Prince of HS
We done it boys
Now we focus on East Galmudug

Not including Hawadle but the rest of the other macawisley clan militas are only there for Igu sawir
someone recently said that Murusade forces left Wabxo because they didn’t have enough manpower. Question is Why even attempt to capture a town if your just going to leave the next day?
reality is that the “liberation” war in Middle Shabelle is just another social media propaganda being pushed by the FGS
you are not serious. If you were then you wouldn’t be needing to bring up a 200 year old folklore of one of your subclans killing the imam that is now dragging your people behind
Hayyehee I believe an apology is due.Wallahi this gif is hilarious. The rest of your shuban deserves no reply. I will come back to it, when shabaab is cleaned up.
"CaliGaduud shimee la xoreynaa" to "there is no war against shabaab". Al-Shabaab is done in our lands waa loo tashtay the same way aan u tashanay all the mooryaans in early 2005. Hawiye take time but Alxamdulillah we are very determined people.
You will only lose face walaal, but you do you.
Farmajo was moving like he didnt want to defeat alshabab wallahii must admit, HSM done in a few months what Farmaajo couldn’t in 5 years
Spells good news for other territory under Shabaab for decade+.16 consecutive years and these residents are all pro government. Shows beesha were never pro AS and put up with them due to fear
beautiful landWaceysle SNA in Galgaduud/Middle Shabelle border
Waceysle SNA along with Gorgor troops in Galgaduud/Middle Shabelle border
Farmajo was moving like he didnt want to defeat alshabab wallahi
Madaxweyne soomaaliyeed marabi inaa wax ka sheego laakiin Farmaajo shaqadiis wuu ka gaabiyey sxb. Wax loo dirsan ayuu wakhtigiis ku dhumiyey. Ciidankaad sheegeysidna isaga ka hor ayey dhisnaayeen qaarkoodna tababar ugu maqnaayeen.Farmaajo rebuilt those same armed forces that you see liberating these regions. We should give where credit is due.
Madaxweyne soomaaliyeed marabi inaa wax ka sheego laakiin Farmaajo shaqadiis wuu ka gaabiyey sxb. Wax loo dirsan ayuu wakhtigiis ku dhumiyey. Ciidankaad sheegeysidna isaga ka hor ayey dhisnaayeen qaarkoodna tababar ugu maqnaayeen.