Musa gives Ethiopia a port and a military base on the Gulf of Aden. It's over

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Yes, they withdrew the Somali ambassador in Ethiopia
Brother this is all games. Ethiopia would lose in every court. So they would not take this step without Somalia agreeing to it.

1) HSM signed something in Djibouti.
2) he has to look like he’s acting
3) he won’t do anything like take them to court as this will show the world that he signed for it
4) he will make some noise but wacth my words nothing will happen


Habeshis have been trying to take Saylac and our coast for centuries, Bixii gave it to them not even for recognition, they did not even agree on fees, but for stakes in Ethiopian Airlines and some military training by Ethiopia?

This is unprecedented.



A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
They’ve given away Zaylac essentially for free, what’s money when you’re now owned by Ethiopia and they don’t even recognise you
Zeila is also a very Important and Historically rich city as well, to see it tainted by those raw meat eaters... I didn't have much hate for Somaliland and their government but now I despise these guys, they are willing to go that far and throw away their somalinimo for recognition and perhaps colonization/integration by our sworn enemy.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
culusow gave the greenlight during his Djibouti meeting. you will hear zero beep from culusow regime regarding this.
Not only SL, they are all shit f*ck all those leaders and f*ck qabyaalad.


Brother this is all games. Ethiopia would lose in every court. So they would not take this step without Somalia agreeing to it.

1) HSM signed something in Djibouti.
2) he has to look like he’s acting
3) he won’t do anything like take them to court as this will show the world that he signed for it
4) he will make some noise but wacth my words nothing will happen
Yes, it seems that a major dispute will occur this year between Somalia and Ethiopia
Not only SL, they are all shit f*ck all those leaders and f*ck qabyaalad.
And that’s what they want you to believe. Wallahi we have good leaders but the moment you state someone like farmaajo is better and then



A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
And that’s what they want you to believe. Wallahi we have good leaders but the moment you state someone like farmaajo is better and then

They are all useless retards.


4th dimension chess move by Bixii, the entire Somali race is in disarray.


Now either Somalia recognises Somaliland as an independent nation in return for scrapping this deal, or we go ahead with this win-win arrangement and have Ethiopia, UAE, Kenya etc Recognise Somaliland as an independent nation.

Somalis should have known that Ethiopia will always put it's interests above Somalia, which at this time means access to sea and recognising Somaliland.
What recognize 😂 Ethiopia going to absorb the war turns weakened isaaqland there will never be country named Somaliland ever nigga


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Siyaad is the reason why we are in this mess to begin with. Muse Bihi went from flying supersonic jets for the Somali Air Force and being proud to stand next to the Blue Flag at ceremonies around the world, to picking up arms against the Somali government after the bombings in the North. Siyaad discredited the legitimacy of the government, the state, the armed forces and every institution in the country. Now we are out of the frying pan and into the fire.

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Honestly cant blame him, the guy entered his villain arc but now he is going too far.
This government is a joke they supposed to sever ties and expel their army and ambassador



Centuries-long war for Somali Peninsula​

In fact, long before the European colonialists shared the coastline amongst themselves, the Abyssinian and Tigray kings were keen on it and you would meet them in the corridors of diplomacy, communicating with the kings and emperors of Europe.

They were interested in gaining access to the coastline so they would import firearms.

Have Somalis reason to suspect that Ethiopia might stretch its long arms solely to do just that: occupy Somalia’s seaports?

We know that Ethiopia, through Menelik, did make a claim of owning the Somali seas in his correspondence with European kings; we know, too, that Ethiopia in a more recent past, during Haile Selassie’s reign connived with European powers to hand over parts of the Somali coastline.

Frequent wars

Shewa isolated for centuries and sandwiched between the highland mountains like saxifrage and had rival kingdoms like Gondar, Gojam and Tigre was an inland kingdom, as small in size as her king was in stature, its king, Menelik, had grand ambitions, large and uncontainable like the waters of the sea.

And because there were frequent wars between these kingdoms, history taught them that whoever had European backing, access to the sea and therefore firearms, would have the upper hand in the event of conflict.

Yohannis, the King of Tigre, had been for a time the strongest because he had received the benevolence of the British government’s gift of arms in return for his services. What was more, he had been promised free access of a port.

But the coastline had always remained in the hands of other peoples - the Somalis and other local peoples.

Territorial claims

In years gone by and recently too, Abyssinian kings would appeal to the Christian solidarity of Europe when the power ruling the coast happened to be Muslim. Nor were they beyond making unfounded territorial claims later when a European power did not allow them free use of the ports.

Kings Yohannis and Menelik would play one European power against the other in their attempt to secure outlets to the sea.

Menelik addressed the heads of the governments of Italy, France, Germany, and England in a letter in 1878: “My country is far distant from your country.

