashed actual Somalis on the forum, if you dont take it from me and all the sources I share take it from the sponsored agent on here telling you the truth.

HSM and most FMS leaders and the entire federal project is a western project to weaken a Muslim country loot its resources and worst of all try to liberalize the people and wipe out scholars. You can look at other Muslims countries and see how they implemented the same strategy. They now have their puppet in place to try and push these reforms.

Everything that has happened from the civil war to now has been their work and their puppets. Some fools here like to boast and pretend seccessionism, federalism, tribalism, are their creations when it is a known an documented western strategy to plunder them, it is pathetic and delusional.

Since some of the most heinous laws were rejected (SOB) they are now bringing in mercenaries through the UAE. Mostly retired US military, Israeli, and Latin American like in Yemen and they assassinated and black mails the leadership like imams and any other leadership that stands against their project. In Yemen, they were known to rape men and record it and use it as blackmail.

We make dua for the best outcome but whatever Allah swt has written will come to pass and all will be held accountable for the role they played in assisting hostile enemies of Muslims.

Another Shirka Wasatashiga FMS and Dawlada Dhexe fails as PL refuses to attend in Baidoa. :mjlaugh:

Reer Muqdishu are urging HSM to punish Deni and use awood with Galmudug to attack now
Puntland would have won politically if they could have convinced other states to not come or the shir was canceled. But as we can see the progress continues whether Deni attends or not. That is what I like about HSM we ain't got no time to waste, let Deni paint PL as a spoiler state.


Nothing PL is asking for is unreasonable.

Why on earth would they let the corrupt unjust Xamar control their court systems? Or let Xamar control their 1m1v democracy? Culusow will have to cede control to PL.

The other federal states don’t care because they have territory controlled by Al Shabab who have a better court/justice system, or their court system is going to a tree and letting elders handle disputes, and they don’t have democracy.


there is plenty of things culusow can do. all the things puntland use to accuse of farmaajo. culusow will actually do it. he will cause in insurection inside puntland. he will bring puntland oppisition leaders to mogadishu to form an alliance against deni. he will arm and fund galmudug to have a border skirmish with puntland. he will cause chaos inside gaalkacyo. just today a famous nabadoon was killed inside gaalkacyo puntland side. ciyaal weero have all of sudden appeared in gaalkacyo causing havoc.

culusow is a shaytaan

One thing about Reer PL is that they will never side with outsiders against the interests of their own people. Culusow already tried funding Galmudug and failed, he will fail again if he tries that shit.


Would be shocking if 17 projects were canceled, only one I know was paused was garcaad to galdogob would be curious on full list


PL confirm it now. This thread is officially debunked. 4 months later Deni is on life support politically and PL is crying about projects being stopped by IC
What can they do against Deni except send a few mooryans? The IC listens to Garowe’s input and will force Culusow to toe the line. He has been corrupted by HG Jinni, we need Eylian mingis to exorcise him


Let him cook
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PL confirm it now. This thread is officially debunked. 4 months later Deni is on life support politically and PL is crying about projects being stopped by IC
Hopefully money is released eventually, many years project funds are lost in Somalia because they aren’t spent in time

he backed himself into corner 4 months till election interesting times ahead
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Let him cook
the aid projects for somali people he should stick to promises and not hurt citizens to spite Deni
