Musaveni - Somalia Produces Nothing And Is Fully Aid Dependant


Dadkeena are next level haters,
someone sat 30 minutes to listen this speech and cherry pick parts to create a whole new narrative.

Museveni is right, these economically inactive people need to be on the job market. The way the west dealt with mass unemployment was mass state lead infrastructure projects and sending the excess population to Usa, Canada and Australia. The latter thing is not happening soon but african governments must start mass infrastructure projects and vocational schools countrywide.
Yeah west not investing in manufacturing and food independence but gives aid which just causes markets to be flooded by cheap crud from abroad and creates no economic growth and stiffles inovation africans have to block foreigners flooding markets and invest in themselves


Museveni is a piece of shit. So many Ugandas have been suffering for so long because of this guy. A Ugandan friend once told me he doesn’t see a difference between him and Idi Amin.
Yeah he is crazy dictator shouldnt talk about your own people like that in front of international audience its bad look even if true
I’m in the West and pretty sure the SL government (that ruled you for the last decade) is guarded by the SL army & local police in Hargeisa. SSC admin doesn’t exist either (still waiting for one of you to tell me who’s the leader) and don’t your various subclan militias swear allegiance to the Burundian guarded govt in Xamar? Or is that only when it’s politically convenient for Eastern Sool residents?

"SSC doesn't exist"

Then why are you holding demonstrations against SSC in London? :bell:


