Muscle Growth And Fat Loss Are About HORMONES not Calories!

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
The fitness industry is full of misinformation, but understanding how your body type, metabolism, and hormones affect muscle gain and fat loss can help you reach your goals more effectively.

1. Calories In vs. Calories Out: Important but Not Everything

Many people believe that weight management is purely about calories in vs. calories out (CICO). While this is true to an extent, it doesn’t tell the full story—hormones, metabolism, and nutrient timing play a huge role.

Cutting your calories in a huge proportion will MESS UP YOUR HORMONES. Why is it that some people look worse or have horrible body recompositions after a drastic weight loss? it’s becuase their hormones are out of wack and they lost a lot of muscle and still hold a lot of body fat.

• Fast Metabolism (Hard Gainers): Some people can eat large amounts of food without gaining fat because their body efficiently burns through calories.

• Slow Metabolism (Easily Gains Fat): Others store fat more easily, even with moderate food intake, often due to insulin resistance.

2. The Role of Insulin in Fat Storage

• Insulin-sensitive individuals (typically leaner people) absorb glucose well and use it for energy or muscle recovery.

• Insulin-resistant individuals (typically overweight people) struggle to process carbs efficiently, leading to more fat storage.

3. Optimizing Your Diet Based on Body Type

For Skinny/Hard Gainers:

• Eat high-carb and high-protein meals after a workout to maximize muscle gain.

• Prioritize complex carbs and lean proteins to fuel muscle growth. Carbs are your best friend since your body uses them EXCEPTIONALLY WELL use it to your advantage to pack on hella muscle.

For Those Prone to Fat Gain:

• Focus on a high-protein, high-fiber, and healthy fat diet to regulate insulin.

• Limit carbs to post-workout or the night before an intense training session to improve nutrient partitioning.

4. Protein Surplus vs. Carb Surplus What if I eat too much?

• Eating an 800-calorie surplus of protein leads to more muscle gain with minimal fat storage.

• An 800-calorie surplus of starchy foods is more likely to result in fat gain.

The key is eating Nutritious dense foods in order to promote POSITIVE hormones. (testosterone, essential vitamins and nutrients, lower cortisol, etc)

The key to muscle gain and fat loss isn’t just about calories—it’s about nutrient timing, insulin management, and eating according to your metabolism. By manipulating your nutrition strategically, you can optimize your results and build a stronger physique efficiently.
I’m tryna cut during Ramadan what should I be eating? What foods do you thing is good. I quit rice and I eat gluten free pasta. Also I’m tryna lower my carb intake and lowkey I want foods that keep me fuller for longer periods of time and keeps my brain active. Cuz I gotta ace my exams.

