Musa gives Ethiopia a port and a military base on the Gulf of Aden. It's over

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Abiy refused to bring the flag to the venue

Heshiis taariikhi ah kulahaa :drakekidding:

Qabiilism is the root cause of this mess, an entire reer is trying to make sense out of this cringe, thats why every clan needs to take matters in to their hands, than lets us see if HA gives away bulaxar and gebiley in exchange for ictiraaf
Xamar has no jurisdiction in Somaliland and there's no constitution in Somalia as the one they got there down the south is a provisional a temporary constitution in which Somaliland was never a party of nor even the Carta conference so effectively xamar has no real legal base in the territory of Somaliland :)
Caaqil muuse has no jurisdiction in anyplace other than gebiley


This is not Farmajo's fault, but Siyad Bari's fault
How. The man has been dead for a long time. People need to learn to stop blaming everything on him and accept that modern day politicians are backstabbing self serving fools. Musa did this out of his own volition. The ghost of Barre didn’t force his hand to sign.


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
I’m just glad the heat is off us.

SL have been absolutely shegged here though. They’ve been robbed blind and FGS has been seriously undermined.
I heard Somaliland only owns like 30% of that port the rest is owned by Ethiopia 19% Since 2018 and the 51% remaining is owned by some Emirati company


True Puntlander
Nigga what has Hg got to do with this :fredo:

Am in a bad mood dont let me take it out on you :ufdup:
Your boy qoslaya sell Somalia to xabashi and its as always no one command, if you talking about bad mood, I were in bad since day one HAG gain power. You guys join us to sawahli states and sell pur lands to xabashi and break down whats left of Somalia. :sitdown:.
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El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Once step closer to Mama Ethiopia to bring back its unruly child Somalia back under its control. Tears in my eyes.

Give me a beauty from Wollo and Hararghe, I will fight to make it happen.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Realistically nothing will happen. The status quo will remain. FGS will condemn this, SL and Ethiopia will gain nothing.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
According to Bloomberg, the national security advisor to Abiy, Redwaan Hussein, said that the details of the agreement will be concluded by the end of the month.

But it will include that Ethiopia will be given a leased coastal land for 50 years intended for military and commercial purposes. In exchange, SL will be given a stake in Ethiopian Airlines.
Muuse needs to be lynched with the rest of his jeegan party

I thought it will gonna be only muuse bihi but seems the entire adminstration is on the same page, this makes armed resistance from local clans necessary more than ever, every clan should take their lands back
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