Museveni violates South Sudaneese

Wallahi, I thank Allah everyday for my hairless, tall, smooth skin and long neck Nilote genetics. Allah forbid I be a hairy, short, rough skinned, short-necked MENA. Allah forbid.


Nilotics have a shit frame though. And I thought Middle eastern are mixed with all kinds of things, they are not pure as Horn Africans, Horn Africans are not mixed with them. same goes for Nilotics who range from being 30-40% Bantu/Central Africans.

greyhound stone

The Boss💎
Nilotics have a shit frame though. And I thought Middle eastern are mixed with all kinds of things, they are not pure as Horn Africans, Horn Africans are not mixed with them. same goes for Nilotics who range from being 30-40% Bantu/Central Africans.
Bro horn africans are a mix of mena and proto nilotes. The only thing that's slightly different from habshea is recent omotic and southern Arabian admixture. Its small as well. Nilotes sht frame was kinda passed onto us :dead: :mjcry:
Bro horn africans are a mix of mena and proto nilotes. The only thing that's slightly different from habshea is recent omotic and southern Arabian admixture. Its small as well. Nilotes sht frame was kinda passed onto us :dead: :mjcry:

MENA are mixed with Indians, Nilotics, Anatolian and Bantu (recent). Horn Africans don't have shit frame as nilos, maybe some Somalis.
Stop the cap, waryaa. I've seen plenty of suugo legged Xabashis.

Average Ethio is short due to diet (less mean or milk) and malnutrition for centuries thanks to feudalism, it managed to reduce the height of Ethiopians. Eritreans are slightly taller.

You cannot deny that Ethiopians are stronger than the average Horner.

greyhound stone

The Boss💎
Average Ethio is short due to diet (less mean or milk) and malnutrition for centuries thanks to feudalism, it managed to reduce the height of Ethiopians. Eritreans are slightly taller.

You cannot deny that Ethiopians are stronger than the average Horner.
Your right and wrong. No habashi niggas can beat somali. You guys are the weakest and short. Being slim doesn't equal weak. But yeh Eritreans are taller and that's facts


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Average Ethio is short due to diet (less mean or milk) and malnutrition for centuries thanks to feudalism, it managed to reduce the height of Ethiopians. Eritreans are slightly taller.

You cannot deny that Ethiopians are stronger than the average Horner.

I wasn't talking about height but that several Xabashis can have that lanky, elongated physique you see with Nilotes. I've seen it all over the Horn. And no, I've never noticed that "Ethiopians" are stronger. More robust looking in the face at times for sure but hey, Somalis have whooped Xabashis many times in warfare:

The Ethiopian Emperor Menelik's Somali expedition, consisting of an army of 15,000 men, made a deep push into the vicinity of Luuq in Somalia. However, his troops were soundly defeated by the Sultanate of the Geledi, with only 200 soldiers returning alive and were heavily traumatized.

Even the Ethio-Somali war and the Adal-Abyssinian war seemingly would've gone bad for you cousins of ours if it wasn't for foreign interventions like the Soviets and Portuguese respectively.

greyhound stone

The Boss💎
I wasn't talking about height but that several Xabashis can have that lanky, elongated physique you see with Nilotes. I've seen it all over the Horn. And no, I've never noticed that "Ethiopians" are stronger. More robust looking in the face at times for sure but hey, Somalis have whooped Xabashis many times in warfare:

The Ethiopian Emperor Menelik's Somali expedition, consisting of an army of 15,000 men, made a deep push into the vicinity of Luuq in Somalia. However, his troops were soundly defeated by the Sultanate of the Geledi, with only 200 soldiers returning alive and were heavily traumatized.

Even the Ethio-Somali war and the Adal-Abyssinian war seemingly would've gone bad for you cousins of ours if it wasn't for foreign interventions like the Soviets and Portuguese respectively.
Wallahi tell em these niggas can't compete with we been wooping there asses for centuries until western daddy saved the day.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
MENA are mixed with Indians, Nilotics, Anatolian and Bantu (recent). Horn Africans don't have shit frame as nilos, maybe some Somalis.

