Muh free market!!!!

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Ann Coulter called the Latino influx "the browning of America". Republican racism 101.

Latinos vote heavily Democrat.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Ann Coulter called the Latino influx "the browning of America". Republican racism 101.

Latinos vote heavily Democrat.
NAFTA crushed workers on both sides of the border and Ann Coulter is a huge troll, her business model is based on pandering to loons.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
NAFTA was amazing for Mexico. Their economy is now by far the strongest of Latin America.
That would be Brazil, and while it was amazing for the mexican economic growth, it was disastrous for mexican and american workers. Much of the anger you saw in this election was never about these stupid culture wars(tranny toilets and BLM) but about the good and well paying manufacturing jobs that disappeared these past two decades.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
The USA pwns Western Europe when it comes to economics.

If the UK were a US state it would rank lower than Mississippi!! when it comes to GDP per capita!

They need to keep doing hardcore capitalism.

war niyo is this sarcasm dashed with irony?


"B-but the free market will sort itself out!"
"Taxes are theft and unconstitutional!"

I love how die-hard capitalism is glorified and pushed on the masses, yet the financial sector (among others) have literally no problem with socialism in the form of bailouts and grants but still push for minimal regulation. They want their cake and it eat too, and middle class America is letting them.

"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires."

- John Steinbeck


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Latinos are very hard workers. I like them.

They also do not abuse the system.

Whatever children they have, they pay out of pocket.

very much true

they can also be fiercely nationalistic and ethnically proud at times

but i only know mexicans and el-savadorians (think that's how you say it) irl. a few brazilians and Ecuadorians here and there, so i can't speak for the entire Americas.

and they throw the best outdoor parties


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
"B-but the free market will sort itself out!"
"Taxes are theft and unconstitutional!"

I love how die-hard capitalism is glorified and pushed on the masses, yet the financial sector (among others) have literally no problem with socialism in the form of bailouts and grants but still push for minimal regulation. They want their cake and it eat too, and middle class America is letting them.

"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires."

- John Steinbeck

Socialism is only for the rich.

Social democracy is the right balance. Germany has one of the largest economies in the world but they also have universal health care and free university education and a social safety net.


My nigga is for accelerationism.

Thought this was some kind of joke, but apparently there's a socio-political theory of accelerationism. :ayaanswag:

''You might, for instance, theorize that it’s better to vote for Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton, as the latter will maintain the status quo, while the former’s negative disruptive influence might instigate a true socialist backlash.'' :siilaanyolaugh:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
@Amun lives in Bundesrepublik Deutschland so I don't know why he's slating the system of the nation he resides in lol.


@Amun lives in Bundesrepublik Deutschland so I don't know why he's slating the system of the nation he resides in lol.

1 year and 8 months from now I will emigrate to The Capitalist Republic of 'Murica. :rejoice:

Only thing stopping this may be Trump's Islamic country origin ban. :trash::ohlord:

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Socialism is only for the rich.

Social democracy is the right balance. Germany has one of the largest economies in the world but they also have universal health care and free university education and a social safety net.
Don't call it socialism because the means of production is still in the hands of the capitalist, the state has always intervened to save the capital. Social democracy is dying in all parts of europe because conditions that were necessary for it to exist are slowly crumbling away, that's why you're having Social Democratic parties leading the way to austerity.
Thought this was some kind of joke, but apparently there's a socio-political theory of accelerationism. :ayaanswag:

''You might, for instance, theorize that it’s better to vote for Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton, as the latter will maintain the status quo, while the former’s negative disruptive influence might instigate a true socialist backlash.'' :siilaanyolaugh:
You do come of as being for acceleratonism at times.
1 year and 8 months from now I will emigrate to The Capitalist Republic of 'Murica. :rejoice:

Only thing stopping this may be Trump's Islamic country origin ban. :trash::ohlord:
Go for an H-1B.


Don't call it socialism because the means of production is still in the hands of the capitalist, the state has always intervened to save the capital. Social democracy is dying in all parts of europe because conditions that were necessary for it to exist are slowly crumbling away, that's why you're having Social Democratic parties leading the way to austerity.

You do come of as being for acceleratonism at times.

Go for an H-1B.

Nah, I don't want to be enslaved to a single employer for years. H-1B is borderline slavery. The family based visa has a lot more freedom. We shall see if Trump will be able to ban my ass.

50% chance he will renege on the Islamic countries ban.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Nah, I don't want to be enslaved to a single employer for years. H-1B is borderline slavery. The family based visa has a lot more freedom. We shall see if Trump will be able to ban my ass.

50% chance he will renege on the Islamic countries ban.
You work in tech right? Why would you go to the US? Silicon Valley is in a massive bubble who'll burst in a few years and coupled with a housing crisis in SF, and H-1B will probably be expanded under Trump be used to suppress salaries of the average tech worker. Don't be there for the dotcom burst 2 the electric boogalooo.
@Bielsa it seems we agree on something at least. A great analogy I like to think of is societies function a lot like atoms. In their "ground-state", they are oligarchic aristocracies with a large underclass of serfs and a very tiny and practically nonexistent class of shop owners. Societies will regress to this model with increasing time without continued government intervention, much like an atom will eventually lose energy and drop to its ground-state.

The thing is, these societies can only exist in closed-systems. If you have a neighboring society say nationally socialist country with a large middle-class and a power hungry dictator, it is safe to say it wouldn't last for very long.

Average disposable income after tax:

New York state: $55,611

Denmark: $39,000

Yuropeans are poor midgaan compared to Americans.

Incredibly misleading.

One data set is best fit by a bimodial distribution, and the other by a Normal distribution. The average becomes meaningless when your data points are concentrated towards the extreme. It would be far more telling to compare living standards (safety, household debt, employment statistics, etc) enjoyed by the meaningful statistical average of the two cohorts and you would absolutely find your narrative would be quickly dispelled.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
Nobody (with a brain) can deny that Germany, Canada, and the Nordic countries provide a better quality of life for their citizens overall. The USA is only better if you're rich or have high earning potential due to lower taxes.
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