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Could work but the agent's of chaos in Somalia (enemies of the ppl & profiteers) are too paranoid atm.

However, their security apparatus is pretty incompetent so there's ways around them.

I'm more concerned about the foreign intelligence agencies placed there to guard against holes in the system.

They wouldn't want something like the 2006 Islamic courts to reappear.

The way I see it, Al Shabaab is just a single tendril of a much bigger cancer in Somalia. Getting rid of them is the easy part.
yes my friend..

I can see you arent like the mindless zombies here.

People on this site just speak and speak, just what the enemy wanted.They support fat odey bastards who are slaves of a foreign master, all in the name of "qabiil".

Defeating Al-kebab would be a great victory but its just a small knot in the complicated one in somalia.

Utter military occupation and state sponsored purges can weed out much of this cancer. Isolation and alliances with conditions (resources) to powerful nations can protect our isolation and prevent foreign meddling. Once the country is completely cut off. We can begin purges...

It might sound crazy but it just might work....

Then once we have defeated much of the enemies within we can focus on the enemies outside our borders...


It's all so tiresome
yes my friend..

I can see you arent like the mindless zombies here.

People on this site just speak and speak, just what the enemy wanted.They support fat odey bastards who are slaves of a foreign master, all in the name of "qabiil".

Defeating Al-kebab would be a great victory but its just a small knot in the complicated one in somalia.

Utter military occupation and state sponsored purges can weed out much of this cancer. Isolation and alliances with conditions (resources) to powerful nations can protect our isolation and prevent foreign meddling. Once the country is completely cut off. We can begin purges...

It might sound crazy but it just might work....

Then once we have defeated much of the enemies within we can focus on the enemies outside our borders...

Sound plan for the most of it but I think we should go for a policy of reconciliation once we regain our sovereignty.

At the end of the day the reason why bigger powers could blow us around is because of their massive economies.

Sure, run a totalitarian state in all but name but we can't forget to give out the carrot as well as the stick.

All our focus should be in building up our economy and most of our institutions should be built to support that.

Qabilism is a cancer but if used correctly it could actually give us a huge advantage over any other country.

We might be small population wise but if we could get groups of 100 thousand Geeljire to create economic alliances based on blood allegiances; (I.e. sub clans) they each could have funds worth billions, their own banks and income generating industries.

All of them would have some sort of symbiotic link with huge international companies.

Now imagine a dozen of these clan conglomerates...

If we pull this off then we'd have enough power to ward of multinationals if not nations over time.

IMO nationalism is a weak tool for loyalty.

Benefits is what makes the world go round...

That's why qabilism is stronger than nationalism in Somalia atm because it's a more direct source of benefits.
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