Muh free market!!!!

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine



The USA pwns Western Europe when it comes to economics.

If the UK were a US state it would rank lower than Mississippi!! when it comes to GDP per capita!

They need to keep doing hardcore capitalism.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
My coworker is due to give birth in mid January and she's just taken her paid maternity leave. She won't be back at work til sometime in summer 2017. Her boyfriend got 2 weeks of paid paternity leave.

But I live in evil leftist socialist Denmark.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
The USA pwns Western Europe when it comes to economics.

If the UK were a US state it would rank lower than Mississippi!! when it comes to GDP per capita!

They need to keep doing hardcore capitalism.

The US have a much bigger underclass who live in poverty with no health care. All those trillion of dollars that goes into war on drugs, fighting prostitution and their obscene military is a total waste that could go to more productive policies that will help the working class.

Hard core capitalism or look after your citizens?


My coworker is due to give birth in mid January and she's just taken her paid maternity leave. She won't be back at work til sometime in summer 2017. Her boyfriend got 2 weeks of paid paternity leave.

But I live in evil leftist socialist Denmark.

Average disposable income after tax:

New York state: $55,611

Denmark: $39,000

Yuropeans are poor midgaan compared to Americans.
Paid paternity and maternity leave shouldn't exist. If companies want to pay that then fine it's their money but taxpayers should never pay for it.

Have children at your own expense.

When I have kids, I will not expect taxpayers to pay for me and my husband.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Paid paternity and maternity leave shouldn't exist. If companies want to pay that then fine it's their money but taxpayers should never pay for it.

Have children at your own expense.

When I have kids, I will not expect taxpayers to pay for me and my husband.

Then why not go a step further and abolish public schools cos why should the tax payer pay for schooling other people's children?
Then why not go a step further and abolish public schools cos why should the tax payer pay for schooling other people's children?

I am all for helping the poor and less fortunate. I am willing to pay for their children's education. Their kids shouldn't be punished. However, if a child has poor marks or is missing school in high school, the government should require tuition from them. I will not pay for iyaal suuq high school kids.


Paid paternity and maternity leave shouldn't exist. If companies want to pay that then fine it's their money but taxpayers should never pay for it.

Have children at your own expense.

When I have kids, I will not expect taxpayers to pay for me and my husband.

Devil's advocate here:

Your nation's fertility rate will plummet and you will be forced to import third worlders to keep up GDP stats and the pension ponzi scheme. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Devil's advocate here:

Your nation's fertility rate will plummet and you will be forced to import third worlders to keep up GDP stats and the pension ponzi scheme. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Our three largest sources of immigration is China, the Philippines and India. I welcome them with open arms. Very good immigrants. Hard workers. They pay their taxes. Their kids are smart and will be useful to society. They are part of the good third world.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Our three largest sources of immigration is China, the Philippines and India. I welcome them with open arms. Very good immigrants. Hard workers. They pay their taxes. Their kids are smart and will be useful to society. They are part of the good third world.

I thought you didnt like Indians? Or have I got that wrong?


Our three largest sources of immigration is China, the Philippines and India. I welcome them with open arms. Very good immigrants. Hard workers. They pay their taxes. Their kids are smart and will be useful to society. They are part of the good third world.


Latinos are the US' biggest migrant source and if you collectively apply the Islamic world as one country it would be high up there as well. By the way, many Indians are Muslim.

America will become a socialist country if they keep importing said demographics. You can say goodbye to unfettered capitalism.
I thought you didnt like Indians? Or have I got that wrong?

I don't like them at a personal level due to their racism of Blacks but I will not deny that they are good immigrants. They are not leeches to the system and they have useful children

Latinos are the US' biggest migrant source and if you collectively apply the Islamic world as one country it would be high up there as well. By the way, many Indians are Muslim.

America will become a socialist country if they keep importing said demographics. You can say goodbye to unfettered capitalism.

Latinos are very hard workers. I like them.

They also do not abuse the system.

Whatever children they have, they pay out of pocket.


Latinos are very hard workers. I like them.

They also do not abuse the system.

Whatever children they have, they pay out of pocket.

(legal) Latinos have high welfare dependency rates and on many metrics are almost as bad as African-Americans. They are also over represented in prisons and they vote Democrat.

Again, back to the main point. Capitalists own downfall comes from things like substituting paying pro-natalist benefits with mass migration.
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