Mujaahid Kaafiye, Mujaahid CoolMan, and Mujaahid Jalaaludiin

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Muslims like Gegiroor and Kaafiye can't live in the Gulf. They are kalab aswads according to the Arabs. Arabs won't give them permanent residency or citizenship. No health care. No safety net. Nothing.

Even Hyper who lived in Qatar who's been there for generations and with a sheikh family don't have citizenship. He's moving to Canada where he will get respect and dignity from the Canadian Westerners gaal kufaar
If a Somali atheism wants to advocate for atheism, who stops him from doing so? You can open a site, post your crap beliefs there, and talk about it whole day as if we care. I am 100% sure no Muslim will ever venture to your turf and bother you. Heck, why do we even need to bother people with such beliefs?

Your problem starts when an Atheist throws himself (or herself) in the middle of every discussion about Islam and Muslims, when they consistently run with many false charges against Islam, and when they start poking their crap on our noses. For instance, Somalis are overwhelmingly Sunni Muslims, therefore, Islam is the center of many discussions in our community. Since you and other very tiny minority with similar beliefs left it, you should have the decency to stay out of discussions about Islam. Some of you - I have not seen you (VixePrez) doing it but other atheists do - run with the propaganda of many Islamophobes and throw it in the face of Somali Muslims.

To give you examples, the grudges that many of you are expressing against brother Kaafiye has every thing to do with his love of his deen and his uncompromising defense of Islam. For some strange reason, his mention is awakening the nerves of atheists that he has ever debated. If that is not obsession and insecurity, I don't know what it is!

The question we have for you Somali Atheists is, if you have left Islam, why can't you stay out of our midst? Why do you need to constantly be with us? Don't you have your own atheist community where you can hang around with? For instance, on my end, I stick around with Somali Muslims and other Muslims as well. Never bother going to websites which are dedicated to Atheism, Waaqism, Christianity, etc. Many of you miss the mark being Somali and being a Muslim go hand in hand. If you left Islam, you aint Somali.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
If a Somali atheism wants to advocate for atheism, who stops him from doing so? You can open a site, post your crap beliefs there, and talk about it whole day as if we care. I am 100% sure no Muslim will ever venture to your turf and bother you. Heck, why do we even need to bother people with such beliefs?

Your problem starts when an Atheist throws himself (or herself) in the middle of every discussion about Islam and Muslims, when they consistently run with many false charges against Islam, and when they start poking their crap on our noses. For instance, Somalis are overwhelmingly Sunni Muslims, therefore, Islam is the center of many discussions in our community. Since you and other very tiny minority with similar beliefs left it, you should have the decency to stay out of discussions about Islam. Some of you - I have not seen you (VixePrez) doing it but other atheists do - run with the propaganda of many Islamophobes and throw it in the face of Somali Muslims.

To give you examples, the grudges that many of you are expressing against brother Kaafiye has every thing to do with his love of his deen and his uncompromising defense of Islam. For some strange reason, his mention is awakening the nerves of atheists that he has ever debated. If that is not obsession and insecurity, I don't know what it is!

The question we have for you Somali Atheists is, if you have left Islam, why can't you stay out of our midst? Why do you need to constantly be with us? Don't you have your own atheist community where you can hang around with? For instance, on my end, I stick around with Somali Muslims and other Muslims as well. Never bother going to websites which are dedicated to Atheism, Waaqism, Christianity, etc. Many of you miss the mark being Somali and being a Muslim go hand in hand. If you left Islam, you aint Somali.


You can be Somali AND non-Muslim. No matter what you say, that wont change the fact that I'm an ethnic Somali, born to two Darood parents. I'm 100% Somali. Even though Im godless, Im more into Somalinimo than many others are.

I don't join Atheist communities because, believe it or not, I have more in common with a Somali Muslim than I do with a white Atheist.

The bolded part is the crux of the matter. You believe that Somali Atheists should STFU and go hang out with Atheists (mainly cadaan people) because you dont like our views. This is a Somali site, but not an exclusively a Muslim site. Remember that.
As for discussing who is a hypocrite, first, Canada and USA are described as Judea-Christian countries. These two faiths and Islam are part of the Abrahamic faiths. The question is, since when these 2 nations have been defined as Atheist countries? And how can the Somali Atheists brag about the laws of these 2 nations when Abrahamic faiths had a huge influence in the formation of these 2 entities? One of the writings of Thomas Jefferson makes it very clear that he wanted the Freedom of Religion clause in the US Constitution because he wanted Muslims and Jews to practice their faith!!

Many Islamophobes and/or Atheist Islamophobes don't know the early influence of Islam and Muslims in the USA. A translation of the Holly Qur'an was in the bedroom of former President Thomas Jefferson. In his last election, former President Thomas Jefferson was accused of being a Muslim the same way that some Americans today accuse President Barrack Obama of being a Muslim. Morocco, an independent Muslim nation at the time, was the first nation in the world that recognized the newly-born independent nation of the USA. Additionally, at least one-third of African slaves brought to the USA during the slave trade were Muslims.

For Somali Atheists claim America and Canada as Atheist countries, and accuse me and bro Kaafiye of being hypocrites since we live here is the most bogus and stupid claim that anyone can make. Soviet Union claimed to be an atheist country, so do these people think we live in a communist country where religion is forbidden? Get used to it, there is a freedom of religion in North America where Islam had a huge in its formation, and since at least one-third of former slaves were Muslims, these 2 countries have been built on the back of Muslims. While we here, we will try our best to live by our faith, while we wish, pray and yearn for the restoration of Global Islamic Khilafa.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Brother gegiroor are giving these atheists homos are a heart attack with his extremely decicive weerar :damn:, these atheists are one of the most despicable beings to ever reside on this earth. I mean just look at what ViceFag and AbdiGaal are saying, "I support a man's right to get his butthole fucked" :drakelaugh:



Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Brother gegiroor are giving these atheists homos are a heart attack with his extremely decicive weerar :damn:, these atheists are one of the most despicable beings to ever reside on this earth. I mean just look at what ViceFag and AbdiGaal are saying, "I support a man's right to get his butthole fucked" :drakelaugh:


I'm a libertarian at heart. If two men or two women wants to f*ck each other, they have the right to do that. I dont give a f*ck. :kanyeshrug:
Brother gegiroor are giving these atheists homos are a heart attack with his extremely decicive weerar :damn:, these atheists are one of the most despicable beings to ever reside on this earth. I mean just look at what ViceFag and AbdiGaal are saying, "I support a man's right to get his butthole fucked" :drakelaugh:



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