“My road to the coast, to Zeila, Tajura and Aden is at present closed by the Muslims. They prevent my receiving into my country provisions, arms, agricultural implements, artisans or even messengers of the Gospel.

“Will you kindly raise your powerful voice in order that I may have this way opened to me, for I desire to inaugurate in my country European civilisation, intelligence and arts?”

During this period, however, he does not make any territorial claim of any city-state on any coast — like Mogadiscio, Merka or Brava, three city states on the Somali coast, which had known the splendour of world fame as grand centres of commerce.

Maybe he had not by then heard of them in the way he had heard of Zeila and Tajura, the ports through which his kingdom imported “provisions, arms, agricultural implements, artisans or even messengers of the Gospel” and which he used for his country’s exports.

And before Menelik, a prominent political figure of Tigre Dajazmach Sebagadis Weldu wrote a letter in 1827 to King George III that his country “needed firearms, which could only be obtained with European assistance through Massawa.

“We want you to take Massawa from the Turks and either hold it (yourself) or hand it over to us as our country is lost by it ... and the Muslim on the Red Sea coast.”

'Barbarous nation'

Another Tigrean king Yohannis, corresponding with a British envoy (General) Gordon, says that “in the event the taking of any of the ports is rendered impossible, the King of Tigre would be satisfied if he is at least granted “territorial, and not only functional, access to the sea.”

Desperate as ever and needing firearms, Menelik said to the French that he was prepared to give up Harar city, which had just conquered, in exchange for a port. The French were not ready to accept the exchange. He laments:

“I am about to die from anger because I have remained without bringing one (new) skill, imprisoned (as I am) ... I am a man who has been sentenced to imprisonment for life and prevented from bringing into this country rifles, cannon and workers.

The French, however, would sell him plenty of arms and Italy complained to Britain about this great influx of arms sold to this “barbarous nation.”

With the help of these weapons, Menelik annexed vast territories and proclaimed himself King, then King of Kings, then Emperor as the Somalis were specifically kept unarmed and defenceless.

In the same letter, he went on, “we hope that our crown which honours Jesus Christ will never be trampled to the ground by the children of Mohammed.”

And yet, a little later: “If truly you are the protectors of Christians, it is today that you must give us proof.”

Came the Scramble for Africa — and Menelik would write to the Governments of Britain, Italy, France, Germany and the Czar of Russia.

We note the change of the tone of his voice, because he is a changed man, and he would specify the boundaries of Ethiopia, which has been “for four centuries a Christian island in a sea of pagans. Formerly, the boundary of Ethiopia was the sea ... our frontiers on the seacoast fell into the power of the Muslims.

At present, we do not intend to regain our sea frontiers by force but we trust that the Christian powers guided by our Saviour, will restore to us our sea coastline, at any rate, certain parts of it.

“If God gives me strength, I shall re-establish the ancient frontiers (tributaries) of Ethiopia up to Khartoum and as far as Lake Nyanza with all the Gallas included.

Fall of Massawa

Haile Selassie would in 1948 present a Memorandum to the UN, saying, “Prior to the race of European powers to divide up the continent of Africa, Ethiopia included an extensive coastline along the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean.

It was only the last 15 years of the 19th century that Ethiopia had been deprived of access to the sea by the loss of the Somali Peninsula and Eritrea.

The first step in this direction was the Italian conquest of Massawa in 1885, followed by their seizure of the Benaadir and the rest of southern Somalia.

Having failed in dislodging the European colonialists, Emperor Haile Selassie would say in an interview to the UN Mandate Trusteeship territory that “Eritrea, should be given to Ethiopia.” And it was.

More recently, Mengistu Haile Mariam would say at a press conference during his reign in the mid-1970s, that “Ethiopia would defend its access to the Red Sea, even if this would make the sea redder on account of enemy blood, which we will shed.”

And the war for the coast on the Somali-speaking Peninsula goes on.

*This article is from 2018.
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♚Sargon of Adal♚
Habeshis have been trying to take Saylac and our coast for centuries, Bixii gave it to them not even for recognition, they did not even agree on fees, but for stakes in Ethiopian Airlines and some military training by Ethiopia?

This is unprecedented.

From what I read it's to do with Berbera, Ethiopia was supposed to get 19% ownership of the port, they've also negotiated to position their naval fleet there.


No it won’t HSM has agreed his only focus now is to act like he will do something to reduce the heat.
Looks like it's just going to be like when they turned down DB World They cannot do much. The Ethiopian army is free to enter through Gedo and Bakool whenever it wants


Our ancestors waged jihad for centuries to keep these hostile habeshis land-locked, centuries.

Our entire known history centres around these wars.

Musa Bixii gave it to the evangelical Murtad abiy for free essentially.

This is truly an unprecedented new low even for a Somali politician.

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