Ciidanka qaranka kaararkii codka Lascanod bay uga yimaadeen 

and here I thought all the landers on this forum were gone after August 25, I will make sure to @ u the day we celebrate goojcaade anniversaryYou think the dhulbahante that habar jeclo has been feeding for centuries will push them out their degaan. Hartis are so weak celebrating ousting an army from their main cities, abusing their own women married to habar jeclo men. It’s own YouTube las canood residents saying hj used to give them money.
You think the dhulbahante that habar jeclo has been feeding for centuries will push them out their degaan. Hartis are so weak celebrating ousting an army from their main cities, abusing their own women married to habar jeclo men. It’s own YouTube las canood residents saying hj used to give them money.
Dagaalku inta uusan bilaabmin caruurta iyo dumarka Oog iyo Berbera inta u dhexaysa ka kaxeeya. Hadhow calaalcal xasuuq ha la imaanina. Waa iga talo.
All talk and he won't dare to take army into a worthless war or else his govt might fall quickly as we aren't yet on the stage of everyone that place actually identifies with "national" identity of the state as the stability of Somaliland is mainly maintained by the tribes or clans in that place so is better for Biixi to shut up and hold the elections as he failed to built the country.Muse Bixi:
"Dagaalku madhamaado ilaa Guusha lagaadho goobyar oo maalin wax kadhacaan maaha wax layidhaahdo waxbaa dhacay kuwaa kalena waynu gali doonaa"
"Huwanta waxaan lee yahay mar haddaan cagahayga ku carraabi karayo waxba hay calaacalina"
So you want the conflict to turn into a clan war between HJ and Dhulbahante?? is that what you want to give to your ordinary folks an endless war while you sit there in your home in the US comfortably ??? man fear Allah swtI’ll never forgive Harti elders for stopping the victorious Harti army at Oog. What a tremendous error in judgement. This is the result.
His false sense of bravado is intended for his kinsmen watching and those he took to Oog and QorilugudAll talk and he won't dare to take army into a worthless war or else his govt might fall quickly as we aren't yet on the stage of everyone that place actually identifies with "national" identity of the state as the stability of Somaliland is mainly maintained by the tribes or clans in that place so is better for Biixi to shut up and hold the elections as he failed to built the country.
HJ this time aren't dumb to listen to him to go to a war against their tol for political reasons but it may happen if Dhulbahante leaders took Biixi words seriously and started provoking HJHis false sense of bravado is intended for his kinsmen watching and those he took to Oog and Qorilugud
He will go to war on the back of HJ. That's if they don't know better. HA majority envoy went to give the kiss of blessing
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This old man is living in fantasy world like where do the youths in SL want to join the poorly organized corrupt armyMore threats
"Ninkii dagaalka gala yidhaahdaw dagaal waa laga dhargin doonaayee ku bushaarayso"
"Ninkii dagaal doonaya waa laga dharginayaa, ninkii nabad doonaya nabadaa lala wadayaa"
Bixi has been trying to provoke Dhulbahante into war. He was expecting a reaction and a chance to reignite a war. He won't get it but will possibly still go along with his war plan.HJ this time aren't dumb to listen to him to go to a war against their tol for political reasons but it may happen if Dhulbahante leaders took Biixi words seriously and started provoking HJ
Bixi has been trying to provoke Dhulbahante into war. He was expecting a reaction and a chance to reignite a war. He won't get it but will possibly still go along with his war plan.
It was just him testing the waters and getting the other side to strike first. But Dhulbahante are willing to strike if the other side strikes first.
Seems like they're falling right into his trap but this man is just a civilian official not the actual clan elders whose speech weight more whatever the come out from khaatumo menBixi has been trying to provoke Dhulbahante into war. He was expecting a reaction and a chance to reignite a war. He won't get it but will possibly still go along with his war plan.
It was just him testing the waters and getting the other side to strike first. But Dhulbahante are willing to strike if the other side strikes first.
If they do it will be one of the maddest qabil war in Somali territories for over 30 years kkkThey are trying to provoke themselves into war, SSc has to expand or wither away. They haven't got the courage yet, maybe they'll get desperate soon.
Bixi will benefit a lot from another war. It's in his main interest to go to war.They are trying to provoke themselves into war, SSc has to expand or wither away. They haven't got the courage yet, maybe they'll get desperate soon.
And he will be deposed when it turns into qabil warBixi will benefit a lot from another war. It's in his interests to go to war.
Bixi will benefit a lot from another war. It's in his main interest to go to war.