Most modern MENAs are still like 80-90%+ descended from their pre-historic ancestors like the Natufians, Iberomaurusians, Iran-HGs, Caucasus HGs and Anatolian HGs. Just that they are now a mixture between these groups rather than nearly "pure" Natufian or Anatolian HG or what have you. But this mixing started happening as early as the Neolithic and really set in by the Chalcolithic like with Chalcolithic Iranians.
Most modern MENAs are still like 80-90%+ descended from their pre-historic ancestors like the Natufians, Iberomaurusians, Iran-HGs, Caucasus HGs and Anatolian HGs. Just that they are now a mixture between these groups rather than nearly "pure" Natufian or Anatolian HG or what have you. But this mixing started happening as early as the Neolithic and really set in by the Chalcolithic like with Chalcolithic Iranians.

Natufians are about 12% Anceint EA-related. Horn Africans are not mixed with Natufians per se, they are just the two oldest farmers they could find in the middle east. Also don't Iberomaurusians have about up to 45% Anicent NA, which is basically Niger-Congo (mostly) with minor Nilotic.

x z

±somali supremacist, anti-inceI&queen in the north
I don’t know why people shame dark skin, it’s so effeminate to do so. Might aswell share your hooyos Diana cream whilst you’re at it
Im darkskin but south sudanese and nilotics make me lighter in comparison 😂😂. They are unique people, same as somalis, you can spot them from kilometer away ( literally due to their height ).

I suspect that somalis are also getting darker much to demise of our ceerin bredren here ( Solariums are available around the year, no excuses to get darker).

UV radiation correlates directly with skin colour.


Somalia is included.


Based on environmental factors, ideally for he all of us would be dhuxulyaal. Average somali in SOMALIA ( diaspora are lighter, lack of sun etc) is heading there. D


Embrace the future, ilmahiina dhuxulyaal ee noqodoonaan, I am already headed there:trumpsmirk:

Your average ragtag somali militia looks like this, we are going to get darker 🙋🏾‍🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️


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Most modern MENAs are still like 80-90%+ descended from their pre-historic ancestors like the Natufians, Iberomaurusians, Iran-HGs, Caucasus HGs and Anatolian HGs. Just that they are now a mixture between these groups rather than nearly "pure" Natufian or Anatolian HG or what have you. But this mixing started happening as early as the Neolithic and really set in by the Chalcolithic like with Chalcolithic Iranians.
A guy once mentioned that he believed the Sumerians could be an Iranian type people. And it was so unique that I had to think about it for a second as I had never considered it before. What do you think about this notion?


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
A guy once mentioned that he believed the Sumerians could be an Iranian type people. And it was so unique that I had to think about it for a second as I had never considered it before. What do you think about this notion?

I actually am privvy to ancient Mesopotamian samples' results through a well-connected academic I correspond with. They'll be coming out soon. Maybe this year or in the next couple of years. They're what most assumed they'd be which is on a general cline between Bedouin-B and Iran-Chalcolithic. Bedouin-B likely represents the encroaching Semitic influence (i.e. Akkadians) from the Levant and is better represented by Jordan-Early Bronze Age to be frank whereas Iran-Chalcolithic is the more native component. The Y-DNA markers seem to be mostly G2a, J2a and J1 and they also found some R1b during the Bronze Age if memory serves me right, though probably later into the period.
I actually am privvy to ancient Mesopotamian samples' results through a well-connected academic I correspond with. They'll be coming out soon. Maybe this year or in the next couple of years. They're what most assumed they'd be which is on a general cline between Bedouin-B and Iran-Chalcolithic. Bedouin-B likely represents the encroaching Semitic influence (i.e. Akkadians) from the Levant and is better represented by Jordan-Early Bronze Age to be frank whereas Iran-Chalcolithic is the more native component. The Y-DNA markers seem to be mostly G2a, J2a and J1 and they also found some R1b during the Bronze Age if memory serves me right, though probably later into the period.
Awesome information. Thanks a bunch.