Mukhtar Ahmed, a renowned elder was laid to rest after he was shot dead while trying to play his role in making peace in Adale town.

I think he was trying to peace negotiate Cabdalla Caroone and Agoonyar Gaabane. Very silly, Cabdalla Caroone are 10x smaller than them, they are a bunch of hot-headed people who like to fight everyone.
Since 1991

-Cabdalla caroone V celi cumar
- Cabdalla caroone V M.Muuse
- Cabdalla caroone V Owbakar Gabaane
-Cabdalla caroone V Agoonyaar Gabaane

I like to say Abgaal are a very united clan which we are tbh but c.caroone are fucking that statement up. They are the only abgaal sub that cause inter clan beef. No other sub does this and its embarrassing



When Farmaajo was President Abgaal were not killing each other, goes to show blind support for clans men is not always to your benefit.


Since 1991

-Cabdalla caroone V celi cumar
- Cabdalla caroone V M.Muuse
- Cabdalla caroone V Owbakar Gabaane
-Cabdalla caroone V Agoonyaar Gabaane

I like to say Abgaal are a very united clan which we are tbh but c.caroone are fucking that statement up. They are the only abgaal sub that cause inter clan beef. No other sub does this and its embarrassing
We all have that deranged cousin, sabir iyo iimaan
The probolem of Abgaal is that they don't respect the word of their Dhaqan. do you know that because of our Ugaas who is seen as the Ugaas of Hiiraan hawadle could not attack Gaaljecel let alone other Hawadle subclans? In the 90s, our militias tried to attack Gaaljecel for their provocation then Ugaas Khaliif stood on the LiiQLiiqato bridge and threatened to take off his robe(Macawis) if they don't stop and they all returned.

Ugaas Yuusuf reached today Buuloburde to sort out the incident of two Ibrahim Ciise guys who had their balls cut off by Macawisley from another Subclan because of their Al Shabaab father. it caused Ibrahim Ciise halting their Jihad until justice is done so he came to sort our this and his word will be respected by All. how many times Abgaals fought and still breaking every heshiis and killing their own Nabadoons. First you need to have Abgaal Ugaas forget the disputed imam and then Harti Nabadoon who can keep the piece between Suulharti

waare brother Nabadoon Farah Abdi waare is the Nabadoon of Dige Samatalis but the Ugaas is the last reference his words are holy. this is why Hawadle are one of the few clans who that had never fought each other

another privilege is that our Ugaases hails from separate Samatalis jufo unlike of Abgaal and HG who have Ugaas from Ceyr or Imam from harti so they are seen as part of the problem. how can the imam from agoon yar Harti sort out the war between them and Cabdalle Caroone let alone between caroone and Celi cumar or maxamed muuse who are wacbuudhan. our Reer Ugaas are one of the 4 Samatalis Hawadle sons so all respect their judgement.
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Since 1991

-Cabdalla caroone V celi cumar
- Cabdalla caroone V M.Muuse
- Cabdalla caroone V Owbakar Gabaane
-Cabdalla caroone V Agoonyaar Gabaane

I like to say Abgaal are a very united clan which we are tbh but c.caroone are fucking that statement up. They are the only abgaal sub that cause inter clan beef. No other sub does this and its embarrassing
Exactly what I am saying, every fight they lose them then come back to fight someone else. They even fight each other, no other sub does that, no matter how big or small.
Yes but I believe the root issue here is grazing lands and wells, wouldn't the revenue from that port go to the fms/fgs? look through my post I made a thread about possible solutions. The fgs needs to resolve these petty fights to bolster up the war effort against al shabaab
yes the revenue would go to fgs/fms but this is somalia. The clan that control the place the port is located in will benefit greatly. Thats just how it works. regardless those clans fight died down and the war against AS in S/Dhexe is still ongoing
yes the revenue would go to fgs/fms but this is somalia. The clan that control the place the port is located in will benefit greatly. Thats just how it works. regardless those clans fight died down and the war against AS in S/Dhexe is still ongoing
I dont believe a clan will benefit like that. A clan consist of millions, those who gonna benefit a clan militia leaders, politicians. Not the 70% famine stricten people. If people where truly tribalist we wouldnt he equally messed up
Yes but I believe the root issue here is grazing lands and wells, wouldn't the revenue from that port go to the fms/fgs? look through my post I made a thread about possible solutions. The fgs needs to resolve these petty fights to bolster up the war effort against al shabaab

i think the conflict is centered around wealth and territory and now there may be outside hands like some politicians and Khawaarijta to stop the march towards Adan Yabaal which is inhabited by the Suulharti tribes that are fighting now. The conflict over wealth and territory dates back to the 90s when Warsangali from Cali Gaduud and Galmaax subclans fought over the port of Ceel Macaan and in the end Warsangali Salifis like Xaaji Abukar Cadaani, Bashiir Raagi, Abdulqadir Osoble managed to seize the port untill they got wealthier because Mogadishu port was closed they also imported the Saudi aid. after 10 years they expanded into east Jowhar another wich was inhabited by Maxamad Muuse of Galmaax and Ceelmacaan belong to maybe Celi Cumar of Galmaax. The Salafis of Ceelmacaan funded Mohamed Dheere conquest of Jowhar in 2000. Mohamed Dheere is warsangali and Guudlawe joined him in there. Mohamed Dheere started attacking west of Jowhar wich is inhibited by Hawadle and Gaaljecel using the latter against the former who was politically dominant before 2000. since then Jowhar demographics have changed for having more warsangali and harti. Bedore was mainly wacbuudhan, Gaaljecel and Hawadle who had the governor for decades and kept it under USC in Horseed area in the east side where the admin is based.
so there is an alliance between Warsangali and Abdale Caroone against Galmaax based on this territorial expansion
and the proof is that they are not at war. There is information that Guudlawe who is warsangali depends on caroone and arms them. the funny thing Suulharti are Agoonyar wich ali mahdi, Shariif, Reer Imam, 30 jir hail from, Awbakar Gaabane wich saneey Abdulle hails from and Caroone and maybe ciise rati warsangali are not suulharti so they r siding now with Cabdalle caroone against their agoonyar cousins after their dirty war against Maxamed Muuse in biyocade and Celi Cumar in Cadale and warshiikh.

you may think my analysis is based on "iskudir" as Hawadle but it's based on territorial, Political and economical expansion from the part of Warsangali and Harti in General. they took over Xamar, Jowhar, Ceelmacaan samething not happened in HG who still have their own separate territories. Abgaals took over eachother and not at peace with eachother at the same time. Hawadle r mixed like Baladweyne, Halgan, Buuloburde, Jalalqasi, Ceelgaal, Feerfeer they don't have borders except on the border area with other regions. you can find Cali madaxweyne in Halgan, Booco, ceelgaal, feerfeer, bacaad, ceelgaaal, buuloburde, Jalalaqsi
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I doubt it will be a port of any significance with Xamar so close. It'll prob be a fishing jetty
probably not. Its around 200km away from xamar. Main reason they are building it is because of the whole 'every gobol FMS coastline and each fms have to have a port' that the constitution touches on. The military base however will be significant. Its being built by the UAE
i think the conflict is centered around wealth and territory and now there may be outside hands like some politicians and Khawaarijta to stop the march towards Adan Yabaal which is inhabited by the Suulharti tribes that are fighting now. The conflict over wealth and territory dates back to the 90s when Warsangali from Cali Gaduud and Galmaax subclans fought over the port of Ceel Macaan and in the end Warsangali Salifis like Xaaji Abukar Cadaani, Bashiir Raagi, Abdulqadir Osoble managed to seize the port untill they got wealthier because Mogadishu port was closed they also imported the Saudi aid. after 10 years they expanded into east Jowhar another wich was inhabited by Maxamad Muuse of Galmaax and Ceelmacaan belong to maybe Celi Cumar of Galmaax. The Salafis of Ceelmacaan funded Mohamed Dheere conquest of Jowhar in 2000. Mohamed Dheere is warsangali and Guudlawe joined him in there. Mohamed Dheere started attacking west of Jowhar wich is inhibited by Hawadle and Gaaljecel using the latter against the former who was politically dominant before 2000. since then Jowhar demographics have changed for having more warsangali and harti. Bedore was mainly wacbuudhan, Gaaljecel and Hawadle who had the governor for decades and kept it under USC in Horseed area in the east side where the admin is based.
so there is an alliance between Warsangali and Abdale Caroone against Galmaax based on this territorial expansion
and the proof is that they are not at war. There is information that Guudlawe who is warsangali depends on caroone and arms them. the funny thing Suulharti are Agoonyar wich ali mahdi, Shariif, Reer Imam, 30 jir hail from, Awbakar Gaabane wich saneey Abdulle hails from and Caroone and maybe ciise rati warsangali are not suulharti so they r siding now with Cabdalle caroone against their agoonyar cousins after their dirty war against Maxamed Muuse in biyocade and Celi Cumar in Cadale and warshiikh.

you may think my analysis is based on "iskudir" as Hawadle but it's based on territorial, Political and economical expansion from the part of Warsangali and Harti in General. they took over Xamar, Jowhar, Ceelmacaan samething not happened in HG who still have their own separate territories. Abgaals took over eachother and not at peace with eachother at the same time. Hawadle r mixed like Baladweyne, Halgan, Buuloburde, Jalalqasi, Ceelgaal, Feerfeer they don't have borders except on the border area with other regions. you can find Cali madaxweyne in Halgan, Booco, ceelgaal, feerfeer, bacaad, ceelgaaal, buuloburde, Jalalaqsi
This is the biggest bullshit and shubaan i ever read in my life :mjlol:

@Jungle take a load of this rubbish
The probolem of Abgaal is that they don't respect the word of their Dhaqan. do you know that because of our Ugaas who is seen as the Ugaas of Hiiraan hawadle could not attack Gaaljecel let alone other Hawadle subclans? In the 90s, our militias tried to attack Gaaljecel for their provocation then Ugaas Khaliif stood on the LiiQLiiqato bridge and threatened to take off his robe(Macawis) if they don't stop and they all returned.

Ugaas Yuusuf reached today Buuloburde to sort out the incident of two Ibrahim Ciise guys who had their balls cut off by Macawisley from another Subclan because of their Al Shabaab father. it caused Ibrahim Ciise halting their Jihad until justice is done so he came to sort our this and his word will be respected by All. how many times Abgaals fought and still breaking every heshiis and killing their own Nabadoons. First you need to have Abgaal Ugaas forget the disputed imam and then Harti Nabadoon who can keep the piece between Suulharti

waare brother Nabadoon Farah Abdi waare is the Nabadoon of Dige Samatalis but the Ugaas is the last reference his words are holy. this is why Hawadle are one of the few clans who that had never fought each other

another privilege is that our Ugaases hails from separate Samatalis jufo unlike of Abgaal and HG who have Ugaas from Ceyr or Imam from harti so they are seen as part of the problem. how can the imam from agoon yar Harti sort out the war between them and Cabdalle Caroone let alone between caroone and Celi cumar or maxamed muuse who are wacbuudhan. our Reer Ugaas are one of the 4 Samatalis Hawadle sons so all respect their judgement.
You forgot one thing. Abgaal don't use capital punishment. They only take small amount of blood money. An abgaal person can randomly kill 20 abgaal people in broad daylight and he will not be executed. His tol will pay few thousand dollars. That's it. That's why every place abgaal live is an extremely violent place even in somali standards.
i think the conflict is centered around wealth and territory and now there may be outside hands like some politicians and Khawaarijta to stop the march towards Adan Yabaal which is inhabited by the Suulharti tribes that are fighting now. The conflict over wealth and territory dates back to the 90s when Warsangali from Cali Gaduud and Galmaax subclans fought over the port of Ceel Macaan and in the end Warsangali Salifis like Xaaji Abukar Cadaani, Bashiir Raagi, Abdulqadir Osoble managed to seize the port untill they got wealthier because Mogadishu port was closed they also imported the Saudi aid. after 10 years they expanded into east Jowhar another wich was inhabited by Maxamad Muuse of Galmaax and Ceelmacaan belong to maybe Celi Cumar of Galmaax. The Salafis of Ceelmacaan funded Mohamed Dheere conquest of Jowhar in 2000. Mohamed Dheere is warsangali and Guudlawe joined him in there. Mohamed Dheere started attacking west of Jowhar wich is inhibited by Hawadle and Gaaljecel using the latter against the former who was politically dominant before 2000. since then Jowhar demographics have changed for having more warsangali and harti. Bedore was mainly wacbuudhan, Gaaljecel and Hawadle who had the governor for decades and kept it under USC in Horseed area in the east side where the admin is based.
so there is an alliance between Warsangali and Abdale Caroone against Galmaax based on this territorial expansion
and the proof is that they are not at war. There is information that Guudlawe who is warsangali depends on caroone and arms them. the funny thing Suulharti are Agoonyar wich ali mahdi, Shariif, Reer Imam, 30 jir hail from, Awbakar Gaabane wich saneey Abdulle hails from and Caroone and maybe ciise rati warsangali are not suulharti so they r siding now with Cabdalle caroone against their agoonyar cousins after their dirty war against Maxamed Muuse in biyocade and Celi Cumar in Cadale and warshiikh.

you may think my analysis is based on "iskudir" as Hawadle but it's based on territorial, Political and economical expansion from the part of Warsangali and Harti in General. they took over Xamar, Jowhar, Ceelmacaan samething not happened in HG who still have their own separate territories. Abgaals took over eachother and not at peace with eachother at the same time. Hawadle r mixed like Baladweyne, Halgan, Buuloburde, Jalalqasi, Ceelgaal, Feerfeer they don't have borders.
Ignorant post, Abgaal internal affairs is clearly not your expertise.

"Maxamad Muuse in Biyocade" "Cabdalla Caroone are not Suul Harti"
"Ferfer is Xawaadle"
"West Jowhar is Xawadle"
How are you this ill informed?