Mukhtar Roobow

The terrorist should be hanged. He is responsible for the bombings and deaths of innocents . Wallahi you must be xaasid and terrorist sympathizer if you want Southwest state to be ruled by this sick individual.
Legal process kulaha. We know how terrorists are treated in Western countries, they are water boarded and thrown in Guantanamo Bay. He is lucky to be living a comfortable life under house arrest, in my opinion he should be executed.
If your want him to be executed, execute Abdirashid janan who is known to have killed innocent people and also zakariye hersi who is ex al shabaab and known to be one of the most lethal murderers and now is NISA. If not then you are a tribalist and should not speak on these mattersm
The terrorist should be hanged. He is responsible for the bombings and deaths of innocents . Wallahi you must be xaasid and terrorist sympathizer if you want Southwest state to be ruled by this sick individual.
If you believe he should be hanged. Do you also believe that zakariye hersi who is ex alshabaab and now a NISA leader should be hanged as well. Or do you have double standards?
:drakewtf: Why the fock are the defeated folks from Gedo still talking here, in fact why are they still showing their faces around????

As for Mukhtaar Roobow he is and always was an HAG asset, therefore him being released along with Dahir aweys is an gift that keeps on coming.

Soon we shall overthrow Laftagareen, and HAG will regain their rightful status in KG state with our 30MPs and our VP Posts regained, Inhsa'allahi Guul HAG!

Mahad Salaad will fix Laftagareen aggression on Beelweynta HAG
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If you believe he should be hanged. Do you also believe that zakariye hersi who is ex alshabaab and now a NISA leader should be hanged as well. Or do you have double standards?
Who the hell is this person you that keep yapping about :ivers:
Did he blow up hotels, assesinated politicians, killed people coming of the mosque ? Is he running for a state
Why should a whole state come under a terrorist leader ?
Might as well free sheikh Dahir aweys and make Ali Dheere the mayor of xamar .


Who the hell is this person you that keep yapping about :ivers:
Did he blow up hotels, assesinated politicians, killed people coming of the mosque ? Is he running for a state
Why should a whole state come under a terrorist leader ?
Might as well free sheikh Dahir aweys and make Ali Dheere the mayor of xamar .
Dahir Aweys still believes in his terrorist views and would restart AS operations in GM.

Roobow has long disavowed AS. In fact he’d probably free SWS


Dahir Aweys still believes in his terrorist views and would restart AS operations in GM.

Roobow has long disavowed AS. In fact he’d probably free SWS
Roobow did not choose to leave Al Shabab, he was forced to flee as he feared for his life because he lost the internal political dispute within Al Shabab.
Who the hell is this person you that keep yapping about :ivers:
Did he blow up hotels, assesinated politicians, killed people coming of the mosque ? Is he running for a state
Why should a whole state come under a terrorist leader ?
Might as well free sheikh Dahir aweys and make Ali Dheere the mayor of xamar .
Yes. He was a well known al shabaab leader who was a savage and was known for "madax jabis" And he also assigned many suicide bombings. But we will never see you advocating for the hanging of zakariye marexan hirsi because he is from your tribe. But mukhtar roobow yeah let him get hanged he's a raxanweyn hahahaha
The Eelay warlord Laftagareen Marginalized Ogaden (Bakool) & Hawiye (Lower shabelle) within his Baydhabo based admin. His downfall will be welcomed by the Marginalized natives of Southwest state regions.
Roobow did not choose to leave Al Shabab, he was forced to flee as he feared for his life because he lost the internal political dispute within Al Shabab.
The reason why mukhtar roobow left al shabaab is because he disagreed with the qabyaalad that is within al shabaab and he saw that they were biased. He then fought them for years and even lost his own son in the battles. Your telling me that man still believes in al shabaab ideology
The Eelay warlord Laftagareen Marginalized Ogaden (Bakool) & Hawiye (Lower shabelle) within his Baydhabo based admin. His downfall will be welcomed by the Marginalized natives of Southwest state regions.
I don't think mukhtar roobow will become the president of SWS. He will be released and will fight al shabaab in southern somalia until he defeats them. Laftagareen will finish the 6 months left of his term and there will be an election and who ever wins will win.
His handlers tasked him now with clearing the Koonfur Galbeed and Jubbaland. You will be the first to regret supporting him.
Dahir Aweys still believes in his terrorist views and would restart AS operations in GM.

Roobow has long disavowed AS. In fact he’d probably free SWS

A terrorist should not run for politics. No rehabilitation for terrorists. He is a grown ass man not a kid that got brainwashed.
Sws has had so much peace and development since his arrest.
Yes. He was a well known al shabaab leader who was a savage and was known for "madax jabis" And he also assigned many suicide bombings. But we will never see you advocating for the hanging of zakariye marexan hirsi because he is from your tribe. But mukhtar roobow yeah let him get hanged he's a raxanweyn hahahaha
You didn’t answer the questions.
Reply with your other username, multinicker.

A terrorist should not run for politics. No rehabilitation for terrorists. He is a grown ass man not a kid that got brainwashed.
Sws has had so much peace and development since his arrest.
Development? The place is infested with al shabaab, droughts, you can't even travel from one village to another without encounter al shabaab who tax the civillians


The reason why mukhtar roobow left al shabaab is because he disagreed with the qabyaalad that is within al shabaab and he saw that they were biased. He then fought them for years and even lost his own son in the battles. Your telling me that man still believes in al shabaab ideology
Yet @bidenkulaha thinks he should be allowed to become President of SWS. You said it very clearly, he agrees with Al Shabab regarding everything except their so called qabyaalad. Him paying lip service on TV does not change his beliefs, or else he would have left Al Shabab for their criminal murderous terrorist ideology and suicide bombing and not so called “qabyaalad”.
You didn’t answer the questions.
Reply with your other username, multinicker.

As i said i don't believe he should become leader of Southwest. But he deserves freedom unless justice happens and others like zakeriye hirsi marexan are put on trial for their crimes. But i will not accept selective punishment where a certain person is targeted due to his tribe